Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 237: 237, looking for the valley (9 more)

   Chapter 237 237, Looking for the Valley (9 more)

   There are no plants available for induction, so how does she find clues?

  Qin Tianru sat down on a stone, propping his chin in thought.

   Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she stood up excitedly.

   "It seems that the brain is not used often, and it has become stupid~"

  Qin Tianru flipped her wrist, holding a handful of tiny seeds in her hand. Looking at the flower seeds in her hand, she couldn't help raising the corner of her mouth.

   I almost forgot my original ability!

  Huanhuan's eyes were fixed on her right hand, and her expression was extraordinarily focused.

   Gradually, green buds appeared in her palms, and then the green buds continued to expand, turning into green branches, and long vines were derived from the green branches.

   Immediately, Qin Tianru waved towards the ground, and the branches that fell on the ground extended infinitely on the ground, turning into a long vine.

  For a while, Qin Tianru held several vines in each of his hands, and each vine was covered with green branches and leaves, but she didn't stop because of this, instead she was still injecting the cultivating ability into the vines.

   Then, the vines bloomed purple flowers at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wisteria continued to extend around, spreading branches and leaves, blooming gorgeous flowers.

   Qi Han, who was under the stone wall on the other side, was startled by Huanhuan's actions.

Then, he saw with his own eyes that a piece of rocky land that was still bare was covered with a layer of green clothes in less than five minutes, and the hills and cols, which were desolate at first, returned to the earth in an instant in spring. Greenery.

  Qi Han saw that in the hands of his family Huanhuan, new branches were still emerging, and looking at this posture, it seemed like he was going to turn the whole mountain into a green space.

   Another few minutes passed. At this time, there were vines all over the ground. All the branches and vines seemed to be woven into a net. The vine branches not only protruded into the stone cracks, but also climbed the stone walls and even plunged into the soil.

   In short, this col has been tightly wrapped by vines.

   "It's alright, Huanhuan." Qi Han stopped in a timely manner.

   Hearing the sound, Qin Tianru threw his hands and stopped the injection of powers.

   "Are you okay?"

   Qi Han had already come to Qin Tianru's side. At this time, his eyes were locked on Huanhuan's face, wanting to see if her expression was different, worried that her power consumption would be too much and it would affect her body.

   "Don't worry, I've used this skill very well for a long time, and it won't affect me in any way."

   Qin Tianru's brows and eyes twitched, her brother Han's words and deeds, she seemed to be able to immediately understand what he meant.

   Qi Han felt relieved.

   "Brother Han, sit and rest, now I can sense with these vines."

   Qin Tianru's eyes sparkled, making her whole person radiate a confident light.

   Qi Han raised his brows slightly, and evoked a pleasant smile. The confident appearance of his baby is really charming!

  Qin Tianru squatted down and touched the vine with both hands. The road map in his mind was like a line, following the direction of the vine spreading, like spreading around.

  Suddenly, her figure froze, and then she held her breath again, focusing on her perception.

   A minute later, Qin Tianru stood up, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

   "Any results?"

   When Huanhuan's eyes were full of joy, Qi Han knew that her strategy was successful.

   Qin Tianru smiled and nodded: "Yes, our guess is right, that mysterious valley is really hidden between these cliffs, and there is no entrance at all outside.

   If I hadn't contacted the other plants in the valley through these vines, I'm afraid we would have searched all day and couldn't find the entrance to the valley.

   It’s just the plants I sensed just now, it seems a little strange, not like the smell of plants I’ve come into contact with before. Because of the distance, I can’t perceive any information about plants. "

   Qi Han smiled lightly, "No hurry, you'll know when we go in."

   After a short pause, he frowned and thought: "Since there is no entrance outside, there must be other ways to enter. There can't be a valley without an entrance, right?"

   "I know!" Qin Tianru blinked and smiled.

  Fortunately, her brain has not been completely Alzheimer's, and she thought of her own birthing ability in time, otherwise the two of them would have done their work in vain today.

   "Oh? Where is the cut-in?" Qi Han expressed his curiosity.

  Qin Tianru pointed at the cliff in mid-air, "There!"


   Qi Han looked puzzled and didn't quite understand what Huanhuan meant. How did this half-empty cliff enter the valley?

   Qin Tianru explained, "Someone should have stayed in this valley before, but it seems that in order to avoid being discovered, the entrance was blocked from the inside. The only incision that can be entered is through the gap in the cliff at half waist."

   As long as they can enter the valley, they can open the entrance and exit under the stone wall from the inside.

   Maybe that person is the owner of this valley, or the discoverer of the valley, but no matter what, he really worked hard for this valley.

   "This cliff is so high, how can it be possible to enter?" Qi Han looked calm.

   It's really hard for the owner of this valley to come up with such a tricky method. Now he really wants to know, how did the owner of this valley come out in the first place?

   Could it be that he has always lived in the valley and was completely isolated from the world, so he blocked the entrance to prevent anyone from entering?

   I really don’t understand the thoughts of those worldly experts.

   "Others may not, but I am different!"

  Qin Tianru smiled and rolled his eyes, with a smug look on his face, just like a kitten who got his way.

   "Have you forgotten my ability? It's not difficult for me to climb such a cliff."

   Qi Han paused for a moment, revealing a clear smile.

   He is stupid!

   "Look at me."

   Qin Tianru raised her chin proudly towards Qi Han, and then she touched the vine again.

   followed, and Qi Han saw the branches and vines lying on the ground, all facing the cliff on the right, climbing all the way up.

  In less than two minutes, the entire cliff was covered with lush vines, and in the green, there were also beautiful purple flowers.

  The vines are falling down like a waterfall on the stone wall, which is really beautiful.

   "Let's go."

  Qin Tian happily took Qi Han's hand and walked to the stone wall.

   It was the first time that she operated her own abilities in this way. The reason why she had such an operation method was entirely due to the actions of those plants when she met the roe deer yesterday afternoon, which gave her such inspiration.

   She is such a waste of abilities, she doesn’t even know how flexible she is.

   "Brother Han, wrap the vine around your waist and hold on to the vine branch."

   Qin Tianru told her brother Han while operating the demonstration.

   (end of this chapter)

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