Mage Network

Chapter 1102

For a long time, the ancestors were the biggest behind-the-scenes of the void.

Secretly manipulate the struggles of the various tribes.

Darkly control the development of all ethnic groups.

Secretly swallowing talents of all ethnic groups.

At that time, Zhaizu completely regarded the small and medium-sized races of the big voids as toys, and whoever teased who is teasing. Even with a large race and a dominant race, there are only two choices of ‘avoidance’ and ‘join’. Choosing hostile, like a figure of an elder and a guru, is often miserable, and there is no good day even if it is not miserable.

During that period.

Yan Zu is like a sick player, who likes to play with the pieces in his hands.

just now.

Everyone heard that the ancestors were forced to choose, and the heart seemed to be so refreshing with a glass of ice water on a hot day.

no surprise.

There are evil reports.

The coolest is the same compensation mode. The way the ancestors used to tease others was now back to him. Choose one, no matter which is wrong, but you have to choose.

The more you choose, the worse the consequences.

This ‘dilemma’ is simply too suitable for the ancestors.

“Sorry, Lord, I am against you.”

Yan Zu also held a meeting, from the first to the ninety-nine, even if the dead members have new people to replace.

This meeting only talks about one thing: how to deal with Bai Laojiao?

The meeting begins.

The first objection to the objection is 蛊18. One of the most trusted people in his life is also one of the members of the ‘Xunzi Group’ who is best at government affairs and strategy, and is the current principal of the group. This time, choosing, playing or not playing are all wrong choices, there is no correct option. However, everyone is biased towards playing because ‘waiting’ will only make things worse.

“If the Lord does not come out, can we win?” The first one is the combat force, and the Scorpion is the strongest one.

“It’s very possible to see from the surface, but it’s hard to say.”

“What is the white old man still hiding?” asked one.

“I personally think… White Daddy is not crazy.” 蛊 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊But I think it is deliberately entering this state. Perhaps for the sake of blood, perhaps in order to adapt to his identity, it deliberately entered this path.”

“18, what do you mean?” The more you listen, the more confused you are.

“Ayi, I mean that Bai Laojiao may know that he is just a chess piece.”

“So, is it obedient?”

“It doesn’t have to be chosen. It should be said that the idiot feels that he has a choice. The really intelligent person knows that he has no choice. The white old man has raised to a certain extent, and it should be aware of it. However, it will not reject this benefit, nor will it Dare. It knows that once it refuses, the other party changes its target in minutes. Therefore, Bai Laojiao ‘heads down’ and it expresses its submission.”

“Does it know that you are a bait?” Frown.

“Yes, no one has ever said it, but it should know. So, its choice is… I am a bait. It is very clear about its positioning. No matter who the back is, White Daddy has only one idea: give it to me. Force, you let me be a bait, I will be a bait, you let me be the emperor, I will be the emperor. It deliberately provokes the Lord, nothing more than a reason: security.”

“What, provocation or security?” The Scorpion group was shocked.

No. 18 nod.

Everyone looked at such a serious expression, could not help but think: Do you have any misunderstanding about the word safety?

Is it going to die now?

“If it is me, I will also choose to provoke the Lord. Because the Scarecrow will pay attention to me, Zen Ji will pay attention to me, the big phoenix is ​​paying attention to me, the big IX will pay attention to me, the original will pay attention to the beginning. I. Even the original jurisdiction, the Peng Peng forces, the exploration faction, these people will pay attention to me. When all eyes are on me, I am safe.”


After listening to this passage, the whole secret hall was silent.

Everyone is silent.

Can’t refute a word.

a long time.

“18, you are not worried about the white old man, but worried about the people who secretly aid it?” The ancestors finally spoke.

“Yes, not only him, but also the original Taichu and Dakuihuang people. The Scarecrow can’t open the body, Zen Ji has his own plans, the Great IX needs to take care of the ancients, only the original Taichu and Dakuihuang are the most available. The original Taichu was the pillar of the original jurisdiction, the original jurisdiction was the neutral zone, and it had no enemies at all. The big phoenix was very busy, but because of the emperor, the Mage Network squad and the three swords, it can occasionally be lazy.”

Everyone can understand what they will do when they are lazy.

Kill the enemy.

Pulling nails… For example, the nails inside the void of the ancestors.

“Do you doubt the big phoenix?”

“Yes. The original Taichu and the big phoenix are possible, but the big annihilation is the relic of the mad god, and the big phoenix may use the most. On the other hand, the original Taichu is the pillar of the original jurisdiction, and he may intervene in the possibility of disputes. Very small. Even if the Lord has challenged him, the possibility of revenge is so small. On the contrary, Big Kuihuang may be the most likely. Before because it was not available, it was not the same. Now it is different.” Clever, almost guessed the truth.


The information is not equal, and he is smart and useless.

First of all.

