Mage Network

Chapter 1101

There are two powerful eternal ace cards in the void. Whether they are strong or weak, their value of existence will not change.

The first type, the blood.

Among all the races in the void, the blood of the human race is only the downstream, the World of Warcraft is in the middle, the different animals are on the top, and the top layer is the four races of the four races. However, there is another kind of race on the ceiling: Yuanzu Yuanling. They are the pro-sons of the void, relatives and prostitutes, even if their descendants are also of the same race.

The blood of the Yuanzu Yuanling is enough to disregard its existing strength.

Even if it was just born.

Mana is 0, and the Yuanzu Yuanling will be regarded as the top big man. More representative figures, one of the eight emperors in the gods, the Emperor of the Yuanling, the god Taihui, it is only an ordinary person in the Yuanzu Yuanling. Or, most of the Yuanzu Yuanling is like this. Unless it seems like the type of white ginseng queen, they don’t like to practice at all, otherwise they can grow up easily.

This is the power of the blood.

Second, Innate Skill.

Innate Skills of this meaning include understanding and understanding, and even fantastic thinking. In short, all has nothing to do with the original foundation, and their own additional insights and extensions are the credit of Innate Skill. In the void, the power of all the strong is because of Innate Skill, even if you have the blood of Yuanzu Yuanling, you need enough Innate Skill to fly Breaking Worlds.

The difference between Innate Skill is actually only good, bad, much, and less.

A lot better, Olympus.

The difference is small, the god is too bright.

Among the celebrities in the void, there are some people who are famous for their pure Innate Skill. For example, Zen Zen, which only climbs to the top of a ‘martial arts secret code’, relies on a mad god that shocks the void with a big annihilation. It is even said that the Eastern Warrior, the Southern Medicine King, and the Northern Territory Fuhuang are all due to the ‘Technical Innate Skill’. They don’t rely on blood, they don’t rely on resources, and they don’t rely on luck. It’s all about Innate Skill.

and so.

In the void world, blood and Innate Skill is an invisible constant standard.

If you are a Yuanzu Yuanling, no one dares to look down on you. Even if you don’t practice at all, you don’t like to practice, and no one dares to look down on you… because of your blood.


Innate Skill, this is even more subtle.

There is no Innate Skill level in the void, it can only be imagined by the individual. However, the Mage Network has a standard that is suspected of standards: Mage credentials!


The two highest generations of the new generation: Tang Shidao and the Queen of the Stars have the ‘Mage Certificate of the Lord’.

What does it mean?

The Mage certificate is the minimum basic meaning, to say a little white… Even if Tang Shidao and the Queen of the Stars have nothing, they can still leave the Mage credentials. To put it more plainly… The two are sinking, and the worst is the ‘God’.

There is no standard for the Void family, and you like to use the Mage certificate as an Innate Skill grading standard.

and so.

The original original positioning, blood and Innate Skill is the hidden card of the strong.

This is like a beautiful woman learning to perform, even if she just started, her hidden points can increase by six or seventy. On the contrary, an ugly girl learns to perform and is born to lose three or fourty. Mage’s power doesn’t necessarily depend on blood and Innate skills, but they do have the largest share.

“Does the confidence of White Daddy stem from the change of blood?”

“Yes, Lord.”

The hordes of turmoil, the sacred alliance and the blood alliance conflict, the eyes of the unspeakable forces have seen. For the confidence of Bai Laojiao’s mystery, people have also found the root cause. Blood, one of the two hidden cards, White Daddy has already opened a… Yes, blood can be promoted, including Innate Skill can also break through the boundaries of self-improvement.

Tang Shidao used to be the blood of mortals.

Because of the transformation of the meteorite, the transformation has gained the human body. After a long period of practice and tempering, and then upgraded to the ancestors of the Yuanzu… probably equivalent to the blood of the Yuanzu Yuanling.

That’s right.

Tang Shidao has worked hard to turn two levels, and then ‘equivalent’ is the most powerful blood of the Yuanzu Yuanling.

It can be seen how important this hidden card of blood is.

Bai Laojiao is the blood of the ancients.

Sounds very good.

However, all the beasts of the void can say that they are the blood of the Yuanzu Yuanling, but which one of the beasts is flying? No. Sorry, I really don’t. Even if it is the blood of Yuanzu Yuanling, Shentaihui and Oring are also tens of thousands of kilometers apart. Therefore, the optimization of blood is endless, there is no highest, only higher.

“Abandoned ancient ancestors, its self-proclaimed.” The intelligence team recently stared at the group, I believe that a storm is coming soon. The masters of the lords are also concerned, a good word.

“Does it use ancestral characters?” The lords are sure to listen to intelligence for the first time.


“In this way, Yan Zu is almost unable to sit still.”

“Lord, why?”

“You don’t understand, our assessment of blood and Innate Skills is not as simple as performance. Let’s say that a person can reach the apex, blood and Innate Skill almost determine 99%, and the rest is hard work. In the void For example, the only person who can say that the effort is related to the mad god. Because the blood of the mad god and the Innate Skill are not good,” the masters explained.

The intelligence officers and the servants understood it.


In fact, this is not absolutely correct. Because… the mad god was made into a destructive god, taught by the Scarecrow.

In fact.

The ‘blood’ of the mad god also bursts excellently.

“Why do some people look at the other side from the beginning, such as the emperor, and such as dumbness, and for example, all the ancestors of the Yuanzu. There are already fallen or dead characters, Tengyi and Star Fight. These people are because of the blood and Innate Skill, It is destined to enter a certain level in the first year of life. I ask you one sentence, if you want to invest, invest in the old rhinoceros or you?”

