Mage Network

Chapter 1103

“If I don’t move, 18, how do you maintain the group?” Wu Zu understands the meaning of 蛊18, but ‘no choice’ is also an option. Now I will not deal with the white old man, and I will definitely endless trouble in the future. The gods and devils alliance is still a small matter, and the white old man uses the name of ‘Abandoned ancestor’, indicating that it is already qualified to compete.

This scourge is even more serious.

Like Tie’s ancestor and Jing’s ancestors, although they gave in to the squad, they actually did not really beat them.

There is no one who has a ancestral character.

“I don’t know, Lord.” He said a very unexpected word, very honest, and said: “Because I am far from that level, I can’t give advice. If you blindly say some strategies It is very likely that you will mislead the Lord. As far as I am concerned, it is better to let the White Daddy’s ‘dangerous’ be higher. It is just a chess piece. After all, it can counteract us and counter it. people.”

“Yeah.” Yanzu nodded.

For the 蛊18 ‘no way’ to provide advice, Yanzu feels very smart. I don’t know how to understand, it’s ignorant.

There is such a moment.

Yanzu wants to explain the world of nothing, provide a few clues, but think about it and give up.

Some things are still mastered by myself.

It is enough for the scorpions to know what they should know.

Follow the advice of 蛊18.

It is not necessarily a bad thing to let White Daddy leave. It seems that it is such a white-eyed wolf, and there are some achievements that definitely counteract the master. It is a bad thing for the group, and it is also a bad thing for those who fund it. The latter is more acceptable than the risk of coming out. After all, the blood of Bai Laojiao has changed, but Innate Skill is still slag.

“18, Bai Laojiao can’t cope with growing up?” Yiyi is more inclined to fight.

“will not.”

“The ancestral word is the apex. Once it grows up, the Lord can’t… Well, I don’t mean that, Lord.” He sighed quickly and apologized.

Yanzu gently shook his head.

Ignore it.

Just tell you what to explain.

“Before the prime plan, the lord is also called the apex. Now, it is no longer. Similarly, the ancestral word is used as the last word and the name of the ‘past style.’ Once the lord is not the apex, everything must be overthrown and reset. According to the habit of the void, the first word represents the meaning. More correctly, the ancestral word should be placed first.”

“18, the strength of the ancestral characters is still the culmination.”

“No, never. Ayi, those are just people’s delusions. You think about it, is the existence of Tie’s ancestor and Jing’s ancestors beat the Scarecrow? Or Oring, Zen Nine, originally too early, Who have they played? It is not a problem of losing. Against these characters, they will die. A vertex that will be killed, how can it be called a real apex.” 蛊 一 一 , , , , , , , , , 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊.

This is a fact and it is irrefutable.

The big voids have not included the Scarecrow and the Oring people in the calculations, because no one can locate how strong they are.

Therefore, the ancestral character is the apex of the vertices.

A vertex that can be truly defined.

However, everyone knows that the Scarecrow and Oring are indeed one higher level.

“Fengzu used to be the first speed. However, it is not as fast as the first Wushu Zen. Now, Zen9 himself explains that the speed is not as good as Baishengnan. It is conceivable that Baisheng male is the first speed of true meaning. I have ancestral characters, but it is not the first fastest. Brothers, do you know what Bai Shengnan is doing now? She is practicing speed.”

“…” 蛊一等人 is silent.

“The first speed, the speed of self-cultivation. The death of Arcane is not to say, Scarecrow and Zen Nine, they are practicing every day, constantly improving themselves. Imagine having a ‘vertex’ boundary ancestor. How can the characters be comparable to them? They are stronger and still struggling. The characters of the ancestors are stopping.”


After the elementary plan, the name of the big character and the ruler of the rule has been abandoned. Today, there is only the ‘Faling Dominant’. The ancestral characters are actually not qualified to put the ancestral characters at the end. They are not the last apex. This last definition has changed. “The ten works are very straightforward, even if the ancestors are listening.”

He is a military division.

He needs to give the right analysis, not to cover up the facts.

Everyone is silent.


“Zu Ling.”


“I’m not sure, I have only heard of this term from some people. The spirit of the lord is the correct full name, and the actual grade name is the spirit. The god of Arcane used the faint as the baby, so ‘Fa Ling’ It’s a new point, or a new one. Some people have mentioned the term ‘ancestor’, but obviously, they don’t like it.”

“Why?” I asked.

“The first is that they do not want the veterans of the void to know, and the second is that this definition is not certain. They all know that even the void has war and exploration. Outside the wall, there are groups that like ‘peace’.” The ancestors have said that they have enough, and they will not talk more.

At this time, Yan 18 was frowning.

The concealment of the ancestors is very bad.

Because intelligence is important, knowing a little more will be different. For example, now that there is a peaceful group outside the wall, then the White Daddy and the Blood League are likely to be involved. Of course not necessarily them, but this possibility is very high.

蛊18 did not ask.

The reason is simple.

Zhai did not want to say that questioning was useless. If he asked false information, the analysis would be even more ridiculous. The second point, the ancestors listened to the persuasion ‘do not move’ is a more insured method, there is no need to extra-budget. In the deduction of the heart of the 18th, after the elementary plan was opened, everyone was fighting for ‘skill speed’. In terms of speed of training, the group is definitely the fastest.

