Mage Network

Chapter 1106

The quantitative change is qualitative change, and the force change is the heart change.

A poor man suddenly became a rich man, a soldier suddenly became a general, a prince suddenly landed in the emperor, they will become another kind of person. The body does not change, but the spirit of the spirit must change. In the ordinary world, people are not only knowledgeable and upright, but also wealth and fame. In the Mage world, there is only one thing that makes people stand upright: Force!

During the period of major training, the powers of all walks of life continued to improve their strength.

Force rises.

Slowly, the mindset will naturally change. In the past, even if they knew the outside of the wall, Force rarely mentioned it. Because of lack of strength, there is no confidence in speaking. Today, this situation is slowly changing. Scarecrow, Olympus, Zen Nine, Mad God, the original Taichu, the Great Nine, the Great Quebec, Eternal, and Ji Huang, these names are constantly being mentioned.

In the past, Zhaizu was almost a forbidden word, but now it is everyone’s tea, chewing every day.

Emperor, Bai Shengnan, Wu H, Mage Network team, three swords.

Queen of the Stars.

Element queen.

These names are constantly being mentioned, just like ordinary people talking about the star idols in their minds, and there is no scruples in the past. Of course, this is not to say that everyone is arrogant and arrogant. This is a state of mind transition, because of the soul to change the mind. In addition, group effects are also a factor.

When the world has only two fish, big fish and small fish.

Small fish will be extremely afraid of big fish, basically it is to flee.

When the world has a hundred fish.

The fish are still afraid of big fish, but not so scared.

When the world has 100 million fish.

Small fish will ignore the existence of big fish.

As the major emptiness of Mage grows stronger, their overall ‘confidence’ will become stronger and stronger. In particular, the Faling grading, the masters compete for the first, the kind of ‘growth’ is seen in everyone’s eyes. Regardless of whether you are a trilogy or not, when you see that the power of the masters of their own voids has turned several times and several times, you feel the same.

More critically, the spread of some examples spread.


Some of the emptiness of the emptiness of the lord of the lord of the squad were overwhelmed, and some forbidden land that was difficult to walk was conquered and explored, and some mysterious shores where the masters could not stay were occupied. Such an example shows the public, people often feel the same.

Progress is the easiest thing to see.

In the midst of the tide.

Everyone can feel the changes around them. Not only their own changes, their loved ones, friends, strangers, enemies, everything they see and hear are the most straightforward explanations. At the same time, Kuangpeng’s sacred list, the elite list, the supreme list, the spiritual list is also defining everything. Whoever progresses, who slows down, whoever jumps and who falls, all the information is clear.

“Have you heard that?”


“Zhang Peng recently established an ‘ancestor list’.”

“Zulong? What?”

“I don’t know, no one knows, because no one is currently on the list. It may be that Pengpeng has not officially listed, or no one is willing to record it. In short, this list is still empty. There is a gossip saying that the ancestral word Characters may be in line with this list, and Faling will not do it.”

“Faling and ancestral spirits, is it a high and low division?”

“No, I believe that it is a new step. Just like 100 million Mana is equal to the holy world. The holy world is equal to the world. The scholars suspect that the ancestral spirit is the highest limit of the spiritual level. There may be 100 million. Faling is equal to the new rank of 1 ancestral spirit. However, every new realm requires certain conditions. The sacred world needs the domain, the lord needs the private Plane, the supreme needs the only magic, the faculty needs to activate the magic, what the ancestors need “”

“So, the ancestors are not qualified?”

“There may be something missing. They should have qualified early, but the conditions that the ancestors need may not have been made yet.”

“When Peng is really chaotic, can it be defined like this? In doing so, it will not be recognized outside the wall.”

“Do we need them to admit it?”


“Hey, the big voids are not what they used to be. They admit it, don’t admit it. We can really do it. What do you think outside the wall? Although I have not touched them, I deliberately deceive us and deliberately misled us. Deliberately restricting us, we don’t need their recognition. I want to go to Pengpeng, the ancestral list must have requirements, I want to know what the conditions are. If it is 100 million faling plus, I… Not now, but it is possible to get to the list in the future.”

“Slow down, go with you.”

A new message came out.

The big voids are once again bustling.

A heavier blow, the original Taichu statement for this appearance: “Really, there is also the concept of ‘ancestor’ outside the wall. However, there are militant peace factions outside the wall. The concept of the ancestral spirit is proposed by the peace, so some people It is not recognized. Moreover, the prerequisites of Zuling are difficult to define, and it is difficult to unify opinions outside the wall. If we can lead the structure one step, um, it is also a good thing.”

In this passage, all the tyrannical powers are like chicken blood.

Today’s time.

Because of the big practice and frenzy, the level list dominated by Failing has already played the dog’s brain. Especially for the first echelon, a new name may appear in the list. However, this competition also has fatigue limits. If you are not the first echelon, you will want to be on the list once you die. In contrast, if you go to the list several times, you will feel tired after another fight.

One hundred million activated Falings, this level has not been able to reach the first echelon.


Haoqiang, who was on the list early, began to lose momentum.

Now they need a new goal.

“We don’t listen to anything, please let the person Tang Shidao come out to speak. We want the answer, the concept is what he proposed, and he definitely knows what.”

“Let the emperor come out.”

“Do not listen to nonsense, let Tang Shidao speak up.”

As soon as the ancestral list was put forward, the tyrants from all walks of life gathered together. They don’t care what the staff explains, it doesn’t matter if they open the list. They just want a definition. There are countless people in the 100 million Farings who have been satisfied. If they are not satisfied, they can actively add. But what are the conditions of the ancestral spirit, this must have a reliable character description.

