Mage Network

Chapter 1108

I don’t know when it started, and the void entered a period of real peace.

This is not only the disappearance of the war, but even the famous figures from all walks of life have slowly faded out of sight. From the ruins of the most fascinating Fa Ling, to the Supreme, to the Lord, as time goes by, only the sacred Mage is still in the sight of everyone. But unfortunately, there have been too many rookies in the past few years, and the holy land Mage has quickly been replaced by newcomers.


The name of the sacred list is constantly updated, replacing a name that everyone has never heard of.

In the same way, the leader list, the Supreme List, and the Fellow List are slowly replacing new people. Some people’s strange names, some people’s strange races, and some people’s incomprehensible abilities are on the list. In the past, Mages couldn’t know more about the upper level because of the difference in strength. The situation is a bit different now, although I still can’t understand too much, but everyone is clear about the way to go in the future.

The strong is hidden.

The rookie debut.

People from all walks of life are getting used to it day by day, but the Force outside the wall is getting worse every day.

I don’t know when to start.

They are ‘瞎’.

Once, they arranged countless pieces in the void. Now, there are fewer and fewer messages sent back by these pieces. Once, they built countless aliens in the void, laid nails, and spread special intelligence to gather intelligence. Now, these nails have been removed one by one, and they have not been able to function as ‘insert eyes’.

The organization outside the wall wants to send people down.


There will always be a group of people who will block the passage, not letting them break in, and will not let anyone destroy this calm.

Time passes by.

What happened to the void, the Force outside the wall is getting more and more confused. I don’t remember the day when they started, they completely lost all the ‘whistle eyes’, and the big voids officially entered the era of ‘full cover’. When they finally convinced some Mage to act as their eyeliner, the results were not so good. There are very few messages that these eyeliners can bring back, most of them are just the names on the list.

The level is not equal to the combat power, and this is also understood outside the wall.

and so.

These names don’t make much sense, let alone refresh them every once in a while.

“What about the group? The ancestors have received so many benefits, and they have not played a role at all.” The wars outside the wall often gather meetings, and generally have no effect.

“The group is isolated.” The new eyeliner knows not much, and this big thing still knows.

“what happened?”

“Because of the relationship between the big practice and the frenzy, there are fewer and fewer people who need to fight. The originalization requires trust, the totem of the star needs unity, the rule requires the instrument and knowledge, and the Plane needs double repair. These all need a credibility. The companions. The members of the group do not have the kind of ‘trust’, so they are less and less cooperative.”

“Is it not more convenient?”

“In theory, yes. Actually, no. The operation of the array requires materials, strong Mage, and the seeds of genius. In today’s era, the protection of talents by the various ethnic groups is extremely strong, and the group is almost unable to launch wars and looting talents. Even Sending people to action, against the enemy may also be completely different super strong. The strength of each ethnic group has improved, and the looting action is extremely difficult to succeed.” Eyeliners know this best.

after all.

After the big practice frenzy, there is only a relatively backward race, and there is no more subtle race.

Now everyone has a ‘little tooth’.

Dead and fight together, the group is stronger and has to break the bones. It seems that there is no alliance group like this group, and no one wants to sacrifice the small one to make everyone. More importantly, there is no war now in the void. The squadron launched a war, which is equivalent to igniting a fireworks in the dark, brightening the human eye. In this case, it is strange not to provoke the siege of the Quartet.

Losing material, it doesn’t make much sense.

“What kind of blood alliance and god magic alliance?” The war party outside the wall is not an idiot, knowing that the most need is the material.

“God and Magic Alliance is very well mixed. Because of its special generation, one person has double strength, even if there is no battle, it has quite good training benefits. As for the blood alliance, it is also developing slowly. However, the blood alliance research on the star totem. The combination of many people and the Force has reached new heights. The core members of the group are working hard, but they are much less advanced than their previous status.”

“Isn’t you want to do something?”

“It’s hard, everyone. Now the void is as calm as a mirror lake. It’s a little fluctuating and attracts attention. In the chaotic period, the ancestors may still be active. Now, it is a bit of a movement and everyone is eyeing. Just a little bit. Let’s just say that everyone who is above the landlord will go back to the private Plane practice and keep watching only the void. So, there is hardly any strong activity in the void.”

“There are countless voids, and they can’t find treasures.”

“About this, it is the most ridiculous. I said that you may not believe, the forbidden land and the foreign land of the void, we have all established a ‘peace port’. The Peace Port knows, one of the plans of the Peng Peng, the big sailing plan The joint plan. Because of the existence of a peaceful port, people are more likely to find treasures. Even if a new discovery is made, people will take the lead in building a peaceful port before they develop slowly.”