The White Daddy and the Blood League are proud of it again. They are temporarily “closed” and even “suddenly dead”.

The ancestors are the backbone of the squad.

If the pillars do not fall, the group will not fall.

The white old man and the blood squad are no longer happy, and the news is not as terrible as ‘the ancestor was taken away’.

“Wu Peng and the Emperor? How to deal with it?”

“They don’t care about us.”

“Why… hey, I understand.” Although he is good at fighting, he is not an idiot. The development of Kunpeng is most worried about the Force outside the wall. The rise of the emperor, he is also like the big phoenix people, what needs to be worried is not the group.

The degree is too high, but the group can instead let go.


Even if there is a relationship, it is also the participation of the ancestors, not the entire group. After all, only one of the ancestors who received the support outside the wall, only one of them. The group is maintained by one person, but not by one person.

“Well, I will wait and see for the time being.” Yan Zu did not want to be a pawn outside the wall, and he had his own thoughts inside.

It is best to do so, then act as planned.

Will the Force outside the wall be angry?

Oh, who cares.

The other party at this time, Bai Laojiao, is not surprised by the ‘no action’ of the group. I know that I am a chess piece, but I follow the rules of the chess piece and everything is in line with the intention. The exposure is too high, and it is expected that Zhaizu would not dare to move himself.

There is an idea in the heart of it: When I get stronger, I must kill the person on my head.

No one can control me.

Outside the wall, it should be the only one.


In the midst of calm, news from all walks of life has been circulated, and everyone knows the reaction of the group and sighs the endurance of the ancestors. In addition, White’s ‘ambition’ was also noticed. God’s birth is the Force of Tang Shidao, and White Daddy is only equal to a machine. The pride of its heart, Tang Shidao feels ridiculous. I am so proud, give up the subsidy, and fight for it alone.

While receiving the gift, while resentful, do you think that the whole void owes you?

“Dong Tang, what is the situation?”

Among the witches, Wu and Bai Sheng are present. Every three times, the three will gather and share their intelligence. For the arrangement of the blood alliance and the gods and devils alliance, Tang Shidao also announced two people early, everyone wants to catch the hidden pieces of the ancestors.

The abnormality of the white daddy is unexpected, but it also meets the scope of the bait.

“蛊18 persuaded.” Tang Shidao shook his head.

“Zhu Zu does not move?” Bai Shengnan is a little disappointed inside, she hopes to have a battle.


“This 蛊18 is so smart, actually chooses to be patient?” Wu H is the lord, knowing how difficult the leader’s decision is.

“He probably wants to wait for Wall outside to deal with us.”

“Isn’t the ancestors a pawn outside the wall? He didn’t listen to the words?” Bai Shengnan asked.

“No, it feels a little different, he is not as simple as the surface.”

“What happened?” Wu said strangely.

“Zhuzu’s feelings are very weird. Let’s just say this, the last time you asked for help, and the ancestors sent out the ninth assassination of Bai Laojiao. I knew this thing a little earlier, so I deliberately borrowed some of the old foxes and slashed and killed them.蛊九. It is not to guard the white old man, but to infiltrate. The scorpion group will add one for each death. This is a common example.”

“There is a pawn of the Tang dynasty group?” Wu knew it when he heard it.

“Yes, at that time, the old man would not dare to turn his face and kill the cockroach. I can only let the red foxes start, so that one can be guaranteed. One day before the scorpion group meeting, the ancestors appeared, but not him, just one I have activating sputum. Because the big replacement surgery is not too arrogant, I am not 100% sure. I feel that ancestors are a very unintentional person, and everything needs the opinions of others.”

“It seems unlikely, fake?” Bai Shengnan does not believe that the leader needs to be determined by nature.

“Either he is loaded, or he is fake, only these two possibilities. I tend to the latter, the ancestors are not true. Or, there are many ancestors, each one is different. I have the creation of the gods I have few things that I can’t see. I can’t see through the existence of my ancestors. It is life, it is a spirit, it is an activated object, I can’t define it now,” Tang Shidao explained.

“Which one can you play?” Bai Shengnan is more concerned about this point.

“I can win, Wu has a six-point odds, you have a three-point winning. I am not concerned about this, even if he kills him, there should be a new ancestors.”

“I only scored three points? Then he is really strong. Isn’t the white daddy enough to watch?”

“He wants to kill the old man. It’s not difficult. I replaced the blood of the ancient ancestor of the old man, and the great annihilation and the great perfection. The attacking power of the white old man is amazing, but the defense is slag. Advantages and weaknesses. Just as obvious, understand, the type of Mage.”

“What should I do now? Let’s get rid of 蛊18?”

“No need to.”

“I just ignore it?” Bai Shengnan was a little anxious.

“Yes. If our goal is only to squad and ancestors, the sooner we work, the better. But our goal is to have a wall outside Force. So, slow start. In my layout, 蛊 group only. Killing ‘and ‘not killing’ White Daddy two choices, which one is wrong. We also have two choices: quick start and slow start, but which one we choose is right.”

“…” Bai Shengnan and Wu.

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