“Oh, surely… no, yes?” The intelligence officers and the servants may not all have a dominant vision.

But this moment.

They began to realize that they are different.

“Yes, investing in the future, it is dozens of times better than the old rhinoceros. Why? Because the old and the old rhinoceros are just ordinary seeds that are faster and better in the wild animals. But it is different, but it is after the Olympics. One of the heroic eras of the spiritual era. The young and old rhinoceros first cultivated into the original Force, so the victory. If you also cultivated, the result will be different. In the mortal world, a mediocre old craftsman is also better than the genius elementary school, but the actual Value, genius elementary school is a hundred times more than a mediocre old craftsman.”

“It turned out to be.”

“Oh, the fiasco can only say: he is defeated in the hands of the emperor. If he is also actively practicing the elementaryization, he can be successful. The white dad seems to be crazy, in fact, it really has this self-confidence. Change, it has hidden cards that we envy or even envy. If you still don’t understand, let me give an example: I predict that as long as you don’t die in the middle, dumbness will one day become a master, do you believe?”

“Hey, believe.” The intelligence officers and the servants fully understood the meaning.

I really can’t sit still.


Bai Laojiao used the word ‘zu” to prove that Bai Laojiao has already seen Qi Zu in the blood.


White Daddy is still a ‘young’ blood, and Force is not yet mature. Once the time has passed, the practice has slowly progressed, and Bai Laojiao uses this blood to upgrade himself. In the end, the blood is in line, and the strength may be on par. For the ‘genius’, the void race has only two attitudes: one, draw over and cultivate yourself. Second, get rid of it as soon as possible.

Take the Mage Network, the star-studded genius seed was successfully removed midway, and Tang Shidao is a genius seed that has not been killed.

It doesn’t matter if the old man is doing the wind in the hustle and bustle.

However, it is not the same as the blood of the ancient ancestors.

“There are only two choices left by the ancestors.” The lords all have the same opinion, because they used to be the apex, so they are all vertex thinking: “One, surrender to the white old man, and then no matter how hard it is, like the iron ancestor and the celestial ancestor, intimidating it. Don’t be against yourself. Second, kill. Better way, use the scorpion to eat the nourishment of the white old man.”

“Lord, what step do you think is first?” The intelligence team needs a direction.

“Subjecting and wooing. If there is no Zengpeng force, Zhaizu absolutely chooses to ‘eat’ the white old man, and it is impossible to surrender. However, with the power of the Pengpeng standing on the opposite side, the ancestors must find powerful allies. At the same time, it is necessary to deal with the blood alliance. Fortunately, For now, Bai Laojiao can’t be like Tie’s ancestor and Jing’s ancestor. The latter two are old-fashioned forces, giving in to the scorpion without having to bend their knees. White Daddy, it… In theory, it must bend its knees. Otherwise it will only die.”

“Lord, why isn’t the ancestors directly shot?”

“The reason you all know, just don’t believe it. You guessed it, right, it… it’s like a script. It’s faint, there is a hand that is all about it, just like playing chess. I don’t know who is so bold, and at the same time count the old man and the ancestors, but things are too far off. Overall, it is just like ‘fishing’ the layout of the ancestors.” The lords may not be good at the strategy of government, but The top thinking is very good at it.

Now everyone is not skeptical.

It can be said that everyone has already confirmed that this is a trap.

If the blood and Innate Skill are hidden cards for every Mage, then the ancestors are the hidden cards of the squad. The presence of White Daddy is like opening a card.

Send other strong players to battle?


However, there is a tactic in the world called ‘Adding Oil Tactics’… The result of this tactic is often very bad, only a more terrible opponent. If you use the oil-adding tactics to fatten the white old man, the ancestors not only have a chess player, but the white old man will become very deadly.

“If the ancestors appeared directly against White Daddy, it would definitely win.”

“Well, Lord.”

“But in the game, no one is sure whether there is an original admission, or a big phoenix. In the eyes of the ancestors, the white dad is only a bait, there is a hook in the bait, the hook is on the cable, there is online There may be a fishing net next to the pole. You understand, why some geniuses are born, we do not even kill the masters. You may not know that in order to kill the comet, the two sides died more than three digits. ”

“What?” The squad and the intelligence officers were shocked.

“Really. An expedition in the district is unlikely to cause serious damage to both sides. It will not be easy to recuperate for millions of years. In our opinion, the death of some landlords and supremes is only a trivial matter. Why is it badly hurt? The reason is that some of you I don’t know the sacrifice.”

“This… Lord, is it worth it?”

“In the short term, it is not worth it. In the long run, it is worthwhile. The Star Star can take over as the Queen of the Stars. She grew up more terrible than her brother. Before that, both sides knew that it would be a big injury. Still choose to start, it is not stupid, it is the result of countless thoughts.”

“It turns out that now. Yanzu is facing this choice, right?” The scorpions reacted.

White Daddy is another kind of star fight.

Deliberately put on the stage of the star fight.

You kill, you are fooled.

You don’t kill, the disaster is endless.

In the face of this situation, there is no clever or stupid. Or, how do you choose to be stupid, but you must choose one… the faster you choose, the better.

“Lord, this…is terrible.”

“Yes. No matter who is in the bureau, he is extremely dangerous. Calculating two ancestral characters at a time, but also forcing them to die. Such a person, such a means, to be honest, I would rather have to Shangyuan Taichu or Dakui Phoenix, not willing to face this kind of character.”

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