Mage Network

Chapter 1110

The reverse osmosis of the void begins and everything returns to normal orbit again.

In the co-ordination of the elders and the shackles of the elders, the squats of the squats, the squats, the squats, the squats, the squats, the shackles, the shackles, the shackles, the shackles, the shackles荩 庹 庹 啥蓟岣枰恍┖ 啥蓟岣枰恍┖ 啥蓟岣枰恍┖ 孀殴 孀殴 孀殴 孀殴 孀殴 孀殴 旱 旱 旱 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼 嚼

I don’t know when it started, and the traitors of Gaochun began to mix their heads.


They also gathered some admirers around them.

Gao Hao has no doubts, because they have become stronger because of the ‘give gifts’ gift from the war outside the wall. As long as there is strength in the void, there is no shortage of worshippers. Even their status in the family has greatly improved. In recent times, Gao Song has repeatedly followed the acquaintance of the プ プ プ 厦 嵌 嵌 嵌 嵌 挥 挥 挥 裁 裁 裁 裁 蛭唠 筇 瘢 瘢 瘢 瘢

Borrow a ‘fit’ opportunity.

Gao Wei led a group of rookie elites to explore treasures, and it is not a coincidence to ‘accidentally’ a group of empty yuan beasts.


More than 100 people in the entire squad were transferred to the unknown places by ‘swallowing’, and the sorghum was escaping. In the family of the returning family, the accountability of other alliances, the sinister 湟 湟 鑫 鑫 carboxy cin cin cin cin cin cin 湛 羧 耐 耐 耐 铩 铩 铩 铩 铩 铩 铩 铩 铩 铩 铩 谛 谛 谛 谛 谛 谛 谛ジ静闶闶裁

Temporarily detained, but Gao Min’s heart is cold.

Looking at the gentleman’s vertebrae, phlegm, hunting, 谙耄涸俣嘌 ∠ ∠ ∠ 僭缬 僭缬 僭缬 惶彀 惶彀 惶彀 惶彀 悴 悴 悴

At this moment.

The war party outside the wall also received a gift. Of course, they did not immediately start, but focused on monitoring. Then, it took less than a year to dig up all the secrets. The information that the whole team knew, the wars outside the wall were all obtained, and these people were worthless. The war outside the wall does not need to be shot, and some of the teams are slightly instructed. This group of people can’t get along and can only hide in their own private Plane.

Because the environment is different.

The voided group is like a fish thrown to the shore, and it can be mixed.

during this time.

In the void, there are more than a dozen teams that have encountered the emptiness of the beasts, and most of them have been swallowed and disappeared. Some of these teams are led by Gao Wei and others, and some are attracted by them. Just provide some treasure maps, or clues from ancient ruins, these groups will be fooled…not to say who is who, but it is fooled.


Because of the big frenzy of the void, more and more good hands appear.

Therefore, there are more and more admirers of sorghum and other ‘successful people’ and more and more plans are being carried out. The war outside the wall received a group and a group, all of which were not high in the community, and they did not care. After all, the degree of Force, can’t turn over the big waves… No, the ripples can’t afford it. Because of the smooth schedule, they can collect a lot of information.

“You have done a good job.”

“Thank you for your adults.” Gao and others once again saw that they have already won an ancient weapon.

Very strange.

These ancient instruments are exactly the same, all of which are similar weapons. There is no difference in power, but the effect is far from great. Gao Wei and others naturally do not ask, there are good things to start with, let’s say that its utility is not bad, the power is unchanged.

“We found something that didn’t go well.”

“Please tell me adults.”

“These Mage Forces introduced are not very high and they don’t know much.”

“The void is also eligible to be restricted,” Gao said.

“We understand that we also heard from them. Force is not high, it is easier to induce intelligence, and the value is limited. Next time, I hope that you will lure some more powerful characters. For example, the level of Failing dominates.” The members of the war faction are full of confidence because they have been too smooth in the near future.

“Those people… are you not dangerous to you?” Gao Yan asked.

“No, we didn’t fight with anyone. We didn’t easily start with the Mage coming in, saving the attention of other forces. There are a lot of weapons and techniques in our place that are suitable for deception, and it is much simpler to deal with the weak. You lure When the spirit of the spirit comes in, we will not fight, but we will only find ways to dig out the information.”

“I am afraid this is not easy.” Gao Hao hesitated.


“Because the emptiness of the emptiness of the law is divided into two categories. For my beast family, 腚 强 强 赖 赖 楸ㄗ疃唷 楸ㄗ疃唷 浯 浯 浯 俏 俏 俏 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 约 匣岬 匣岬 匣岬 匣岬徊斡胝竦 缥 宓 宓 宓 宓 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 赖 ふ呙 ふ呙 ふ呙 ふ呙 ふ呙 伲

“We also know from those people. But it doesn’t matter, these people are still dominated by the spirits, they know more intelligence.”

“Yes. About this action… Can we ask more questions?” Gao said.

“You have something to say.”

“Yes. It is like this. We lure so many people. In fact, the intelligence has also gained a lot. Do the adults suspend the plan? Or, open it again after a while? So many people enter, can the adults monitor it?”胧 Be careful to remind you to do your best for the forces outside the wall.

