Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 288: 288, the care of the family

   Chapter 288 288, the care of the family

   The matter about Zhou Qiang and Li Daniu is just over.

   Mainly it was pitch black in the middle of the night, and no one knew who the murderer was? How to deal with this?

   Even the two victims don't know who broke their legs, and they don't have any clues except that the other party should be a man.

  Because they couldn't see each other's face clearly at all, they were knocked out, and only had time to see a tall, vague figure, and then when they woke up, their legs were broken.

   What the parties do not know, how does the brigade deal with it?

   Therefore, no matter how unconvinced the Zhou and Li family were, they could only admit their own faults, and it was not a big deal. The two families took the blame for this and pushed all the faults on the other side.

   Now, the two families are completely enmity.

   And right now, this weird thing has been talked about by everyone for two days, and it has gradually faded away. After all, it is only the information that has been said, and there is nothing to say.


   No matter what the village talks about, all this has nothing to do with the Qi family.

  On the last day of vacation, Qin Tianru and Shen Yuerong were working hard to prepare dry food for Qi Han.

   This time, he went out not as good as the last time. He would be back in a week. Therefore, the three women in the family were very worried and worried that Qi Han would suffer and be tired, so they prepared a lot of food for him.

   There are three catties of dried pork, two bottles of mushroom meat sauce, a box of pork head meat, a can of dried pickles, a box of halogen vegetables, ten marinated eggs, and twenty white noodles steamed buns.

   If they weren't worried about the temperature, they also wanted to prepare some meat buns, but the steamed buns lasted longer than the steamed buns, and they didn't dare to prepare too many steamed buns.

   Unused items such as pork head meat and lo mei must be eliminated in the next few days. As for mushroom meat sauce, pickled vegetables and jerky, they can be left behind to eat.

  If they can, they can't wait to prepare Qi Han's food for the next fifteen days. After all, they don't have to worry about eating and drinking at home, and they also eat delicious and spicy food every day. When they think that Qi Han will have to eat and sleep outside, they feel sorry for them.

   I can only try to prepare as much food for him as possible. If it is winter, I can put all food in it, but it is summer now, and the better food will not be put in.

   If Huanhuan hadn't done a lot of tricks, Qi Han would have been more difficult to go out this time.

   In addition to these meals, Qin Tianru also made some solid and hunger-fighting snacks, wrapped in three bulging oil paper packets.

   Watching his family prepare food for himself, Qi Han's heart was full of emotion and warmth.

   He originally wanted them not to worry about it. He is a big man who can eat anything. Besides, this time on the mission, he is racing with the two masters, and they must be familiar with the route.

   With them, you will definitely not find a place to eat.

   But he couldn't stand him one-on-three, he was not their opponent at all, so they had to let them express their deep love.

  In the evening, after the couple returned to the room, Qin Tianru began to scramble the storage space again. She always felt that she had not prepared enough, and wanted to scrape some more supplies for Brother Han.

   Today, the food they prepared at home will definitely not last for ten days. She has to find some food that is durable. Otherwise, her brother Han will not be able to eat well in the future.

   After some searching, Huanhuan took ten bags of dark chocolate, a whole bag of compressed biscuits, and even a box of instant noodles.

   "Okay, Huanhuan, that's enough."

   Qi Han hurriedly stopped, he was afraid that if he didn't stop calling, he was afraid that he would pack up all his belongings tomorrow.

   In fact, he really didn't think he would suffer any hardships. With such a big environment, how could it be worse?

   They are also concerned and messed up. They always feel that they will suffer great suffering when they go out. He is also very helpless. He is a big man and not a soft woman.

   "Oh, I haven't got any fruit yet, er, just pick a few apples. Apples last."

   said, Qin Tianru took out another ten red apples out of his own hands.

   "The food is almost ready, the next thing is self-defense."

   So, Qin Tianru began to find weapons in the storage space again.

  "." Qi Han was dumbfounded, come on, he is just air now.

   His daughter-in-law can't see or hear now, and he has properly become a background board.

   And Qin Tianru's small face was full of seriousness.

   As for weapons?

The day she met Brother Han, she gave him a dagger, and he always carried it with him. When catching wild boars two days ago, she gave him a miniature wolf-proof electric stick. I didn't take it back, and it's still in Brother Han's hands.

   With these two weapons that can be attacked and defended, personal safety should not be a big problem.

   Of course, there must be more advanced and powerful weapons in her storage space, such as wooden warehouses, but she doesn't dare to use it for Brother Han.

   If this thing is exposed, it will be impossible to explain, or it will be treated as a spy directly.

  It's good that it's not exposed, but I'm afraid that I will meet someone who deliberately makes things difficult and want to search the convoy or something. Isn't her brother Han just finished playing?

   Therefore, weapons need to be prepared, but they are appropriate. Too much is not good.

   So, Qin Tianru picked out several kinds of medicinal powder that the elder sister had given her for self-defense before, and using this weapon would definitely be unexpected, and could hit the enemy with one move.

  The most important thing is that it does not leave any traces.

   "Here, Brother Han, remember, this small black bag can make people faint. This pink bag can make people lose their minds, and this white bag can make people feel weak and lose their strength."

   Qin Tianru carefully explained the effect, and then he could not help but ask, "Have you remembered everything clearly?"

   Qi Han nodded seriously, "Remember."

   Seeing this, Qin Tianru turned to think: "Then let me think about it again, is there anything else I missed?"

   She has never had the experience of helping people prepare luggage before, because if their Qin family wants to go out, they don't need to prepare at all, they can go out with empty hands.

   Seeing that his daughter-in-law was still trapped in "packing luggage", Qi Han sighed helplessly.

"daughter in law!"

   "Huh?" Qin Tianru said perfunctorily.


   "Yeah." Huanhuan replied with a good temper.

   "Qin Tianru!"

   Hearing his name suddenly, Qin Tianru was shocked, and immediately sat upright, "What's the matter?"

   Qi Han stared at her with a sullen face.

   Qin Tianru was confused and asked cautiously, "What's the matter? Who messed with you?"

   Qi Han's eyes widened, "What do you think?"

   (end of this chapter)

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