Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 283: 283, wild boar

   Chapter 283 283, wild boar

   Instead, Qi Han asked about Huanhuan's thoughts. After all, this wild boar is her credit, so naturally, her thoughts should be the main thing, and he doesn't care.

"I also can."

  Qin Tianru didn't care, she didn't have the desire and dedication to meat in this era, and she was not short of meat, even if she gave it away, she didn't have any problem, after all, she didn't spend money.

   Qi Han burst into laughter, "If that's the case, let's go back to the village for an au pair. I guess my parents and the others must have gone down the mountain to call someone."

  Although there is no food to share, the work points can always be placed on the official account of the brigade, and there is always a time when it can be used to offset the food.

   Qin Tianru: "I have no opinion, you can decide."


   Then, Qi Han tied the **** pig with a rattan, and found two big thick sticks to set up the rattan.

   Qin Tianru was cleaning up the scene, so many rattans that came out had to be removed, but she couldn't kill the rattan, after all, it was a life.

   Therefore, Qin Tianru moved the wildly grown canes to a place and let them grow elsewhere.

  Because he was frightened by the **** pig, Huanhuan also picked up the objects and baskets scattered on the ground and sorted them out.

  After a busy day, the young couple sat on the big rock to rest and waited for the arrival of the crowd.

   After more than an hour, Qi Jun came in a hurry with a group of young guys.

   "Brother, sister-in-law, are you all right?"

   "Akan, I heard there is a big wild boar?"

   "Where is the wild boar?"

   "Did this run away?"

   Seven or eight young guys started asking questions one after another. They ran up the mountain at a running speed, and they were still breathing a little.

   "Here, that is." Qi Han calmly pointed to the wild boar that had been wrapped in vines and wrapped into a large mass.


   "Is this already dead?"

   "Wow, such a big wild boar."

   "Qi Han, did you defeat it?"

   "You are fine, I really didn't see it."

   "I'm curious how you killed the wild boar?"

   "It's hard to deal with such a big wild boar."

  Everyone instantly changed from initial surprise to curiosity and admiration, and even asked Qi Han for advice on the spot.

  Faced with everyone's doubts and curiosity, Qi Han explained with a calm expression.

"Today is also our luck. The wild boar's feet were caught by the vines. I took this opportunity and stabbed it in the key with a knife, and then accompanied it around a few times, consuming the excess physical strength, and then It bled to death."

   "That's how good you are." Someone praised.

   "Yes, yes." Everyone agreed.

   Now Qi Han is the most capable and powerful young offspring in their victory team.

   Not only was he the only person in the brigade who worked in the county town, but he was also the first person in their brigade to drive a big truck.

   In addition to these two points, he is even the man in their team who can marry a daughter-in-law best. Since Qi Han went to the county a few days ago, the most talked about person among their men during this period is him.

   is really enviable.

   For such capable people, they naturally uphold the idea of ​​being kind to them and make more friends, and they must never offend those who provoke them.

   "It's getting dark, let's hurry up and carry the wild boar down the mountain." Facing everyone's praise, Qi Han took it lightly, but instead urged everyone to go down the mountain.

  Wait a little longer, I don’t know what kind of beast will appear again.

   "You're right, let's lift up the wild boar quickly.

   "If you let the beasts around you smell this smell, you will surely suffer."

   "What's the matter, hurry up, let's take turns carrying it down the mountain."

  Therefore, without Qi Han's action, the eight young guys were divided into two groups, and the two of them worked together to lift a **** pig.

   When they reached the halfway up the mountain, they met Qi Zhongkang, the scorer, the captain of the other three production teams, and Qi Yuanhua who led the way.

At that time, the four of them ran down the mountain in a hurry. At that time, they only had one idea, that is to run faster, don't drag the young couple down, as long as they go down the mountain, they can find more people to go up the mountain to help them. .

   But the speed of Qi Yuanhua and his wife's feet was always inferior to that of the young man, so they let Qi Jun and Qi Qing go down the mountain first, so they didn't have to keep up with their speed.

   The first person Qi Jun and Qi Qing could think of was his uncle's family, so they went directly to his uncle's house and told them about the wild boar.

  Qi Jun was worried about his brother and sister-in-law. He couldn't wait for his cousin to find someone slowly. He called Qi Jiaxing's two cousins ​​first, and then the two brothers shouted directly along the road, and called some brothers who were familiar with them.

  Just like this, they quickly gathered a support team, and everyone understood the urgency of the matter in their hearts.

   Qi Yuanhua and the others were a step behind, so they had to follow.

   These people are either a little old, or they are not physically fit, so their feet can't be compared with young guys in their twenties, so they were thrown far behind.

   "Hey, you really caught the big wild boar!" Qi Zhongkang was amazed.

   The scorer recalled: "It seems that our brigade hasn't hit a wild boar for many years, right? I didn't expect this year's famine to encounter it."

   "Maybe this is another kind of compensation from God." The second squad leader said with emotion.

   "Makes sense."

  No matter what, being able to catch such a big wild boar is a happy thing, and it is also a blessing for their victorious production team.

  So, a group of people went down the mountain happily.

   At this time, Qi Desheng's mansion was already surrounded by a lot of villagers. Everyone heard the movement and rushed over immediately after going out to inquire.

   After all, it is a big wild boar!

  Everyone has a small abacus in their hearts, no matter what, they want to get some light, and they want to share some meat.

   Therefore, many people did not even bother to cook dinner after hearing the news, and came to the chief's house with the prime of the family.

  Everyone is very concerned about the wild boar, and they want to know how to deal with so many wild boars.

   A group of people carried wild boars down the mountain and went straight to the compound of the captain's house.

"I'm coming!"

   "Such a big wild boar."

   "Really amazing."

   "With such a big wild boar, every family should be able to get a pound or two."

   "Our family hasn't eaten meat for more than half a month."

   "If only I could exchange this wild boar for blood and grains."

  Qin Tianru was walking behind the team, and he just heard everyone's comments, especially the sentence of exchanging pork for food.

   She suddenly felt that it was a good thing to choose to replace the wild boar with their work points.

  Because the wild boars are distributed to each family, whether they choose to eat them directly or exchange them for food, it is a good choice.

   At least the villagers have benefited.

   Yesterday and today, I was out of town, and I didn’t have many manuscripts, so there are only two chapters today.

   I will add 2,000 words tomorrow~!



   (end of this chapter)

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