The Emperor may not be convincing, but at least it is better than no one.

“After nine days, Mr. Tang will come over and explain.”

“Okay, we are waiting.”

Xiao Peng’s old club informed Xiao Jin and Xiao Jin informed Tang Shidao. After getting a reply, the old club gave everyone a reply.

Nine days later.

Tang Shidao came over as scheduled.

“Don’t ask, don’t talk, don’t make a fuss.” Tang Shidao came back and let everyone calm down. Use magic to expand a picture, and then say: “In the recent years, everyone must be weird. I went to a place where my emperor went to mold. I will look at a picture first, and then think about it.”

Everyone held their breath.

The screen plays.

After a few seconds, everyone was paralyzed. The picture is very simple, the emperor walks into a sea of ​​clouds, walks into an ordinary small village, and approaches a group of ordinary people. These old people have human beings, orcs, demons, and spirits. Tang Shidao talked to them, playing chess, drinking tea, and even singing songs occasionally, just like a fool.

There was no talk in the presence of a master.

They have not seen this place, but I can imagine where it is.

The Emperor… There are very few people in the emptiness that can enter the original jurisdiction alone. The original jurisdiction is the outside world. In other words, the Emperor once passed through the creation cloud map. This place does not have to guess, one hundred percent is the inside of the creation cloud.

Is there anyone inside the Genesis Cloud?


Have live birds live fish live rice?

“You don’t have to think about it, I’m not sure that these things are not true.” Tang Shidao is not true. It should be said that some but not all of them are: “The ancestral level is not what I said, nor what I think, I don’t. I know, I have heard it. From where I heard it, everyone has already seen it. The creation of the cloud map is what it tells me.”

“…” The masters present were still silent, but the heart was bursting.

“A few years ago, I asked Xiaopeng to set up a list of the spirits. Originally, I thought that Fa Ling was the original name of the original meaning. Who knows that when he entered the creation of the cloud, he was educated: No. The original name, it is called ‘Life Fa Ling’ The abbreviation is the law spirit. There is nothing wrong with the level of the law, the number of life spirits is the standard, and the first is the first level.”

“…” The people are still silent, knowing that this is not the point.

“The current list, I believe that 100 million Farings can’t get on the first echelon. In some respects, the law list is not up to date. So, I mixed up a few more clouds. Because of the rising strength, I know A little more. For example, a new unit of measurement.”

Everyone listened to it and stopped.


This is the point.

“Listen clearly, Fa Ling is based on the spirit of life. But the ancestral spirit is not a life ancestor. It has another name, a different name: the universe of life. The unit of measure of the ancestral level is it. The number of life universes is grade.”

“…” One of them dominates.

I don’t know the reaction at all.

I don’t understand much.

However, it seems to be just a very ordinary gadget.

“The focus of the life universe is the same as that of the life spirit. The word “life” is the focus, and it is well understood later. I would like to remind you that when you are free to control the sea of ​​the size of the Plane universe, you will be half successful. Life Universe The concept is full magic activation, full energy activation, full material activation. The source energy sea is full energy full material, no activation.”

“…” The masters were once again stunned, and they knew how difficult it was.

Half of the sea that controls a source of energy is half successful?

It doesn’t we have half of it.

“I am a perfection of Planing, perfect. But this is also half, full magic and full energy activation, but no full material activation. Of course, with my other magic, such as great life and infinite energy, plus the creation of the gods The ability, I can demonstrate the basic ability after becoming an ancestral spirit. You, feel free to give me some materials with magical energy. Not too good, there is energy.” Tang Shidao said.

The masters are naturally unruly.

They have been sent out.

Tang Shidao did not receive, only waved.


Void cracks are generated, countless energy injections, and inefficient magic materials begin to recharge. In everyone’s attention, the material begins to activate, grow, deform, and divide and reorganize… less than ten breaths before and after, and 30 new lives are born. Moreover, they belong to the ‘first ancestor’ level just like the cockroaches that were born, and they have the total energy of a world leader when they are born.

“See the ancestor.” The 30 little ancestors were completely ignorant, but the subconscious squinted at Tang Shidao.

In their minds, this title is the best match.

at this time.

All the masters in the room were shocked.

In order to obtain a new unique magic, the Supreme Devil often has experiments to cultivate new races. However, creating a small ancestor with a wave of hands is unimaginable. If this is true, the juniors still have to practice, and pray that the gift of ‘Ancestral Spirit’ is a bounds.

The scene is dead.

Tang Shidao added: “Hear it, why is it called Zu Ling? You don’t have unlimited magic, you need to pay for it. You can do it. Of course, the premise is that you have the realm of the ancestral spirit. This is the true meaning of the universe of life, anything can be For God, and you are the ancestors of God who created God and took control of God. I have not succeeded, just use other means to copy the presentation.”

Everyone has nothing to say and they don’t know what to say.

“Remind me, Genesis Cloud said to me: I don’t know how to be successful, I can think more simply. A real life universe, anything you see, including flowers and trees, birds and beasts, mountains and rivers, Storms and rains, and even the sun, the moon and the stars. As long as you want, a thought can turn it into a ‘god.’ To this extent, your life universe is the real life universe.”


“Full energy activation, full material activation, full magic activation, this is the basis of it. Specifying anything as a god, this is its extension. The life universe does not need to be very large, provided that you can completely improve it. Then tell everyone One thing. General death is resurrected, you need Failing to resurrect you. If you have a life universe, the resurrection will be simpler. For example, if you keep a hair in the universe of life, you can reset yourself from 0 to one with a thought. The extent of the boundaries.”

“…” Hearing this sentence, the masters were completely dumb.

Refers to God.

Not only refers to foreign objects, but also to yourself.

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