“We don’t have to monitor.”


“As long as we know and understand, we can let the ‘activated items’ like the instrument monitor, we don’t need to do it ourselves. Moreover, there are many people who enter us, and there are many newcomers born in the country. This number of people, even if it is a hundred million times more leisurely. We understand what you mean. You are worried about leaking your identity and want to enter our site, right?”


“I won’t let you work in vain. We will pay the corresponding rewards, and we won’t deceive you. In this case, on average, you will lure the ten batches of teams into the whole world. We will allow you to enter and provide certain Resources and place of residence. After that, we will give you three more opportunities to ask for help, and the rest will have to work hard.”

“Yes… Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Gao Wei and others are satisfied, super satisfied.

Although it is entering the unknown world.

However, they blindly believe that there will be better.

Because the plan was smooth, they only completed the task in two or three years. During this period, a new batch of Mage has joined, which has become a new eyeliner for the war outside the wall. I have to say that the phrase that interests are moving is correct. The war outside the wall learned from the intelligence that as long as it is willing to pay the price, it is easy to find the eyeliner in the void.

after all.

The tide of practice is not something that everyone can keep up with, and some people need shortcuts.

Gao Hao completed the last mission.

Before leaving, he stole a lot of resources from the beasts and almost emptyed the storage of the beasts. In addition, he also shot and killed some of the rookies in the family who usually did not look good. It can be said that he not only did things, but even the back road of the Zongzi ethnic group was broken.

However, he does not care.

He doesn’t care about anyone except himself, including parents and children.

Finished it all.

Gao Song was only proud to leave, followed the messengers of the war outside the wall to another unknown area.

“Good dear, I am a singer, this time I will lead you.” The messenger outside the wall claimed to be a scorpion, and the face was polite, but the eyes could not hide his pride. Unfold a circle of law, attract the attention of the Void Beast, and then miss the cast, and squat to the place where the Void Beast guards: “Remind everyone, don’t change now.”

“Yes.” All the people answered, and they couldn’t help but protect themselves.

“This is not my own malicious, and you have two troubles underneath. One is to attack our people without any reason. They will monitor too much energy fluctuations. If they exceed a certain level, they will pay attention. If the investigation is us, They are absolutely malicious attacks. With my strength, avoiding it is OK, and you can take it with you.” Yuan Zhen did not know if he had blown himself. Anyway, he stopped a group of people.

Gao Hao and others immediately relaxed and did not dare to come.

“Furthermore, this kind of emptiness is also troublesome. The more powerful we are, the more they catch up. Now I am using them to avoid them. You may be alarmed by your efforts. Don’t do anything, Just follow me.” Yuan Zhen did not explain the reason, but soon the channel is already in front.

At this point, things have been successfully completed.

Take another step.

The new world is open.

At this time, Gao Wei and others are very proud. There is no hindrance, no accidents, no troubles, and everything goes smoothly. Passing through the transfer point of the emptiness of the emptiness of the beast, the channel behind it is also closed once and closed, and even the pursuit of the soldiers may be cut off.

Very unexpected.

The new world is an endless dust cloud covering the stars.

It has unimaginable energy.


It is very gentle.

Unlike the emptiness of energy, this place is like a hotbed of all things. Regardless of energy or matter, they all have a mild feeling of harmlessness of humans and animals. This is not an illusion. Sorghum and others can feel that these substances and energy are the most suitable things to practice, better than any kind of energy and materials.

“You can give it a try. You are safe here.” Yuan Zhen indicated.

Everyone said, and reached out and touched.


Gao Yan and others changed their faces, and they found out that these dusts could not be broken down.

“this is……”

“Well, yes, this is the smallest unit of the void and the foundation of our domain. They are naturally generated, naturally assembled, naturally forming matter, and even the planet.” Yuan Zhen explained and led the crowd to transmit, like The tour guide guides visitors.

it’s here.

They have seen a whole new world.

“…If you can’t understand, think about the gods. In our country, any living planet is equal to the gods. We have a natural environment that never ruins, and we have the purest, gentlest, most sucking The raw energy. We don’t need to rob anyone, we have the best things ourselves. But there is limited space, it will grow, but it grows very slowly. So we have to restrict access. Now, welcome you to be ours One member.” Yuan Zhen smiled, there is still a kind of ‘this is the reward for you’.

“Here… we have a name here?” Gao Song changed her mouth to be here.

“The ancestors called the endless void “the dust of the world”, meaning the place under the cloud of the void. And we are naturally…dusty!”

“Hey.” Gao Wei and others exclaimed.

This expression made Yuan Hao very satisfied and very useful.


The people swam in a circle with excitement and then returned to their rewards. Although it is the master of the rule, but also has great merits, but each person is only a small broken star. Overall, it is just like a small island. But everyone is very satisfied, as if there is an island that is enough.

Say goodbye to the team and associate communications.

Enter the island.

Open your own unique guardianship, and sorghum is completely crazy. In this small place, he can do everything he wants, and people outside the circle can’t know. The instrument he received, the material he stole, everything is his own.

Step into the private shrine.

Gao Xiao’s laugh suddenly stopped.

There are guests here.

Great Curse, the white horse, the elders, the elders, the @old, and even their own original leader…the gentleman lives

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