Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 284: 284, work points to meat

   Chapter 284 284, work points equal to meat

   Qi Zhongkang was surrounded by villagers as soon as he walked into the compound.

  There is no way, everyone is too anxious to wait, eating meat is too rare for the country people.

   Finally, their team has such a good thing, and no one wants to miss it.

   "Okay! Be quiet!"

   Qi Zhongkang was upset by them, so many people were asking, which one did he answer?

  In an instant, the crowd quieted down, but no one wanted to give in, and those who were crowding around had to grab the front of the crowd.

   "This big wild boar was defeated by Qi Han and his wife. According to the practice of our brigade, whoever hits something on the mountain will be the owner."

   "But this time it's a big wild boar, how can this be the same."

   Aunt Zhang in the crowd couldn't help but protest. In the past, what everyone caught on the mountain was nothing more than some pheasants and hares, and the biggest ones were the deer and roe deer.

   The most important thing is that the 'collective system' was only established a few years ago. Before the founding of the country, who cares about what you hunted in the mountains.

   But this time we caught a big wild boar weighing a few hundred pounds. Can this be compared to a pheasant and a hare?

  Since it is a collective system, so much meat should be shared by everyone.

   "That's right, I haven't fought wild boars before, and I didn't make it clear at the time." Someone in the crowd echoed Aunt Zhang's words.

   Qin Tianru followed his line of sight and found that it was Zhou Qiang who had been locked at home for the past two days.

   The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, did she dare to show up?

   At first she thought that a treacherous person like Zhou Qiang should not be afraid of gossip, but she did not expect that he would hide at home like a woman and not go out.

   It turned out that he was also afraid of being criticized by the villagers.

   Two days ago, his mother was taken away by the members of the Revolutionary Committee, and he didn't see him come out to plead for mercy, but now I heard that there were wild boars, but they rushed to take advantage.

   This shows how ruthless this person is.

   It seems that the thatched hut incident did not punish Zhou Qiang deeply enough, so he was able to run out so brightly to add to the blockage.

  Qin Tianru secretly thought about how to teach Zhou Qiang a lesson again?

   Zhou Qiang keenly felt that someone was looking at him, so he could not help but follow his line of sight, and found that the young daughter-in-law of the Qi family was looking at him with a sneer on his face.

   Unable to help, he thought of what happened in the thatched cottage a few days ago, and shuddered subconsciously.

   Up to now, he didn't want to understand what happened that day. It was she who was in a coma, but why was he the one who was completely ignorant in the end?

   And Li Daniu also caught himself riding like a mad cow.

   The most abhorrent thing is that Li Daniu, the defiant third, even threatened himself and pushed all the faults on his head.

  The two had a feud, so that neither of them had carefully communicated what happened that day, so Zhou Qiang had always kept doubts in his heart.

  Although he didn't quite understand it yet, through this incident, he came to a realization that the little daughter-in-law of the Qi family was a bit evil and was not as easy to deal with as other ordinary women.

   So when he suddenly met her sneering appearance, Zhou Qiang felt inexplicably panicked.

   Zhou Qiang shrank his neck, took a few steps back and hid in the crowd behind him, but he didn't notice that there was another gaze staring at him, his eyes were as sharp as knives.

   Qi Zhongkang is the most impatient of the few long-tongued women in the village, who can pull everything in a crooked direction.

   "Okay, I haven't finished my words yet, so what are you in a hurry! You have the final say in everything, what do you want me to do as a captain!"

   "Captain, don't get to know them, let's listen," said a middle-aged man in the crowd.

   The others immediately followed suit.

   That's right, they did come for this big wild boar, and they also wanted to divide the meat, but they didn't have the same mind as Zhang Dahua.

   They plan to use the work points of the previous months in exchange. There have been such cases in the past that they used their own work points to exchange for things on the team.

   After all, under the current conditions, if you want money but no money, and you want food but no food, the only thing you can use is the work points you saved in the previous few months.

   I just don’t know if this plan will work? After all, wild boar meat is very valuable. If you sell it to state-run restaurants or meat stalls in supply and marketing cooperatives in the city, you can definitely get a lot of food.

   The previous work points were quite worthwhile, but according to the current situation, I still don’t know if I will be able to get things by the end of the year, so in theory, the current work points are not as real as pork.

  Because of understanding this, everyone is so nervous in their hearts, thinking of coming to the captain to have a good communication and see if there is room for manoeuvre.

   Speaking of which, it was the Daqi family who suffered in this matter.

  Qi Zhongkang said with a serious look, "I can understand everyone's mood, but we must follow the rules in everything, there is no free lunch in this world, and some people don't talk to run on people.

On the way down the mountain just now, Qi Han took the initiative to mention it to me, saying that their family is willing to take out this wild boar and give everyone a point. As the team leader, Yu Gong and private can't let the whole team occupy a family. cheap, right?

  So, according to the rules of the brigade, this wild boar was bought in the name of the brigade. If you want to divide the meat, you can pay it back with your own work points. Do you think this is okay? "

"Ok, Ok!"

   "Our family has no opinion."

   "Captain, Huang Laosan's family is willing!"

  “And our home”

   The villagers went crazy when they heard that they could trade their work points for meat, and they immediately raised their hands, as if they were afraid that they would lose their meat one step later.

   "Okay, if you are willing to take work points, you can register with the respective team leaders, and we will immediately arrange for the slaughtering of pigs and meat."

   Qi Zhongkang saw that most of the people agreed, and he felt much more at ease, as he was afraid that these people would not know the reason when they saw the meat.

   Of course, there is one thing Qi Zhongkang still doesn't understand. Although the country people are a little straight and simple, it doesn't mean that they are stupid. With the current situation of the Daqi family, who wants to offend?

   Therefore, many friends have many paths, and everyone hopes that the Daqi family will pay more attention to the feelings of going to the countryside in the future, and remember them when there is any benefit.

  In an instant, the crowd surged, everyone lined up to sign up, and the scene was very lively.

  Qi Zhongkang also recruited a professional pig slaughtering household in the village to help deal with the wild boar. This wild boar has been dying for a long time, so it is necessary to clean it up now. If it is left for another night, it may be smelly tomorrow.

   For a while, in the large courtyard of Qi Desheng's house, everyone was queuing up to sign up on the left. Some of the team members who had signed up ran home to get vegetable baskets, and some stayed where they were watching the pig slaughtering scene.

On the right side of the courtyard, a group of people were busy setting up an earthen stove, burning a large pot of water, and there were several long benches next to it. Some people carried a wooden door panel on the bench, and put wild boars on the wooden board. Ready to shave and gut the wild boar.

   (end of this chapter)

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