“Do you want to infiltrate?”

“Difficult, too difficult. Peaceful port is a ‘membership’, with a system of adventure groups established by all ethnic groups. The group has sent people to infiltrate, but it was quickly cleared and annihilated, and now they are afraid to send people to death. In the current situation, the landlords are exploiting the forbidden land and the aliens. The Supreme are climbing the realm of the Faling, and the lords are looking for a new void and climbing the realm of the ancestral spirit. No one is idle, and idle is particularly unsightly.”

When I heard this, the war outside the wall was understood.

The group has nothing to do.

Everyone is busy.

It is certainly not a good thing to have a free time. Therefore, the squad can only follow the practice and not fight. But in this way, the void is more calm. The group that calmed to the outside of the wall had ‘snapped’ their eyes and could not see any movement.

This feeling is very bad.

If you lose control, you can intervene and slowly regain control.

Once you lose your vision, you can’t reach out and you can’t reach out.

“What advice do you have?”

“There are two options.”

“What?” Hearing two choices, the war outside the wall sent everyone a headache. Choice, this is not a good word.

“The first is to collect Force and attack the void.”

“Impossible. This is not a problem that we can’t do, but we don’t have to sacrifice like this. You may not know that it is not easy to get rid of those who are blocking the way. We have to pay a huge price. The problem is, even if we can finally win There is no gain in the results. The void is not of much value to us, we just don’t want too many people to climb up.”

“You are not trying to grab the resources of the void?”

“No, we have more.”

“There is a second one, turning a blind eye.”

“It is not a choice to turn a blind eye. We are out of control and have lost control. Is it worse if we turn a blind eye? Isn’t there a few forces in the void? We can send out the spirits and destroy some forces to warn them. Think about it, destroy what forces have the biggest impact on the void. ?”

“In theory, it is Kun Peng.” The eyeliners did not lie.


“Yes, in theory, it is.” But we feel that it is useless. First of all, we don’t know what the spirit is and how strong it is. But now the void is too calm, and any war will cause everyone’s attention. Say, usually the one with the most attention. It can be said that it is the hardest target except Mage Network.”

The war faction was silent.

Mage Network.

The last thing they want to hear is a term that is most hated.

This existence is really like a big net.

It is kept out of the void, and small fish and shrimps may be mixed in, and the big fish beast is absolutely unpredictable. Unless you’re smashing a net, you don’t want to rush over Mage Network’s ‘blocking net’. Even more hateful, Mage Network clearly has fallen into countless strong, they still insist on not retreating. Obviously there is no benefit, but it is at the forefront.

This kind of opponent, this character, the group outside the wall is also not tempered.

“You’d better have a third option. Otherwise, you have no effect on us.” Is the war outside the wall reasonable? No, don’t talk.

“Well, there is another kind. Put it in and put it in your territory.”

“Are you kidding?”


“You know that this is impossible.”

“You adults, what you know inside: there is only one way left. Or, you don’t know anything about the void. Or, let the controllable number come in, and then use what you think is feasible to dig out the information. Even, the policy is I use it myself.” Eyeliners are really sincere. They don’t know much about things, but their ambitions are not small.

In order to hug the thighs of Force outside the wall, they dared to think of anything and dare to do anything.

Selling a vain companion?

Well, no pressure.

“We have more than we have to say, and there are still many forces. Some of them like peace and don’t mind sharing. If you let people in, we may not be able to win.” The war outside the wall also has its own considerations.

In the final analysis, they are not the ones that cover the sky.

I heard this explanation.

“Also, you will put less. Just a batch, or a hundred people. This number of people, even if they can not get it, can be pegged. Once you reach your site, you must have a variety of ways to pinch them, right? Even if someone protects them, you can fair play, take the opportunity to control, is it?” Eyeliners are actively suggesting.

“Well… we will think about it, you should go back and try to collect the information we need.”

“Yes, everyone.”

Another meeting is over. This time, it was somewhat rewarding. It was not as white as it used to be.

At this time, the war party outside the wall is still thinking.

Consider the feasibility of this approach.

The eyeliners who want to hold the thighs return to the nameless land of the void, and no one can find where they are. In the void, the more energy, the easier it is to create a different environment. In extreme cases, the weaker the energy, the more likely it is. In contrast, places where energy is less and not empty are often left unattended, and even the void itself seems to have been forgotten.

This place is absolutely unattended.


This time, the new eyeliners outside the wall saw a large group of people: Great Curse, the white horse, the elders, the one, the elder, the mountain, the big copper , the eight-eye silver sheath, and the rumored undefeated Dagan Luo.

“Welcome back, traitors, we have been around for a long time.”

But anyone can feel his anger.

Can burn the anger of the sky.

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