Mage Network

Chapter 1107

In the void, the Mana rank always represents power and does not represent combat power.

Ability is ability.

Combat power is the power of war.

Both have very different meanings.

After watching Tang Shidao’s demonstration, the masters of the scene understood one thing: the ‘fingership is God’ in the realm of the ancestors is a kind of ability, not representing individual combat power. Without this ability, you can’t be a ancestral spirit if you have more combat power. This is not a joke. There are two examples of Zen and Mad God. Their ranks are not necessarily high, but the combat power is bursting.

At this moment.

The masters found another strange coincidence.

Holy Land, Lord, Supreme.

Faling, ancestral spirit.

The field of independence of the Holy Land is similar to that of Failing. The former is something that is independent of Mana, which can be independent of the deity.

The private Plane of the landlord has similarities with the life universe of the ancestral spirit.

Private Plane, the universe of life.

Only one of them does not live, and one activates differently. From the prototype, both are the same foundation.

Think of it here.

The masters can’t help but fly thinking: Does the Supreme have a corresponding level?

Is the ancestral spirit the highest?

“Excuse me, Mr. Emperor, is there any level above the level of the ancestors?” When the people were silent, the engraver as an acquaintance asked.

“I don’t know, Mr. Weng. Just now I said, I am not an ancestral spirit. I can ‘find things as gods’ because I have the creation of the gods and infinite magic, plus the great life skills, I can completely simulate the ancestral spirits. Ability. I don’t know if there is any grade up, because I don’t even have ancestral spirits,” Tang Shidao explained.

At this time, the masters have also tasted a message: Although the emperor is not an ancestral spirit, he can display the ancestral power.

Put another word.

It is inevitable that the emperor will reach the ancestral spirit in the future, because he has found the road ‘successfully’.

“So, the creation of the cloud map… Do the old predecessors have any new ideas?” Weng Wen asked again.

“Mr. Weng Weng, they are not ‘people’ are not sure. I entered the creation of the cloud map, what I saw and heard is likely to be like browsing the sea of ​​books, the things you meet may not be true, but also my imagination. You They are all masters, you can understand the illusion of consciousness. Because I am close to the level of the ancestral spirit, I can resonate with the creation of the cloud. I am not an ancestral spirit, how to perceive the ancestors.”

“It turns out that I am embarrassed.” Weng Weng understands as soon as he hears it.

A master also knows.

If the level is a number, you must go to 2 to perceive 3 and go to 9 to perceive 10. People walking on the ground can only see the clouds, because the clouds cover the stars of the universe. When you enter the space beyond the clouds, you can see farther and more.

“Mr. Emperor, what is the role of God as a thing?” Wu Jie is also an acquaintance, bluntly asked.

“Do you think the universe of life is very weak?”

“This… can’t be very powerful.” The witch ring said frankly.

“Yes? It is not surprising that you will have this idea. After all, this is a brand new thing. Let me just talk about it. If you understand it, you will see yourself. First of all, the result of pointing to God is very good among the landlords. The Supreme is just a leisure time, and Fa Ling is even more out of the baby’s adult level. At first glance, the life universe is very weak, right?”

“Yeah.” Everyone responded because it didn’t feel strong.

“I just said that the object is God’s arbitrarily designated, down to the flowers and trees to the sun, the moon and the stars. Similarly, the life universe itself. As long as the energy is enough, the ancestors can completely activate a Plane universe. With this foundation What did everyone think of?” Tang Shidao asked.

Everyone was silent and his face was blank.

at this time.

Everyone has the same answer: the universe.

“The smallest unit in magic is the Fireball Technique of 1 point. The largest unit is the magic spell of the gods, the black hole, and the annihilation of the three types of magic. The basic unit of the universe is the Plane world, with the highest limit and the largest expansion. If the universe of life activates the universe itself It has the same super-basic unit as the universe. On the other hand, the birth of a dragon is a young dragon, and the birth of a new life is a ‘spirit.’

When I heard this, all the masters trembled.

That’s right.

I will be wrong.

The strength of the life universe does not consider the upper limit, but considers the size of the base unit. In the race of life, the dragon fertility dragon has been called the upper layer. But what about the life universe? The flower becomes a flower god may be weak, but the sun becomes a sun god. Even the deification of the entire Galaxy, the deification of the entire Plane.

The height of this basic lower limit is likely to exceed the extent of the universe.

After all, the size of the life universe is not fixed.

“Let’s say a little more. We all know that the Fireball Technique is the weakest attack magic, but in our hands, it can easily kill the Supreme Mage. The flowers and trees of the life universe can be referred to as gods, birds and beasts, mountains and lakes, and clouds. Thunder, the sun, the moon and the stars all have the same effect. If the energy is enough, the flowers and trees of the entire life universe and the sun, moon and stars are all gods, what will happen?” Tang Shidao continued.

At this moment, the masters were shocked.

