Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 291: 291, small episode

   Chapter 291 291, Vignette

   This passenger bus is a night bus to the county seat, and it will not arrive in Ping County until the next day.

   A month and a half ago, there was no bus between towns and counties, or it was a traffic route that was opened after business was banned some time ago.

   There are only two trains a day, one at 6:00 in the morning and one at 5:00 in the afternoon.

   "Let's sleep first."

  Qi Han gently smoothed the broken hair in front of his forehead for his daughter-in-law. Last night, he fought with her for a long time. This morning, he got up early again, and it was not easy to sleep when the ox cart was tossing and turning along the way.

  This will take a passenger bus. Although the car is a little bumpy, I can sleep soundly.


   Qin Tianru was leaning on the seat and began to feel a little sleepy. He heard Brother Han's gentle voice, and unconsciously responded in a low voice.

  Then, no more, Huanhuan fell asleep directly.

   Qi Han turned his head and greeted Qi Jun again, telling him to take advantage of the fact that it was still dark, to hurry up and sleep for a while, and in the second half of the night, he couldn't sleep too deeply.

   After all, when you are out and about, you must have a few more minds and keep a vigilant heart at all times.

  Especially in such a closed space, surrounded by strangers, who can judge whether there are any evil people mixed in?

   It’s not that he deliberately wants to make the world think so badly, but that the environment is a little unstable now. Who knows if it will make some people wicked and fearful?

   Moreover, they also had two girls beside them, so they had to pay more attention.

   He remembered that after the reform and opening up in his last life, there were many incidents of women and children being abducted and sold, and the high incidence of incidents was during the famine.

   After hearing his elder brother's whispered exhortation, Qi Jun nodded seriously, feeling that he was a man who could protect his sister-in-law.

  Qi Qing didn't need Qi Jun to say anything. After she sat in her seat, she fell down and fell asleep. With her brother and sister-in-law by her side, she slept very peacefully.

  So, the three fell asleep, leaving Qi Han alone in the seat, always paying attention to the movement of the car.

The sky outside the car window gradually became darker. Outside the passenger car, it was completely pitch-dark, as if the night had wrapped the entire passenger car. Only the two headlights in front of the car swayed and illuminated the front. the way.

  In the bus, you could only hear the shallow breathing of everyone sleeping, and occasionally a few grunts.

   "Wow wow~"

  Suddenly, there was the sound of children crying in the quiet bus.

   The sleeping passengers were immediately disturbed. Some people opened their eyes to take a look, some people turned their bodies to one side and continued to fall asleep, and some people frowned and didn't want to wake up.

   Of course, there were also passengers who couldn't help but get angry and cursed loudly.

   "What are you doing! Do you want people to sleep?"

   The young woman holding the child bowed her upper body apologetically, "I'm sorry, the child is hungry."

   "You can feed it when you're hungry, I'm not his nanny." The man cursed irritably.

  The woman looked embarrassed and said hesitantly, "We have nothing to eat, the child has not eaten all day, and he doesn't care if he is full after drinking water."

   "Fuck you, you have money to ride a car, but you don't have money to buy food." The man paused, then cursed again in anger.

   The woman lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Our mother and two went into the city to find the father of the child."

   At this time, the child in the woman's arms was still crying, but the cry became more and more hoarse and weak.

  The passengers in the car heard the conversation and opened their eyes one after another, listening quietly.

   "I still have a pancake here, feed your child some."

   In the woman's left-back seat, a middle-aged lady handed out a wild vegetable pancake.

   In fact, these days, most of the people who can go out to take a bus are not too poor, and those who are really poor will not travel far.

  The so-called rich travels the world, without money it is impossible to move an inch.

   Of course, some people with special circumstances cannot be ruled out. Like this young woman with a child, it is estimated that she has lived at home and collected money to buy a ticket to go into the city to find her own man.

  The middle-aged woman was also for the sake of being a woman, and she couldn't bear to let a two- or three-year-old child cry all the time, so she showed kindness for a while.

   It's not a problem to cry like this all the time, it made everyone in the car unable to sleep peacefully.

   "Thank you auntie."

   The young woman blushed, took the vegetable pancake, shredded it little by little, and fed the child in her arms to eat it, while she herself did not touch the crumbs.

   This time, the crying finally stopped, and the car was quiet again.

   When everyone saw that the matter was resolved, some people continued to sleep with their eyes closed, while some people seemed to feel hungry and began to eat their rations quietly.

   Qin Tianru, who was sitting in the center, was also woken up by crying, and the four of them watched the episode silently.

   Qin Tianru originally wanted to give the child a steamed bun, but Qi Han, who was beside him, held his hand and motioned her to wait.

   As a result, an aunt in front took out a vegetable pancake, and Qin Tianru put it away.

   Qi Han's meaning is very simple, try not to be the one who leads the way. If the people in the car let the child cry and are unwilling to lend a helping hand, then it will not be too late for them to give.

   But everyone in the car is obviously awake, is there really no one willing to help?

   He is a person who has really experienced the famine period, and a trace of coldness has already been engraved in his bones. Forgive him for not being merciful and saving all beings.

   At this time, it was already half past eight in the evening.

   Qi Han turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something before going to bed?"

   They ate a late lunch during the day, five and a half hours had passed, and the night was still very long, so they couldn't go to bed hungry.

   "Well, I'm a little hungry." Qin Tianru rubbed his stomach and nodded obediently.

  I don’t even think if I don’t ask, but the moment I ask, I find that my stomach is empty. It’s best to eat something before going to bed.

   Qi Han whispered in Huanhuan's ear, "Then come out your steamed buns, and I'll pass them to Xiaojun."

  The space on the car is too closed, if you eat something with a smell, it is easy to spread the smell throughout the car.

   Therefore, eating steamed buns is the safest way to fight hunger.

   Although it is very simple, the steamed buns made by his daughter-in-law are different from those made by others. There is still a hint of sweetness in the mouth. Even just eating the steamed buns, they still feel delicious.

  Qin Tianru took out a cloth pocket from the storage space, which contained five warm steamed buns, three for Xiaojun and two for Xiaoqing, which completely matched their appetite.

  Qi Han had long hands, and directly stretched out his hand and stuffed the cloth pocket into Qi Jun's arms. He gestured with his eyes. As soon as the latter touched the cloth pocket, he immediately nodded.

   Although the two brothers were a little puzzled when they touched the warm steamed buns, they also knew that it was not the time to talk. It was only because the sister-in-law kept the steamed buns well, so they did not let the steamed buns completely cool down.

   Afterwards, the four of them held the white-flour steamed buns in both hands and ate their dinner in silence.

   At ten o'clock in the evening, the whole car fell into a deep sleep again.

   More than 2,000 plus more completed, continue tomorrow~!

   No one has left a message for Zhang Ping in the past two days, it feels very quiet and scary



   (end of this chapter)

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