Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 248: 248, see off

   Chapter 248 248, see off

   He will be away from home for a week tomorrow. Qi Han wants to plant sweet potatoes in the backyard while he is at home today. The reason why he is in such a hurry is because a few people in the family don't know how to farm at all.

   Therefore, he thought of planting sweet potatoes today. When he comes back in a week, it is estimated that the best time for planting will be past.

  Fortunately, after a few days of sweet potatoes, a small section of sprouts has emerged. It is also suitable for transplanting into the ground today.

   "Father, Xiaojun, you can go to the front yard to rest, just leave the rest of the watering work to me."

  Qi Han guessed that the two of them were also tired, so he urged them to rest first.


  Qi Yuanhua did feel a little sour all over, thinking that there wasn't much work left, so he nodded in agreement.

   "Brother, then I'll go see what my sister-in-law has cooked, and I'll help you later."

  Qi Jun had long been tickled by the scent wafting out of the stove. Hearing the elder brother calling to rest, he couldn't bear to go to the stove to take a look.

   Whenever this time, he is particularly annoyed that he is not a woman.

   That way he can stay in the stove like his mother and sister, and no matter what his sister-in-law cooks, he can eat it right away.

  Unfortunately, none of the work arranged for him was in the stove, and he could only smell the fragrance in the air to satisfy his cravings.

   Qi Han secretly laughed, really childish!

   After thinking about the fate of his younger brother in the previous life, Qi Han held back the smile on the corner of his mouth.

   It’s actually pretty good to grow up in such a childish way, there’s no need to carry too many things to grow up.

  This home, he will support it!

  With him, they just need to be happy and live in peace.

   No matter what the storm is ahead, he will block it!

   Seeing his father and younger brother go to the front yard, Qi Han took out a tube of medicine from his pocket.

   This was given to him by Huanhuan during his lunch break.

  It is said that this is called a growth agent, which is a plant growth agent developed by the mother-in-law. Watering in the crops can not only accelerate the growth of crops, but also effectively increase the yield of crops.

  The glass tube contains a faint green liquid, especially emerald green and crystal clear.

   Looking at the potion in his hand, Qi Han still sighed in his heart.

  The mother-in-law of their family is also an amazing person.

   If their country could have such a powerful potion, it is estimated that they would not suffer from famine.

   But the effect of this potion is too amazing. Once exposed, their Qi family will become the target of public criticism and live under public surveillance.

   Of course, if they choose to donate this potion, there is no doubt that they will gain a lot of fame and status, but at the same time, the attention and restraint their family receives will also increase.

   Their family is not short of money at present, and he can earn fame, fortune and status by himself in the future, so there is absolutely no need to take risks with this potion.

   He still agrees with the idea of ​​his father-in-law and mother-in-law. If there is a chance, he can privately use it to help those in need.

   Qi Han was watering two vegetable fields while his thoughts were flying.

   The effect of this potion is very significant. For their two vegetable plots, only half of them needs to be added to the water, which is enough.


   The next day, Qin Tianru got up early to make breakfast.

   Her brother Han is going out today. As a wife, she must make a hearty breakfast to see him off.

   Qi Han felt distressed that his daughter-in-law got up early, and consciously helped with chores.

   As soon as he thought about being separated from Huanhuan for a week, he couldn't help making trouble with her for a long time last night. Although he didn't break through the last line of defense, he used other methods to rub her.

   The two of them didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night.

   As the day dawned, his little daughter-in-law quickly got up.

   Thinking that this is also her expression of her feelings for herself, so she had to accompany her.

   Today's breakfast was extraordinarily rich, Qin Tianru spent a lot of thought making several breakfasts.

  Because we had to rush to report, everyone didn't dare to talk too much at the dinner table, so as not to delay Qi Han's time.

   Anyway, what should be said should be explained, and it was almost said last night.

  After hurriedly eating breakfast, Qi Han picked up a bulging suitcase and was ready to go.

  Qi Yuanhua and others sent Qi Han to the gate of the courtyard, and stopped, and the next journey to the entrance of the village was naturally sent off by Huanhuan, who was a bedside person.

   parting is imminent, always leave some space for the couple to talk privately.

   Therefore, everyone in the Qi family was very sensible and did not follow to see them off.

   So, Qi Han took Huanhuan's hand and walked slowly towards the entrance of the village.

   Yesterday, he made an appointment with Qi Jiaxing to go out, and he deliberately set the meeting point at the entrance of the village, because he knew that his young daughter-in-law would definitely send him out of the village in person.

   Of course, he also wanted to stay with Huanhuan for a while.

   Qi Han saw that Huanhuan was silent, so he had to take the initiative to ask for a word.

   "Do you remember what I told you last night?"

   Qin Tianru nodded his head, "Remember, don't worry, I won't wander around outside if I'm fine, even if I go out, I'll take Xiaoqing with me."

   Qi Han nodded with satisfaction, the country people are indeed very simple, but they do not represent everyone.

   As the old saying goes: as long as there are people, there will be right and wrong, and there will naturally be good and bad in small mountain villages.

   He couldn't be more clear about every family in the Shengli Production Brigade. After all, he lived in this place for several years and saw a lot of pickled things.

   When he went out this time, what he was most worried about was his family Huanhuan, after all, his girl was so beautiful, lovely and likable.

   "Also, during my absence, try not to go into the deep mountains. Even if you have the ability to ensure your own safety, there are still many unexpected accidents in this world that we cannot predict."

   Qi Han couldn't help but remind him again, for fear that there was something he didn't explain clearly.

   "Don't worry~ I remembered it all!"

   Originally, Qin Tianru's mood was still a little down, but seeing her brother Han started to babble again, the feeling of loss was instantly dispelled.

   After all, this is the first time she has separated from him since she came to this world.

   Since this time, they have been with each other all the time, and she is really reluctant to be separated for more than a week.

   But her brother Han can talk too much. Her mother doesn't nagging like him. He is obviously a young man under twenty years old, but he looks like a little old man.

   And these words, he has said these words twice, he explained them once before going to bed last night, and this morning when he was making breakfast, he repeated them again.

   In addition, this is the third time that she will say it, and she is about to memorize it.

   "Okay, I won't say it, just remember it."

   Qi Han sighed in his heart, why is there no ability to make people smaller?

   In that case, he can pack Huanhuan into his pocket and take it away.

   (end of this chapter)

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