Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 290: 290, go to the city together

   Chapter 290 290, enter the city together

  The limelight is too tight, and the two couples may not have a good time these days. If they don't send some supplies, he is really afraid that something will happen to them.

   Besides, in the last life, some of them had an accident. It was only after they became acquainted with each other that he heard about it.

   Now that he has the ability to change, he also hopes that they will have a good result.

   "It's running out of time, let's tidy up first." Qin Tianru hugged him back, and no longer delayed.

   Then, Qi Han went to the stove to make breakfast. He cooked a lot of food at home yesterday. When steaming the steamed buns, he also steamed some meat buns, which were reserved for this morning.

   So, he just needs to heat it up, and then make a cup of malted milk.

   And Qin Tianru was doing the final make-up in the house. Before finishing last night, she was taken to the bed by Brother Han, and she had no time or energy to do the final make-up after that.

   After checking the two large bags, Qin Tianru stood there and thought for a while.

   Thinking of them going out for transportation, the hardest thing is to eat some hot food.

  So, Huanhuan took out an outdoor alcohol stove and a small iron pot from the storage space, so that her brother Han could eat hot food anytime, anywhere.

   Then she prepared some anti-mosquito lotions, a thin quilt and other items that could be used outdoors overnight.

   So, the two bags instantly turned into three big bags.

   Taking advantage of the fact that there was still some time, she packed up the supplies for the two families in advance, so that she could send the supplies out directly.

   Qi Yuanhua and his wife heard the movement outside and got up one after another, planning to send their eldest son out.

   Seeing Huanhuan walking out with a cloth bag on her shoulder, Shen Yuerong wondered, "Huanhuan, what are you doing?"

   She knew that Huanhuan would definitely send her eldest son to the entrance of the village, but she didn't have to carry a bag to send it, right?

   Qin Tianru pursed his lips and smiled, "Brother Han asked me to go to the county town with him."

   "Go to the county seat? It's so chaotic outside, why did the boss let you go to the county seat?"

  Shen Yuerong had a look of reproach, she felt that A-Han was just making a fool of himself, even if he couldn't bear his little daughter-in-law, he couldn't take a girl named Huanhuan to the county seat.

   Qi Yuanhua also had a disapproving look on his face, and muttered to himself, when did the boss become so sticky?

   It's really unsightly.

   Seeing that his parents had misunderstood, Qin Tianru had no choice but to make a nonsense reason.

"Father and mother, it's like this. Brother Han and I haven't had a marriage certificate yet. Their unit has to fill in the family's information, but Brother Han can't prove the family relationship, so why don't I go and sign it in person? words or something."

   "So that's how it is." Shen Yuerong was instantly relieved.

   Qi Yuanhua scolded, "The boss is too, why didn't you say it earlier."

   Qin Tianru was relieved to see that his father and mother had not pursued it. Lying is also a skill.

   "Originally, Brother Han didn't intend for me to make a hard trip, but I was worried that because of the incomplete information in the file, there would be problems in the future, and there was nothing to do at home, so I wanted to deal with it as soon as possible."

   "Well, you're right, since there is a problem, it should be solved as soon as possible, lest there be any mistakes in the future."

   Qi Yuanhua agrees with Huanhuan's idea very much, and thinks that their eldest daughter-in-law is really sensible and sensible.

  Shen Yuerong suddenly realized a very important problem.

"Then let Xiaoqing and Xiaojun go with you! The boss will go out with the convoy after reporting to the county town. Will you go back to the village alone? I'm not at ease, let Xiaoqing and Xiaojun follow, you guys. Take care of each other on the road.”

   "Yes, it's not very peaceful outside now, you are a very attractive woman who is alone and weak." Qi Yuanhua realized the key point slowly, and immediately agreed with his daughter-in-law's proposal.

   "That's fine." Qin Tianru thought about it and nodded in agreement.

  Although she has the ability to protect herself, she naturally doesn't want to be too aggressive when she can minimize trouble.

   And this can also make parents feel at ease, and kill two birds with one stone.

  So, Shen Yuerong went to the house of a pair of children and called someone. The sister and brother heard that they were going to the county town with their brother and sister-in-law.

   The sister and brother were afraid of delaying time, so the brother and sister-in-law would not take them.

  So, the two packed up as fast as they had ever been, then put on their big schoolbags, packed their own necessities and a change of clothes, and hurried to the main room to meet.

   There is no concept of a backpack these days. Everyone goes out with either a satchel or an office bag.

   Fortunately, everyone pays attention to a durable one, so the cloth bag is strong and spacious, and it can be used as a large backpack.

   On the other side, Qin Tianru also told Qi Han about the sister and brother on the same road.

   "Well, I have this idea too, I'm not worried about letting you come back alone."

  Although the two tails are a bit annoying, considering the safety of Huanhuan's return journey, this eyesore has become pleasing to the eye.

  So, the matter was settled like this, because they were still rushing to take the bus, the four of them didn't dare to linger, and they quickly solved the breakfast.

   And Qi Yuanhua took advantage of the children's meal time to go to the mansion first, and asked Qi Zhongkang, the captain, to issue a certificate, which could also save the children some time.

   Waiting for the proof to be ready, Qi Jiaxing's bullock cart was also set up, and the four of them just stepped on it.

   "Be careful on the road and pay attention to safety."

   "Xiaoqing Xiaojun, you two must listen to your sister-in-law on the way, don't make trouble, you know?"

   "Huanhuan, come back early when things are done."

  Qi Yuanhua stood in front of the ox cart, with the heart of an old father, earnestly admonishing the children.

  Huanhuan: "Don't worry, Dad, we will pay attention."

  Qi Qing: "Father, go back quickly."

  Qi Jun: "Father, goodbye!"

  "." Seeing the excitement on the faces of the siblings, Qi Yuanhua's sadness in his heart disappeared in an instant.


   After a month and a half of absence, it is of course a great joy for Qi Qing sister and brother to be able to enter the city again.

   After staying in the village for a long time, I naturally have a little more desire and yearning for the outside world.

   What's more, they haven't visited Ping County. After getting off the train station, they stopped for a while, and they had time to see the whole face of the county.

   Being able to go into the city with my brother and sister-in-law today made the sister and brother excited for a long time.

   Qi Jiaxing sent the four to the township, and he drove the ox cart back to the village.

   And the four of Qi Han got on the last bus without stopping and rushed to Ping County.

   The four of them sat side by side, so that they could see each other's situation at the first time, while Qi Han and Qi Jun consciously sat on the outside of the aisle, protecting Qin Tianru and Qi Qing in the seats on the inner side.

  I don't know if it's the current wind direction. Everyone on the bus looked a little dejected. No one said a word, so they sat quietly and closed their eyes.

   But such an atmosphere is inexplicably tense.

   Today's 6000 update has been completed.

   Rush ducks to the county seat!

   There will be a chapter to reward and update later.



   (end of this chapter)

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