Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 286: 286, something happened again

   Chapter 286 286, something happened again

  No, everyone is very energetic today, and the dark clouds that were over everyone's heads have dissipated.

   Really, everything goes away with meat.

   "Did you hear last night?" Huang Laosan suddenly asked everyone in a low voice.

   "What?" Everyone was puzzled.

   Mr. Huang said, "Last night, in the middle of the night, my mother-in-law said that she heard a faint scream, so I will ask you guys to see if anyone else heard it?"

   "It is estimated that your daughter-in-law is sleepy." Someone laughed.

   Zhou Hai suddenly said: "No, I heard it too, but I called out. I thought I was dreaming, but I didn't expect a scream?"

   "Isn't it, Zhou Scorer, did you really hear that?" Some people didn't quite believe it.

   Zhou Hai said with a stern face: "Why am I lying to you, that voice is quite close to my house."

   "What happened to anyone last night?"

   "I haven't heard of it."

   At this moment, a girl in her teens suddenly ran over in a hurry.

   "Uncle Zhou, something happened."

   Zhou Hai; "What's the matter, talk slowly."

   The little girl's face was full of fear: "I just went to the broken grass house to dig wild vegetables, and saw a person lying at the door of the broken grass house with blood on his body!"

   "What!" Everyone was shocked, it didn't mean that someone died.

  Zhou Hai, as a village cadre, immediately arranged, "Huang Laosan, hurry up and inform the team leader, Zhao Wu, hurry up and call Dr. Li, and the rest, let's hurry up and save the people."

"it is good!"


   Qi's small courtyard.

  After breakfast, the mother and three were busy again. All they had to do this morning were meticulous work. It was useless for the father and son to stay at home, so they went out together.

   On the stove, the pork bone soup has been simmered. Naturally, the more boiled this bone soup is, the more flavorful it will be.

   The other meats were almost done last night. The pig head meat was left in the afternoon and then marinated. In the morning, the pig intestines had to be processed, which was very labor-intensive.

  If you don't wash it thoroughly, it will have a fishy smell when you make it.

  Qin Tianru and Qi Qing spent several basins of water and washed it many times before cleaning it up.

  The three father and son who went out for a walk came back leisurely.

   "Hey, why did you guys come back so soon?"

  Shen Yuerong was a little puzzled. It seems that the three of them, father and son, have not gone out for an hour. It will be early for lunch.

  Qi Jun looked excited; "After watching the excitement, I will rush back to share with you!"

   "Say the point!" Qi Qing pouted in dissatisfaction.

   Qin Tianru and Shen Yuerong both looked at Qi Jun, waiting for him to say the following.

  Qi Jun gleefully gestured, "That guy Zhou Qiang has an accident again, and the accident happened in a thatched cottage again, don't you think it's very interesting?"

   "Something happened to Zhou Qiang?"

   Qin Tian was slightly surprised, and her mood was a little subtle. Yesterday, she was still secretly planning to clean up Zhou Qiang again. I didn't expect that something would happen to him today?

  Is this God hearing the call of his heart?

  I really want to know which kind-hearted person is so chivalrous and righteous, it's amazing!

   "What's wrong with him?" Shen Yuerong also asked.

Qi Jun smiled and said, "I heard that his legs were broken, and when he was carried home, the blood on his legs had solidified on his pants. Doctor Li said that if Zhou Qiang's legs were to be cured, only I can go to the county town for medical treatment.”

   Shen Yuerong followed the words and guessed, "The Zhou family must not be willing?"

   She also heard a bit about the Zhou family. Li Zhaodi gave birth to two sons. Because she usually prefers the younger son, she often can only make up for the eldest son and his wife.

   Now that Li Zhaodi is locked up to receive ideological education, and the family is not under the pressure of the elders, the eldest couple is naturally not willing to smash the pot and sell iron to save Zhou Qiang.

   did not drive Zhou Qiang out, she felt that the Zhou family's eldest couple were kind people.

   "Yes, Zhou Qiang's eldest brother directly stated that he has no money and is unwilling to take people to the county to see a doctor."

  Qi Jun nodded and said, even his half-old kid who just returned to the village knew that Zhou Qiang was a jerk.

   So, who is willing to spend money to save a bastard?

   "Okay, don't talk about it. You have time to read books at home. Don't be like those long-tongued women in the village who gossip about other people's homes all day long."

   Qi Han ended the conversation aloud, and took out two letters from his pocket.

   "Mother, grandfather has a letter, and Uncle Liu also has a letter, which happened to be delivered by the postman."

   "Really? Show me!"

   Shen Yuerong's attention instantly turned to the letter, she hadn't received a letter from her family for a while.

  Qi Yuanhua couldn't help urging, "Boss, look at what Liu Bo and his old man said?"

  The reason why they returned home so quickly was because after listening to the gossip for a while in the village committee, they met the postman who came to deliver the letter in the village.

   In order to read the letter, they came back in a hurry.

   Every letter from Uncle Liu is related to the situation and trends of the provincial capital, and it is also the only way for their family to get the latest situation in the provincial capital.

  So, Shen Yuerong read the letters of her mother's family, while Qi Han read Uncle Liu's letters.

  Shen Yuerong was very happy after reading the letter, "Father said that they are all well and have been properly settled in the village. The villagers are very welcome to their family, and they also greeted us and thanked Huanhuan again."

Seeing that her family members were all well, she felt at ease. The letter was very euphemistic, but she could see that because her family members pulled away in time, they all had their family assets and food in their hands, so no matter how big the 'wind and rain' was outside , they are not afraid.

   "Grandpa and the others are too outsiders, they are all a family."

   Qin Tianru felt a little guilty. After all, these 'predictions' had nothing to do with her, but instead let her take the credit.

   So that both Qi and Chen's family were grateful to her, which made her a little embarrassed.

   At this time, Qi Han also read the letter with a calm expression.

   "Qi Yuanping and his wife were convicted of another crime."


   It's been a long time since I heard the names of the Changfang couple, and when they heard it suddenly, Qi Yuanhua and Shen Yuerong were slightly stunned before they reacted.

  Qi Yuanhua's expression was a bit indescribable, "Isn't the Wang family their in-laws, doesn't Wang Junran think of a way to help them find a relationship?"

  Wang Junran is still a decent person in the provincial capital. After all, he has a heavy responsibility in the Education Bureau, and he has some connections.

   A hint of sarcasm flashed in Qi Han's eyes, "On the contrary, the Wang family is worried that they will be affected by the Qi family. How could they help them find a relationship?"

  The Wang family is nothing but a selfish villain who seeks good fortune and avoids evil.

   How upright can he be with Qi Yuanping and his wife as a gateway to in-laws?

   "That's true." Qi Yuanhua had an epiphany, the husband and wife are still flying away when the disaster is imminent, let alone those who are only relatives?

   Shen Yuerong asked, "What else did you say?"

  Qi Han: "Uncle Liu said that the current provincial capital is full of turmoil, and the grass and trees are full of soldiers. Everyone is tense and does not dare to take any unnecessary actions. The wind is very serious."


   Hearing this, the couple sighed helplessly.

   Today's update is complete!

   Later, there will be 2,000 supplements from last night.

   PS: The new book is participating in a new round of PK in the bookstore these few days, I hope you will bubbling and supporting!



   (end of this chapter)

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