I can’t imagine it when I am young.

The most rude understanding of calculation: If every planet in the universe is a god, such a world…

The masters have not dared to think about it anymore.

To know.

The god is only its basic unit, just like a mortal baby. Considering the growth rate and the upper limit of growth, the gods are definitely much higher than human babies. If the universe of life is minimal, it is similar to a world leader. However, if it is the highest level, it can be the highest height of the Supreme 9 with one grass and one stone.

A ‘consumed’ life universe, its power can not imagine, the sea of ​​source energy is weaker than the dead wind.

“The simplest understanding is that the universe of life is the world of countless ‘Fa Ling’. Within it, a flower and a grass can be cultivated to our extent. You have seen the transformation of magical materials. They were born. I believe that it is stronger than when we were born. Anything is above them, probably only Yuanzu Yuanling.” Tang Shidao indicated that 30 new ancestors were standing upright.

They are not yet sensible.

However, with the energy of a bounding master and a small amount of Innate Skill knowledge, they can perceive who is standing around. If a group of lambs stand around the tiger, their nature knows not to move.

Such an explanation.

The masters have understood…the ancestors, who created the ancestors of the gods, and created the ancestors of the highest blood.

The term life universe should not be used as a whole definition, but as its minimum and most basic definition. If you distinguish by level, Mage uses Fireball Technique as the smallest unit, and Zuling is the smallest unit of life universe. In other words, the ancestors already have the ability to create the universe. Of course, there is no immortal property of the void of the universe.

Suddenly, the masters woke up.

This has nothing to do with Force.

This is another world… a world beyond the creator of Force.

Integrate Force, knowledge, life, and even include Innate skills and skills. It’s like everything you’ve learned, everything you’ve done, everything you’ve developed is a collection, and you can copy it yourself and give it to you with your own hands.

Is it difficult?

Hard, not difficult.

The hard part is to turn the whole life universe into a god.

It’s not difficult for you to get started. If you practice the magic, you can set sail.

This road is long, far away, and even infinitely far away. However, this is a must. The sacred to the supreme is a kind of harvest, and the fascin is beginning to be a kind of sharing, and the more sharing, the stronger the sharing. People who are not suitable, stay in the wall. Adapted people, get out of the wall. This kind of direction is not because of who is customized, but the previous method has been ‘slow’.

Slow, backward, and backward are naturally eliminated.

“Tell everyone another advantage: the fingers are God’s correspondence with the fate of the landlord, and these new gods are born with a faith effect.” Tang Shidao does not need to be too clear to understand, the masters understand.

Believers can be ‘taxed’.

In the void, except for a very small number of people who have not done so, most of the gods have taxed the believers… The proceeds of the believers have to be handed over.

Born to bring a faith effect.

The implication is that this faith is irresistible and may be completely recovered if it is detached.

The simplest understanding.

As long as you practice becoming an ancestral spirit and create a new group of gods in the universe of life, you can continue to become stronger after lying on the ‘tax collection’.

“The last thing, the creation of the cloud has been suggested: the ancestral spirit is the name of us, just like the title. The life universe itself has another name, the name is called ‘boundary spirit’. It is related to the activation of magic’s ‘Fa Ling ‘Correspondence, why do you want to understand the spirits? I want to remind you that in the future, there may be a spirit in the void, forcibly invading. If you encounter them, please do your best.” Tang Shidao said End, it also indicates that everyone can be dispersed.

Although the last warning was some.

However, the masters did not reveal their fear.

Ability is ability.

Combat power is the power of war.

Maybe everyone does not have the ability of the ancestral spirit, but the combat power is absolutely not empty. The emperor said that he was doing what he could, and that this kind of ‘spiritual spirit’ was not impossible to fight, but it needed to be handled with care. Moreover, after the big practice frenzy, the masters also foresee the ‘uncomfortable’ of the Force outside the wall. Invading the wall outside the army, this is a matter of mind.


Some of the lords are still eager to try, and are trying to find a level of trial.

The ancestral spirit is not easy to climb.

It is possible that a spirit can better understand the prototype of the living universe against a spirit. Since there are no formal grading outside the wall, they are also very few successful people, and most people are still groping.

“Mr. Emperor, will you go to the battlefield?” Suddenly, the crowd slowly dissipated.

But I don’t know who asked.

Tang Shidao turned back.

Smile: “Not for the time being. Compared to the battlefield, I now prefer to wander around the creation of the cloud. After all, some things are still unknown. I am going to explore. I believe it is easier to explore than you. If I want to go to the battlefield, I must do things. After completing a paragraph, it will be publicly explained before going.”

“Thank you.” The crowd thanked him.

They know in their hearts who the emperor’s stay is for.

After the big practice.

The light inside the wall has already begun to appear, but it is not the moment when the sun is shining… everyone still needs to work hard.

adhere to.

Going one step further, that is when the sun shines.

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