Yan Zu did not tell the term “the world of nothingness”, he did not know that he could not guess. Moreover, no one knows that the Scarecrow secretly cultivates the mad god, and Tang Shidao also guessed it. Because the mad god also has a destructive body, Tang Shidao guessed that the Scarecrow ‘helped’ to go crazy. 蛊18 knows too little, and the ancestors concealed the news of his imaginary world, so he guessed more and more.

If he knows this information, I am afraid I have already guessed the truth.

“Really, Big Kui is most likely to do it, and it is the easiest to do.” Yan Zu also believes in this speculation. After all, Tang Shidao and Bai Shengnan have not grown up.

In the eyes of some people.

They have embraced the future, but they are still children.

more important.

Tang Shidao’s label of ‘Technology’ is too obvious, just like Bai Shengnan’s speed, people hear and think of the first time to pay attention to the label.

“18, if I have a way to kill the white old man, and not to be taken by the big phoenix?”

The implication is that he can’t beat the big phoenix.

However, you can die and not be caught.

“Lord, I have already expected you to do it.”

“Are you still opposed?”



“Because, if it is not the big phoenix, then … the consequences are even more terrible.” The eighteen eyes flashed a bit of coziness, and said: “If it is a person we know, even a scarecrow, the results are expected. That proof Things are at least the way we know. If not, I only think of two possibilities.”

“Which two?”

“The first one is… outside the wall.” 蛊18 words, everyone was shocked.

Think about it.

You don’t need to ask questions, you don’t have to explain more, everyone knows.

Including the ancestors themselves understand.

The body is strong, the teeth are good, and the supporters outside the wall are not at ease. Will they do this? meeting. Does he need to do this? need. Recently, the major voids have developed like crazy, and the overall strength is a new step in ten years. Naturally, the wall needs a more ‘strong’ horse. I didn’t meet their requirements, I didn’t have a charge, and I was protecting my own Force.

This naturally does not meet the interests of the wall.

“The second one?” Yanzu’s face sank, thinking that this may be very big.

“A group of people have been silent for countless years, we have never heard of people, or new forces.” 蛊18 said softly.

“What? Impossible.” I heard it immediately.

“Possibly, a similar thing happened in the void. But…” 蛊18 at this time only looked to the ancestors.


In the other’s gaze, say what you can say: “The void always has three secrets on the table. Many of them know that no one has ever dug out the truth. The first one, outside the wall. Outside the wall Force It’s a secret to the Supreme, it’s not a secret to us, but we don’t know how we are outside the wall.”

“I don’t object to this.” He nodded.

“Second, Mage Network. Everyone knows about the Mage Network. But who the creators of the Mage Network are, how many people, and what they have, we don’t know.”

“This… is also a secret.”

“The third, the icon is a mysterious organization of a sorting snake. Brothers, it… it is also…”

“You can just say it.” Yan Zu suddenly interrupted.

“Thank you on the Lord. No one in this organization has checked it out, including the Lord. I have learned some of the members from the Lord. For example, the founder of the magic machine civilization, Yuan Tianshu. For example, A space Mage, empty bone. The strongest resurrection teacher, Wu Shou. The owner of the great gods of the previous generation, the gods. The black and white ocean of the monks, Xuan Cang. The strongest magical master, once blasted genius, Iron Emperor.”

“Wait, these people are… all in one group?”

In some eras.

These people are equal to one era.

“Yes. The Lord has lost to Yuan Tianshu before. The descendants who are now committed to dealing with them are not revenge. The Lord is trying to find out what this group of people is ‘conspiring’. This is the reason for dealing with the Wu clan. Wushou is a witch. The ancestors of the clan of the clan. You understand, except for the Force outside the wall, the Mage Network suddenly emerged, and the organization of the serpent also suddenly emerged.”

“The meaning of the eighteen, now there is a new organization coming out?” I finally understood.

“Half is possible. It is a big phoenix, or it is outside the wall, or it is a new organization. The more likely these three kinds are, the more terrible it is. The big phoenix phoenix kills more, and the outside of the wall is also a crush. But the new organization, no one knows what they want to do. Maybe you didn’t pay attention, the leaders of the blood league are all the same type.”

“Abandoned ancient beast.”

“Yes. This is unreasonable. There is no race to enjoy it alone, unless it can do things that ordinary people can’t do. Blood League is cutting our flesh, it must have some way. We don’t know, blood members must know The members know, but don’t depart from the blood alliance, they say… they can’t copy that method.”

When everyone heard this, I immediately thought of my own squad… I knew something that I couldn’t copy.

This moment.

Everyone really understands: Blood League also has a secret support for Force.

Well, there may be ‘4’ unknown forces for the squad. Thinking about it, four are still good things. If it is 4 in 1, it would be terrible.

Suddenly everyone understands why the 18th is to oppose.

It is no longer a question of winning or losing.

It seems that the ancient World of Warcraft and Mage Network… is now dead.

The group is taking a wrong step.

The group will be ruined.

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