Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 289: 289, repayment

   Chapter 289 289, repaying kindness

   Qin Tianru pointed at himself in a trance, "Me?"

   Qi Han said solemnly, "Daughter-in-law, I'm leaving tomorrow."

   "I know." Qin Tianru replied, isn't she preparing for him?

   Qi Han suffocated his internal injuries and continued, "It may take up to half a month for me to go out this time."

   "Well, you said it." Qin Tianru replied truthfully without knowing why.

  Qi Han choked, "Then you say this is the last night of parting, is it more important to pack up or spend more time with me?"


   Qin Tianru was dumbfounded, what kind of devil question is this?

   "Well, it's all important."

   Qin Tianru didn't think too much, and straightforwardly gave an answer he thought was perfect.

  "." Qi Han's head was covered with black lines instantly.

   Forget it, talking to her about this is a waste of time, it would be more practical to act directly.

   Qi Han took a step forward, hugged Huanhuan neatly, and walked straight to the big bed.

   Qin Tianru was startled, and instinctively hugged the other person. Before she could complain, the whole person was pressed on the bed by a tall body.


   Then, she was drowned in a hot kiss, and fell into the love net he weaved step by step.


   The next day, April 27.

   It was five o'clock in the morning, and the room was dark, except for a faint white light on the windowsill.

   Qin Tianru opened her eyes in a daze and saw the man standing beside the bed, she was slightly startled, and then she suddenly woke up.

   Yes, her brother Han is leaving today.

   Thinking of being separated for almost half a month, Huanhuan's emotions were slowly reflected.

Qin Tianru couldn't help wrapping the thin quilt on his body, lying on the bed in a daze, looking at her brother Han, seeing that he picked up his pants with his back to him, his strong long legs stretched into the trousers, and his arms tucked into the white. Inside the shirt, he blocked his broad shoulders and his beautiful muscle lines.

   This male **** is also very fascinating at times.

   Qi Han seemed to be aware of the gaze behind him, and turned around while tying the buttons, just as the eyes of the two met in the air.

   "Did I disturb you?"

   Qin Tianru shook his head with a cute face.

   It was because she had something on her mind, so she was easily woken up. Brother Han was going out today, and she wanted to see him off in person, but she didn't want to fall asleep when he went out.

   Qi Han walked to the bed, leaned over and kissed her lips, he couldn't stand his daughter-in-law looking at him so obediently, so he couldn't help wanting to put someone under him and bully him.


   Qin Tianru felt that her lips were a little swollen, and when the lips were intimately entangled, she couldn't help but sting slightly. Before the lack of oxygen, she reached out and beat his chest.

   After waiting for her mouth to be free, she glanced at the culprit, and said with a coquettish expression, "My mouth still hurts, it's all your fault!"

   Qi Han raised the corners of his lips happily, "Yes, it's all my fault!"

   "It was originally." Qin Tianru complained with a puffed face.

   "Huanhuan, do you want to go to the city with me?" Qi Han suddenly suggested.

   "Ah, with you? Can your convoy still bring family members?" Qin Tianru didn't turn around, his face was a little confused.

  Qi Han smiled helplessly, "You think too much. What I said is that we will go to the county together. The transportation is not a trip, so how can we bring our family members."

   "Oh, what do you mean?" Qin Tian smiled shyly, she couldn't be blamed for that, who made him not speak clearly, it's easy for people to think wrong.

Qi Han said in a low voice, "There are two families in the list of people who have been copied in this accident. They are kind to me. Walking on the streets of the county town, they may encounter inspection team members from time to time. I want to trouble you to help me and give them to them. The two families will send some supplies."

  The wind and rain came too fast, and many people were not prepared at all, so they dared not leave anything on the bright side.

   Before returning to the village, he happened to come across the scene of them being embarrassed by the patrol team on the street. He originally wanted to buy some things to send, but they had just been checked, and they are now the focus of observation.

  If he just sent things in such a big way, it is estimated that they will be caught by the people who are watching around before they take the things, right?

  If he left empty-handed and just stayed for a short time, there would be no problem, but if he dared to find them with supplies, he didn't have to think about it and knew that he would be targeted.

   But his family Huanhuan is different, she has storage space, and she can deliver things to their hands without knowing it, and they don't have to show their faces.

   "Okay, no problem, leave this to me." Qin Tianru regained his energy instantly, lifted the quilt and was ready to stand up.

   As she looked for clothes, she complained.

   "Why didn't you talk about such an important matter last night, so I'm better prepared."

   She chose a simple and decent light blue shirt, plus a pair of versatile black pants, and then put on white rubber shoes.

   There is no way, to conform to the aesthetics of this era, especially in this period when the wind is relatively tight, dressing up too beautifully may be an original sin.

   Qi Han asked back in grievance, "If I discussed this with you last night, would I still have time for my welfare?"

   This is not to affect the relationship between their husband and wife. Of course he does not want to waste his happy time.

   "You~" Qin Tianru was really defeated by him.

   She really wanted to ask: Is there anything more beautiful and meaningful in this world than that?

   If Qi Han could hear it, he would definitely say no!

   There is absolutely nothing in this world that is more beautiful and meaningful than intimacy between husband and wife.

   Qi Han stepped forward and put his arms around Huanhuan, resting his chin lightly on her shoulder, "Daughter-in-law, don't you blame me?"

   "What's your fault?" Qin Tianru asked sideways.

  Qi Han whispered: "The limelight in the county is so serious now, I will take you to deliver supplies to those black five categories."

   Qin Tianru didn't like to hear these words, and immediately turned to look at Qi Han.

   "What are you talking about! Since they are kind to you, then we should repay our kindness. Since you proposed this, you must have weighed the pros and cons in your heart.

  Besides, there is no one more suitable than me for sending supplies without me boasting. I understand your love for me, so why would I question you because of this? "

   To question the other party is to question your own vision. After all, the man in front of her is also the one she recognizes and nods her consent to marry.

  Qi Han smiled and stretched out his broad arms again to embrace the person, "Thank you, baby!"

   Now, only his daughter-in-law has this ability.

   (end of this chapter)

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