Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 285: 285, meat

   Chapter 285 285, Dividing the meat

   Qin Tianru was amazed when she saw it. To be honest, she had never seen a pig slaughtering scene when she grew up.

   Now watching this hot scene, I can't help but feel a little novel.

   Qi Han was also helping out. After returning to the village from their house, he would take the initiative to help wherever he could.

   In the last life, their family had a bad reputation in the village, because a few people in the family were not used to farm work, which attracted a lot of contempt and gossip.

   In this life, he hopes that their family can be respected and decent in the village. Even if their family members are still not used to farm work, he will try his best to show more in front of the villagers.

   At least let everyone see that their family is still able to work, not the style of big landlords, and to leave a positive impression on everyone.

   At this time, the sky was completely dark, and several torches were lit around the courtyard. Everyone was not in a hurry to go home. They all gathered in the courtyard and chatted while watching the pig butcher divide the meat.

   This lively scene is like a New Year's Eve, and everyone is beaming.

The    Shengli Production Brigade has a total of fifty-six households. Knowing that there will be wild boar points tonight, even those with relatively few work points at home expressed their willingness to exchange their work points for meat.

   This big wild boar is really fat and strong, with a weight of more than 360 jins. Excluding some bone offal, there are still about 260 jins.

   And the Daqi family is a contributor to wild boars. Naturally, it is impossible to share the same meat as everyone else, and it will definitely take up a big head.

   When dividing the meat, Daqi's family got 20 catties of wild boar meat, plus 10 catties of fine pork ribs, half a pig head, two pig trotters, two pig bones, and some pig intestines.

The reason why    can be divided so much is because most of the 20 catties of pork selected by the Qi family are lean meat, and the country people prefer fatty meat because it can produce a lot of oil.

   This way, the dishes will be full of oil and water, and your mouth will be full of oil when you eat them.

   But the Qi family is different. Under the guidance of Qin Tianru, the family pays more attention to nutritional balance and a reasonable mix of meat and vegetables.

   Therefore, everyone subconsciously felt that the Daqi family was understanding and taking care of them. This behavior was really grand, so when Qin Tianru expressed that he wanted some pig offal, everyone had no opinion at all.

   Even everyone threatened to take them home.

   After all, for them, it is not only time-consuming to process those offal, but also seasoning, and it is not as tasty as fat. Compared with those pork intestines and bones, everyone obviously prefers pork fat.

  After the Qi family has picked, the remaining pork will be divided equally by each family. Of course, the person responsible for carrying the pork up the mountain will share more pig offal as hard work.

   For this point, no one has any opinion. This is also a practice that has been formed all the time. After all, people have paid labor.

   In the end, each of the fifty-six households received an average of four catties and two taels of meat.

This amount of    sounds good, but for a family with a family of twenty or so people, it actually spreads evenly over the head and doesn’t eat much meat.

   At most, you can dip it in meat once to make your stomach a little oily.

   But for a family with a small population, these few kilograms of meat are quite a lot.

When the    brigade is allocating what to do, most of them are divided according to the household. If it is really divided according to the head, then this pork is not enough at all.

   So no matter what everyone thinks in their hearts, anyway, the family only has so few kilograms of meat, how to distribute and deal with it is up to each family.

   In short, everyone in the Qi family was very satisfied with this. Not only did they get so many wild boars, but their famous households also had hundreds of extra work points.

  This means that for a long time afterward, even if they do nothing, they still have work points.

   This night, the air above the village was filled with the smell of meat, which lingered for a long time.

   No matter how much meat you used to cook, every household got some oil and water tonight.

   In this regard, the whole village could not help but feel grateful to the Daqi family, and their favorability increased sharply.

   The slightly unbalanced thoughts that were still slightly dissipated.


  Qi's small courtyard, because they were running around for a day, they were frightened at the end of the day, and everyone who returned home was a little out of spirit, so they ate noodles for dinner.

  Although I brought back a lot of wild boar, it was too late, and I couldn’t do any more elaborate meals.

   In addition to the meat they brought home, they have to deal with it tonight, so there is no time to cook food.

   After a quick noodle meal, the three women got busy.

  20 catties of wild boar, leaving 5 catties to eat fresh meat, and the remaining 15 catties are all marinated into bacon.

   However, Qin Tianru made two flavors, one is salted bacon, which is all marinated with salt to taste, and no other seasonings are needed. This kind of salted bacon retains the original color of the pork.

   This type of salty bacon is most suitable for stir-frying, and it has more flavor than fresh meat stir-frying.

  The other is the sauce-flavored bacon, which is marinated with soy sauce, spices and other condiments. The finished product of this type of sauce-flavored bacon is reddish-brown, and it tastes like a sauce.

  Just need to steam it, cut it into slices and put it on the plate, it is very delicious.

  10 catties of pork ribs, Qin Tianru marinated them directly, and after air-drying, it is a delicious sauce-flavored pork ribs.

There is fresh meat to eat at home, and pork bones that can be stewed in soup, so there is no need to rush to eat these ribs now, and half a pig head, Huanhuan plans to make it into lo-mei, when her brother Han goes out, you can also bring some Walk.

   As for the pig's large intestine, Qin Tianru is going to make a stir-fried fat intestine after cleaning it tomorrow.

   In short, Qin Tianru had arranged everything clearly and properly for the meat he brought back, while Shen Yuerong and her daughter had no objection at all, as long as they had some to eat.

  It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, and it was already very late. Everyone stopped delaying. After a quick wash, they went back to their room to rest.

  This night, because of the long-lost pork, everyone slept so satisfyingly and sweetly that in the middle of the night there was a scream in the village, and no one noticed.


   The next day, the village became lively early in the morning, and many women went out happily carrying bamboo baskets.

  Some go to town by ox cart, and some go back to their parents’ house with a couple.

   Don't ask, the bamboo baskets must be the wild boars that were distributed last night. If you rush to go out early in the morning, you will either give some meat gifts to your mother's family, or exchange the meat for food.

   And under the big locust tree in the village, there are still many men, women and children sitting, chatting gossip with great energy.

   For everyone, eating meat is no less than taking tonics. After eating meat, you will have energy in your body. If you have energy, your whole person will be full of energy.

   (end of this chapter)

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