Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 236: 236, deep mountain adventure (8 more)

   Chapter 236 236, Deep Mountain Adventure (8 more)

   Therefore, Qin Tianru still needs to search for directions while walking, or find the surrounding plants and then inquire.

   In addition, she is completely unfamiliar with the road conditions in the mountains.

  Although she has a map in her head, the map displays information related to plants and soil, and it is not like the navigation maps of later generations, which can have pictures and building names.

   Even the map in her mind doesn't even have a name, it's all small dots of different colors, and so far, she can't distinguish all the colored dots clearly.

   She now knows several colors, such as green for plants with all roots, yellow for land, black for mountains, and red for search punctuation.

   As for other colors, she is not very clear.

For example, at this time, Qin Tianru was looking for a valley, but the map in her mind could not mark the location of the valley, because in the virtual image in her mind, even if there was a valley showing the location, what she saw It's just some land and plant spots.

   Unless she already knew the specific location of the valley, she couldn't make a judgment in her mind at all.

  According to what the big tree said yesterday, there is a valley in the deepest part of the mountain, which is a good place.

  The big tree only knows that the valley is a good place, but he can't clearly express what kind of good place it is, but the big tree also said that it is a good place that all humans will like.

   Therefore, Qin Tianru felt very curious.

  In this way, it took them more than an hour to enter the core area of ​​the deep mountain.

   "Brother Han, you said we were right? This place doesn't look like a valley."

  Qin Tianru stood in a place on a mountain, looking at the surrounding environment, frowning.

  This is either thick forest and grass, or high mountain walls.

   Where did the valley come from?

   "Since the big tree said it was in this direction, it should be near here. Let's walk forward." Qi Han wiped the sweat from his forehead and patiently comforted his daughter-in-law.

   Qin Tianru sighed slightly: "Okay, let's look for it."

  The little couple held hands and continued to walk towards the end of the deep mountain, until they were faced with a mountain wall and there was no way to go, and the two stopped.

   The position where the two of them are now is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and the ground is full of large rocks piled up in a mess.

  It looks like a mountain col, but there is no trace of water, nor any trees, only some weeds grow among the rocks.

   In short, it is quite desolate.

   Qin Tianru blinked in confusion, not knowing what to do for a while.

   "Don't worry, let's look for it slowly. Now let's sit down and rest for a while and have something to eat."

   After confirming that there was no danger around them, Qi Han was not in a hurry. He felt that since the big tree pointed to this place, it must be in this area.

"All right."

   Hearing that, Qin Tianru also felt a little hungry. After counting the time, they had already walked the mountain road for more than three hours. No matter how full they had eaten in the morning, they would be digested completely.

   Immediately, Qin Tianru took out two iron lunch boxes from the storage space. These are the bamboo shoots and pork buns that my mother packed for them this morning, worried that they would be hungry on the road.

   After walking out of the Qi's small courtyard, she immediately put the cloth bag into the storage space, so when she took it out, the lunch box was still warm.

   "Here, eat some buns."

   Qi Han took the lunch box and asked suspiciously, "Huanhuan, don't you think our journey is a little too peaceful?"

   From the moment he entered the deep mountain, he had been worried about their safety in his heart, and he was afraid of encountering some ferocious beast, but the miraculous thing was that they did not encounter a beast all the way here.

   This feeling is like the beasts in the mountains are fleeing for the two of them.

   Qin Tianru took a bite of the diced bamboo shoots and meat bun, and he ate the bun filling in one bite, and his teeth were full of fragrance.

   "Eh? Why do you say that?"

   Qin Tianru puffed out his cheeks and ate meat buns while responding to Qi Han.

   "We are in the deep mountains now. It stands to reason that there are the most beasts in it, but along the way, we didn't see a single beast. Can your powers still exorcise beasts?"

   Qin Tianru shook his head: "Impossible, my power is related to plants, and unlike my eldest sister, her power can drive all beasts."

After    finished speaking, Huanhuan looked thoughtful. After thinking for a while, she expressed her guess.

   "You can also see that along the way, I follow the directions guided by the plants. Could it be that the route they fed back to me just happened to help us avoid all the beasts?"

   Qi Han nodded thoughtfully, "It's possible."

  No, he really couldn't think of any other reason.

Qin Tianru sipped the sauce on his lips, "There is another possibility that the blessing of good fortune on my body allows us to perfectly stagger all the beasts. You also know that I am lucky, and many times I follow It feels like a choice."

   "This possibility is not ruled out, maybe both." Qi Han guessed.

   "Oh, let's not worry too much, just know that we are safe~"

   Qin Tianru is very optimistic, his mood is completely undisturbed, and he continues to eat meat buns happily.

   There were four buns in each lunch box, Qin Tianru was full after eating only three, and the remaining meat buns were naturally solved by Qi Han.

   "Brother Han, do you think we should knock on these rock walls? Perhaps, the valley that the big tree said is hidden between these peaks and cliffs?"

   After eating and drinking, Qin Tianru was instantly revived with full blood, looking like an energetic girl.

   Qi Han's eyes showed admiration: "I thought about it just now, since the valley is a good place, it will definitely not be easily discovered, there should be some mystery hidden somewhere here."

  Qin Tianru was instantly intrigued, his eyes brightened, "Then let's take a look."

   Immediately, the two moved separately, each chose one side, and groped along the mountain wall for a while.

  Qi Han used a small shovel to beat the stone wall from time to time, or stepped on the ground. Although he had never explored adventures, he had seen some anecdotes and heard stories of treasure hunts and adventures.

   Therefore, he guessed that there should be some triggering mechanism nearby.

   Compared with the clumsy method used by Qi Han, Qin Tianru's side is relatively relaxed because she has supernatural powers.

   It's just that most of the stones in this place, there are no plants at all, the only green is just some weeds, and there is no spirituality.

   Even if Qin Tianru had injected supernatural powers, her consciousness would be very weak, but it was better than nothing.

   I'm not in good health today, so I'm a little slow to write, I'll add 6,000 first, and 4,000 may be a little late, you can read it tomorrow morning.



   (end of this chapter)

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