Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 247: 247, sauce

   Chapter 247 247, Sauce Making

   On this day, the smoke from the cooking in Qi's small courtyard continued, and from time to time a mouth-watering fragrance wafted out.

   Fortunately, the Qi family's courtyard is located in the innermost part of the village. The location is relatively remote, and there are no other homes around. Otherwise, according to the Qi family's practice today, the children next door will definitely cry.

   Shen Yuerong and Qi Qing helped Qin Tianru fight, and the three of them stayed in the stove for almost a day.

   In the morning, the three of them made eight jins of jerky, half spiced and half spicy.

   As for the raw material, it was naturally from the wild roe deer two days ago. After removing the fur and debris, the two families each shared twenty kilograms of meat.

Shen Yuerong kept three catties of fresh meat as food for the two days, and the remaining ten catties were all marinated with salt, but the time was short and the meat was not fully marinated, so Qin Tianru immediately picked two pieces from the meat bowl The meat comes out to make jerky, anyway, the jerky should be marinated with refined salt to taste.

  Qin Tianru is going to pack two jins for each of Brother Han's two flavors, and add a pound for the two flavors of Uncle and Grandpa's house, so that they can taste it and show it.

  The remaining three kilograms of jerky are kept by their family and eaten slowly.

And Qi Han took Qi Jun to fill several large water tanks at home with water, and the walls of the kitchen house were also piled with chopped firewood. When he was not at home, the task of picking up firewood and chopping firewood in the mountains was handed over to him. Xiao Jun.

   As for their father, he didn't do much work since he was a child. He was a young master who was pampered and grew up. In addition, his usual hobbies were more elegant, so his physique was a little weak.

Thinking that his father died early because of his body in the previous life, so in this life, Qi Han tried to minimize his father's work. Even if his father did not suffer from blows and hardships in this life, in Qi Han's heart, his father's body was still a thorn. .

  Now only Xiaojun can take on a part of the burden, so before leaving home, he has to explain some of the work at home to Xiaojun.

   Although Qi Jun is not yet an adult, a 14-year-old boy is about 1.68 meters tall. He loves sports and has a strong body.

   In addition, he is a young and vigorous young man, and he has a lot of strength. To a large extent, Qi Jun has more energy than his father.

   In the afternoon, Qin Tianru made meat sauce.

   I had some morel mushrooms and tea tree mushrooms left at home before, which just happened to be mixed with diced meat. The meat sauce made in this way will taste more delicious.

   According to her understanding of this time and space, it seems that there is no way to eat meat sauce in this era.

  The first step, first cut the meat into cubes, because the meat itself has a salty taste, just add cooking wine and light soy sauce, stir and marinate for 15 minutes.

   In the second step, cut the morels, tea tree mushrooms, onion, **** and garlic into small pieces.

   Next, heat oil in a pan, add onions and other ingredients and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in diced pork and stir-fry until it changes color, then add bean paste.

   After frying the red oil, add the morels and tea tree mushrooms, then pour in the dark soy sauce and cooking wine to fry the mushrooms until cooked.

   Finally, add some white sesame seeds, pepper powder, sugar, and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly.

   "It smells so good~"

  Qi Qing felt the fragrance in the air, and slammed it into her nose, which was very attractive.

   She is greedy again!

   Shen Yuerong was amazed: "So that's how the meat sauce is made!"

   She had eaten soy sauce when she was so old, and only occasionally added some when she was cooking. As for the meat sauce, she had not eaten it yet.

   "Huanhuan, what is the red one you just put in?"

   Although Shen Yuerong is not good at cooking, she still likes the process of cooking, so she has been watching silently while Huanhuan is cooking.

   Hearing this, Qin Tianru turned his head to look at the seasoning on the stove, and instantly realized something, smiled and pointed to a jar of doubanjiang.

   "Mother, is this what you said?"

  Shen Yuerong nodded, "Yes, it looks like red pepper, is it also a kind of sauce?"

   "Yes, this is the bean paste made of red peppers. It tastes very spicy. When cooking, adding a little bit will give it a special flavor. It can also be used as a dipping sauce. There are many ways to eat it."

   Qin Tianru directly picked up Doubanjiang, opened the lid, and handed it to Shen Yuerong, wanting her to take a closer look.

   Her mother knows that she loves cooking, so some of the condiments prepared for her are all handmade and packaged.

   Just like this doubanjiang, there was a piece of red paper pasted on the bottle, which said so-and-so doubanjiang. There was no other information at all, so she took it out and used it without worry.

  Shen Yuerong dipped a bit of bean paste with chopsticks and tasted a little taste, "Well, the taste is quite special, I will try it another day."

   This in-laws brought something really different.

   She felt that the things sent by her in-laws, no matter the size of the object, whether it was food or supplies, showed a subtlety, and it was obviously made with heart.

   Qin Tianru smiled, "I can make this bean paste, but now is not the time to harvest red peppers."

   For a foodie who loves to cook, condiments are a very important existence. Without delicious condiments, no matter how exquisite the dishes are, there is no soul.

   Therefore, she likes to make some concoctions by herself, and the first thing to do is to make sauces.

  Unfortunately, no one in the Shengli production team planted red peppers, so when she was growing vegetables in the small vegetable field in the yard, she planted a small piece of red peppers.

  The reason is that after the chili is mature, it is used to make hot sauce. Condiments such as hot sauce are more delicious and delicious.

   "It's alright, when A-Kan is out in the sports car, he can buy some chili peppers and come back."

  Shen Yuerong smiled and said relievedly, anyway, there is ready-made hot sauce at home to eat, and I am not in a hurry to make it now.

   "Sister-in-law, can this meat mushroom sauce be eaten tonight?"

  Qi Qing couldn't help but ask, the smell of this meat fungus sauce was so appealing, she wanted to taste it at night.

   But she doesn't know much about these, and doesn't know if this meat mushroom sauce needs to be left for a while?

   When Qin Tianru saw Xiaoqing's appearance, he knew that she was greedy again.

   "Yes, this meat mushroom sauce is ready to eat, but the longer it is stored, the more mellow it will taste."

   "That's great! Sister-in-law, let's cook with this meat mushroom sauce tonight."

  Qi Qing immediately followed the words and made a request. Since her sister-in-law came to their house, she felt that she had gone farther and farther on the road of delicious mouth.

   She couldn't help but glance at her rather well-proportioned waist, uh, she should be able to indulge a little more!

   One afternoon, the whole Qi family courtyard was filled with the spicy smell of meat sauce, and the three people who were busy in the backyard vegetable field flooded with water.

   (end of this chapter)

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