Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 246: 246, prepare (add more for the reward)

   Chapter 246 246, preparation (add more for the reward)

   The Qi family had no idea about the quarrel between the villagers and Li Zhaodi because of Qi Han's work.

   Of course, even if they knew about it, everyone in the Qi family didn't care.

   The matter of Qi Han going to work was indeed revealed by Qi Yuanhua and his wife intentionally. After all, there is nothing to hide about this matter, and everyone will know it sooner or later.

   The most important thing is that their family also needs to have such a job as a cover, so it is better to say it openly.

   Besides, their family moved back to the village to live, not to live a hard life, but purely to stay away from the storm whirlpool in the provincial capital.

   They have a wealth of wealth in their hands, so they can’t just pretend to be poor and not spend money, right? That's not looking for abuse.

   But after Qi Han has a serious job, then their family can spend their money in a fair and honest way.

   Therefore, after the news was released, did Qi Yuanhua and his wife go home happily? As for the follow-up reactions of the villagers, it was not within their scope of concern.


  Tomorrow Qi Han will go to the county seat, so his family must prepare well.

   Qin Tianru was worried that her brother Han would not be able to eat well outside, so he thought of preparing him some food that could be stored.

   As for some good things in her storage space, she couldn't take them out for him to take with him. After all, there are many people outside, and her brother Han doesn't seem to have a carry-on space to store things.

  For the sake of safety, Qin Tianru felt that it would be safer for her to cook some food by herself.

   Shen Yuerong and Qi Qing learned that Qin Tianru was going to cook food for Qi Han, and they immediately decided not to go up the mountain with the village troops to find wild vegetables this morning.

   Of course, mainly because they didn't go with Huanhuan, they couldn't find any fresh wild vegetables at all.

  It was just yesterday that the mother and daughter followed Yang Hongying and her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law on the mountain for a long time. After much effort, they finally found a handful of wild vegetables, and they were all tender seedlings.

   You can’t even pick it, no matter how tender the wild vegetables are, others will pick them.

   Therefore, when I heard that Huanhuan would not be able to go up the mountain this morning, the mother and daughter almost didn't think about it, so they instantly dispelled the idea of ​​going up the mountain.

   Without Huanhuan to follow them, they couldn’t find any good wild vegetables even if they went up the mountain, let alone any unexpected joy.

  So, they should stay at home and fight Huanhuan.

   "Sister-in-law, what are you going to do?"

  Qi Qing has been following behind her sister-in-law. Seeing the materials she has prepared, she can't help but be a little curious.

   "I'm going to make some meat sauce and jerky for Brother Han."

   Qin Tianru kept moving his hands, cutting the meat neatly.

   She has already thought about it for Brother Han, no matter what the food in the transport team's canteen is, he can eat it with meat sauce, whether it is mixed with vegetables or with steamed buns.

   And there is diced meat in this sauce, so it can be regarded as a meat dish.

   As for the jerky, he kept it as a snack when he was hungry. Her brother Han had to study in the county transportation team for a week, which would definitely consume a lot of energy and physical strength.

   If her brother Han is hungry, tired, and can't eat well, she will feel distressed.

  Jerky is not only nutritious and delicious, but also strong and anti-hunger.

   If it wasn't for the soil oven that couldn't be used, Qin Tianru would still like to bake some more cookies for Brother Han.

   However, she plans to prepare some chocolate for Brother Han in private, which can quickly replenish calories and relieve fatigue. She thinks this is necessary.

   In addition, chocolate is easy to carry, and it is not so conspicuous. When you are hungry and tired, you can put a piece in your mouth immediately.

   Add one thousand more, and write less than two thousand.

   I haven't been in a good state recently, sorry for writing a little slow.

   But no matter how slow it is, I will make sure to update it every day, and it will not be interrupted.



   (end of this chapter)

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