Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 292: 292, night train thrilling 1

   Chapter 292 292, Night Train Thrilling 1

   In her sleep, Qin Tianru suddenly felt her body sway. She opened her eyes immediately, but her body still fell down again due to inertia.

   In the next second, she fell into a familiar and warm embrace. Finally, she didn't go back and forth again, and her head was a little dizzy.

   Whoever was shaken like this in a deep sleep couldn't stabilize, and his body was completely out of control.

  Who made the concept of seat belts not exist these days.


"what happened?"

   "Oops! It hurts me to death."

   "What is this for?"

   "My God, nosebleed~"

  The passengers in the car woke up one after another, their bodies were swayed, some fell on the aisle, some smashed their heads on the windows, and some hit their foreheads directly on the front seat.

   In short, all of a sudden there were complaints and scolding from everyone. The changes came too quickly, and there was no time for everyone to be protected and prepared.

  The bus suddenly turned round and round, and everyone naturally stabilized their bodies for the first time, and then strongly expressed their current mood and feelings.

   This is a normal emotional reaction.

   However, before the passengers in the car could figure out the situation, the bus suddenly made a harsh emergency braking sound, and the bus suddenly stopped on the road.


   "Don't move!"

  Someone was about to ask the reason, but before the words were finished, they saw three tall men standing up in the first row, with a bright machete in their hands.

   In this not-so-bright car, I could even feel the cold light radiating from the blade.

   Seeing this scene, the passengers in the car all looked like they were frightened and stupid. Everyone was ordinary people. When have you seen such a battle.

Not to mention that the long machete is scary, even the three big men holding the knives looked fierce, and their eyes looked like they were going to eat people. .

   Everyone was very puzzled at this time. When did they have such a few vicious people in the car?

   Why didn't they have any impression when they got in the car?

   Everyone had no such experience at all.

   "All hands up!"

   One of the tall men raised the sword in his hand and shouted sharply.

   This roar scared everyone and raised their hands subconsciously. Until this moment, everyone finally realized their current situation clearly.

   They were robbed, and they were carjackers!

   Looking at the behavior of these people, it is obvious that they are desperados. People who find the opportunity to start a job and wander around, usually people with a fixed residence, who would dare to do such a thing?

   This night bus has only been open for more than half a month. It seems that they have stepped on it well and figured out the route of this night bus.

   These people have long since become fish meat on the iron plate that is allowed to be slaughtered by this group of people.

   Everyone couldn't help panicking and frightened, and a few women had red eyes.

   But they didn't dare to make a sound, they didn't even dare to cry, let alone call for help. Now the bus stopped right on the road in the middle of a wilderness.

   In addition to the mountains, there are grasses around, and there is not even a thatched hut.

   At this time, two more men stood up from the back of the car, also holding a large knife in their hands.

   "Listen to everyone, if you want to save your life, you should hand over all your valuables quickly. If anyone dares to play tricks with Lao Tzu, the big knife in my hand will not recognize anyone!"

   Another lean man in the back of the car with a sinister smile on his face.

   "Hurry up, don't linger! I'll put things in the bag where I go, and whoever dares to make small moves, hehe, this wilderness is the most suitable for destroying corpses~"

   Hearing this, everyone was completely frightened, and they all began to pay and get jewelry.

   Lean men with a burlap bag confiscated supplies from the penultimate row next to each other.

   "Made! You only have so much money on you, you're kidding me!"

   "No, I don't have it, sir, there's only so much I have left, me"

   followed the crowd and heard loud slaps, but no one dared to turn their heads and look back, trying to reduce their body as much as possible, trying to reduce some sense of existence.

   The gangster didn't say a word, and slapped the man viciously, with an indifferent sneer at the corner of his mouth.

   "Made, I'm really looking for a fight, you're not being honest!"

  The man's face immediately became red and swollen, and even the whole person was slapped upside down by a slap, which shows how powerful the slap was.

   With such a beating, the people sitting in front suddenly stopped thinking carefully, and honestly took out all the valuable things on their bodies.

  There are watches, pens, cash, gold necklaces, gold rings

  Qi Qing's face was a little pale, she pursed her mouth tightly and did not dare to make a sound. She couldn't help but secretly glanced at the direction of her brother and sister-in-law on the right.

  Qi Jun was also a little panicked. After all, he was only a fourteen-year-old boy, but when he thought of the big brother on the right, he felt a little more at ease. The big brother and sister-in-law are so powerful, they will definitely not let them have any trouble.

   Feeling the unease of the sister next to him, Qi Jun secretly encouraged himself, he couldn't be timid, he also had to protect his sister-in-law and sister,

   So, he moved his hand slowly, grabbed his sister's hand, and silently gave her support. Feeling her sister's gesture of shaking back, Qi Jun's heart became a little more stable.

On the other side of   , Qin Tianru and Qi Han also held hands, they looked at each other silently, and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

  Stand still, adapt to the situation!

   At present, their situation is not very clear. The main reason is that the space in the car is too narrow, which restricts the hands and feet, and cannot be used at all.

   There are six people on the other side, and they all have murder weapons in their hands. If the couple act rashly, it is easy for the gang to hurt the innocent people in the car.

   Therefore, in the current situation, they can only adapt to it and wait for a suitable opportunity before making a move.

   Qin Tianru looked down at her body, fortunately, she didn't like to wear any jewelry, and there was nothing on her body except a phone and watch.

   The sitting posture of her upper body remained unchanged, but her right hand was slowly placed on her left wrist, and the phone and watch on her wrist disappeared instantly.

   She tugged Qi Han's hand secretly, and moved her empty left wrist slightly.

   Qi Han understood in seconds!

   Taking advantage of the time when everyone was picking up jewelry and paying for money, and the few people in front of the car could not notice everyone, he stretched out his left hand to Huanhuan.

   Qin Tianru covered his left hand with his right hand, and in the blink of an eye, the phone and watch disappeared.

  This smart watch is a custom watch specially developed by the eldest brother for their husband and wife. It has different meanings and uses. She doesn't want these gangsters to take it away.

   (end of this chapter)

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