Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 238: 238, Mysterious Valley (10 more)

   Chapter 238 238, Mysterious Valley (10 more)

"it is good."

   Qi Han's eyes are gentle, and his family Huanhuan is really a big baby, so he can come up with such a method.

   After the two of them had taken safety measures, Qin Tianru grabbed the vine and raised her lips lightly, "Get up!"

   In the next second, the vines that had been hanging on the stone wall still climbed up.

   Feeling that his body was rising, Qi Han suddenly felt that it was very novel.

   His family Huanhuan's ability is simply omnipotent!

   Now they don't need any climbing props at all, and they don't even need to make any effort to climb up, they just need to grab the vine and let the vine pull them directly up.

  This way of climbing, don't be too easy!

   In less than two minutes, the two of them landed on the stone crevice at the half waist of the cliff.

   "Don't let go."

   Qin Tianru couldn't help but exhorted.

   Qi Han nodded: "Okay, be careful too."

   The two of them grabbed the vines and stepped on the cliffs between the stone crevices. Although there were vines for protection, the cliffs were not easy to walk. They were all bumpy stones.

  The two of them worked hard, walked about two meters away, and passed from the cliff on one side to the cliff on the other side, which is the cliff inside the valley.

   Standing on the crevice of the inner cliff, the face of the valley was imprinted in the eyes of the two of them at a glance.


   Qin Tianru couldn't help exclaiming.

  What a beautiful valley!

   is simply a paradise in fairy tales.

   "Let's go down first."

   Seeing Huanhuan staring blankly, Qi Han reminded with a chuckle.

   But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is safer to stand on the ground and enjoy it, after all, the position they are in is a little dangerous.

   "Yes, let's go down quickly."

   Qin Tianru looked impatient.

   "Brother Han, catch it~ Let's fly down!"

   After the words fell, Qi Han felt a gust of wind hit his face, and the vines swirled in the air, like a swing, and threw the two of them high in the air.


   Qin Tianru let out a cheerful exclamation, which was so exciting, like riding a roller coaster, giving people an indescribable sense of pleasure.

   Qi Han on the other vine couldn't help indulging himself at this moment, and cheered and shouted with Huanhuan.

   He hadn't been so happy and relaxed for a long time. He felt that the whole person was stretched out from the inside out, and his body and mind were full of joy and comfort.

   Soon, the vines fell toward the ground, and the two of them stepped on the ground smoothly as if they were riding a parachute.

   Qin Tianru moved his wrist slightly, and the vines that had wrapped around them instantly loosened, and then retracted back to the cliff, just like the previous waterfall curtain, hanging quietly on the cliff.

   "Go, let's explore!"

   Qin Tianru was like a cheerful bird, pulling her brother Han and running towards the small lake not far away.

   "Wow, this lake is so blue~"

  Qin Tianru stood by the lake, stretched his neck and looked towards the surface of the lake, and found that he could not see the bottom of the lake at all, so it could be seen that the lake was deep.

   "Huanhuan, don't move, be careful to fall into the lake."

   Qi Han, who was next to him, was shocked when he saw Huanhuan's actions, and he was so frightened that he immediately grabbed Huanhuan's hand to prevent her from accidentally falling into the lake.

  This valley is full of mystery. Who knows if there is any unknown danger hidden at the bottom of this lake?

  Qin Tianru stood up straight and smiled embarrassedly, "Hehe~ I'm just curious to see, I won't touch the lake."

   Curiosity belongs to curiosity, but she still has a sense of precaution. For unknown areas, she naturally dare not touch it rashly.

   "Look elsewhere."

  Qi Han held Qin Tianru's hand tightly, to avoid letting her jump, it is safest to drag her by his side at all times.

   The area of ​​this valley is not very large, only about 200 square meters.

   In the middle of this valley is a small lake with a round shape. The lake water is very blue, just like sea water.

   And the whole ground was covered with shallow grass. Because there was no yellow soil, Qin Tianru and Qi Han could only walk on the grass.

  The most ingenious thing is that the sky above this valley is a random circle formed by the peaks on all sides, like four heads slightly nodding and accidentally touching each other.

  Because of the unevenness of the peaks of the cliffs, there is just a circle shape between the four peaks.

   And the ingenious thing is the circular port above the valley, which happens to be the shape of the small lake in the valley.

   Therefore, all the light in the sky is poured directly on the small lake, reflecting the twinkling stars on the blue water.

   Such pictures make people feel like they are in a dreamlike wonderland.

   And there are no trees around the small lake, just a piece of green grass, but there are traces between the four foothills.

   "Brother Han, look!"

   Qin Tianru suddenly found a small cave ahead.

   "Be careful, I'm going ahead!"

   Qi Han immediately dragged his daughter-in-law, who was about to run away, and protected her behind him.

   "Oh, alright." Qin Tianru's face instantly became well-behaved.

   So, the two held hands and walked slowly into the cave step by step.

  I don’t know if there are small slits or openings in the cave. I feel that the light in the cave is not dim. On the contrary, they can see the appearance of the cave very clearly.

   Along the way, they didn't see any obstructions, and there was nothing strange. The whole way was smooth, just like those ordinary small caves seen outside the valley.

   Following the topography of the cave, the two of them walked around for about two or three minutes, and finally reached the innermost part of the cave.


   Qin Tianru exclaimed again.

   "Is this a hot spring?"

   Qin Tianru was very surprised and surprised.

   Why is there a hot spring in this cave? This is really a peculiar geographical landscape.

   "It should be." Qi Han responded with a hint of surprise on his face.

   In front of them, it was obviously a hot spring hole with shallow heat.

  Suddenly, Qi Han felt that there was a strong light shaking at the end of his left eye.

   He subconsciously followed his line of sight and looked over, his eyes suddenly startled.

   "Huanhuan, look at what is it?"

   Qi Han excitedly pulled Huanhuan's hand and motioned her to turn her head.

   "What's wrong?" Qin Tianru asked as he turned his head to look.

   Today, her brother Han has always been calm and calm, and it is rare to hear his voice so excited and surprised.


   Qin Tianru originally wanted to tease her brother Han, but when her eyes met, she was dumbfounded.

   "What the **** is that?"

   She didn't see flowers, did she? The light almost blinded her eyes.

   Qi Han frowned and guessed, "Huanhuan, could it be the thing you said before?"

   20,000 updates are complete~

   I'm sorry, because of my poor health, today's code is not in the best condition.

   So I rushed to the last minute to update o(╥﹏╥)o

   Thank you for your birthday wishes and support, the book has participated in the PK in the bookstore these days, I hope you don't save money~

   Support bubbling a lot!




   (end of this chapter)

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