Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 235: 235, mind power (7 more)

   Chapter 235 235, Mind Power (7 more)

   "So, what did you do?"

When he heard it in the afternoon, Qi Han felt that it was impossible. He went to the mountains so many times in his last life, and he dug a lot of traps, and even hit a lot of prey, but he never saw it. The prey is brought to the door by itself.

   And still in such a stupid way.

   So, he felt at the time that there must be something inside, and most of it had something to do with his daughter-in-law. After all, her ability is very powerful, and it is entirely possible to do something out of it.

   Qin Tianru raised his chin proudly, "I didn't do anything."

   Qi Han frowned, "That?"

   "It's made by the vines nearby!" Qin Tianru didn't continue to sell off, and directly stated the 'culprit' behind it.

   Qi Han looked stunned, "What's going on?"

   "Speaking of this, I was also surprised at the time"

   Then, Qin Tianru started talking.

   In fact, she really didn't do anything about it. If you really want to look into it, she thought a lot about how to cook bamboo shoots when she was digging them.

   But most of the practices are related to meat, but there is no meat on the surface of their house, so she is thinking secretly, what reason should she find some meat to eat.

   I don't know if it was because of her good fortune, but when they were about to dig the bamboo shoots, a roe deer suddenly appeared near the bamboo forest.

   At that time, she sensed it immediately, and still shouted in her heart: Wow, there is meat to eat!

   It seemed that the plants around her who were conscious of her sensed her emotional response, so a vine next to the roe deer shook its branches wildly.

   As a result, this sudden shock shocked the roe deer who was foraging, so that the roe deer scurried around.

   Then, the surrounding plants joined the team of chasing the roe deer, and they tried their best. In this way, the surrounding flowers and trees surrounded the roe deer and drove it to their side.

  The roe deer, who was in a panic, fell into the trap of the little cuties. The moment he rushed to her, he seemed to be pulled by a certain plant behind her.

  So, Roezi seemed to be really frightened and slammed into the stone next to her with a bang.

   "That's it, so I really didn't do it."

   Qin Tianru spread his hands innocently.

   She really didn't expect that plants can still act according to their own thoughts, which means that she can also direct plants through their thoughts?

   She was quite satisfied with this. This is exactly what she looked like as a big sister she once envied.

  "." Qi Han choked, he really had nothing to say.

   Anyway, since I met his family Huanhuan, the world has become more and more vivid and exciting.

   Anyway, this is a good thing for Huanhuan.

  Since there are no hidden dangers, then he will no longer ask.


   The next day, before dawn, the young couple got up early in the cold day.

   They were going to explore the deep mountains today, and they didn't know what was going on in the deep mountains, so they planned to leave early. Secondly, Qin Tianru wanted to eat bamboo shoots and fresh meat buns in the morning, so he got up earlier than usual.

  When she was digging for bamboo shoots yesterday, Huanhuan had already gone through all the methods of bamboo shoots in her mind. She had already eaten roasted pork with bamboo shoots last night, so she really wanted to eat a delicious bamboo shoot meat bun this morning.

   Her favorite meat buns are the bamboo shoots and lotus root meat buns, because these two types of meat buns don't feel greasy at all, on the contrary, they are crispy and delicious.

   It is rare to have so many fresh bamboo shoots at home, so Qin Tianru naturally doesn't want to miss his favorite delicacy.

  So, she also brought Brother Han to fight, and asked him to help slaughter meat, chop stuffing, and cut bamboo shoots, while she was in charge of mixing noodles, mixing ingredients, and making steamed buns.

   After working hard for an hour, the young couple steamed two large steamed bamboo shoots and fresh pork buns, each bun is about the size of an adult's fist.

  This breakfast is so satisfying, everyone's stomach is full.

   Around seven o'clock, the Hantian couple went out full of energy.

   After the Qi family watched the two leave, they turned around and went back to the courtyard to start their day's work.

   At the dinner table last night, the young couple told them in advance that they have something to go out today, so they don't have to worry, they will be back before dark.

   Now that the children are married, it is inconvenient for Qi Yuanhua and his wife to inquire about the affairs of the young couple, not to mention that the young couple are very thoughtful people and know their sense of proportion.

  Since they have something to do, they naturally won't block anything.

   Originally, sister Qi Qing also wanted to go out to play with her brother and sister-in-law, but she was ruthlessly suppressed by Shen Yuerong.

  The newlywed couple goes out together, which is a good opportunity to cultivate their relationship. What is it with two big light bulbs?

   It’s annoying to look at!

   During this period of time, the young couple was busy with each other every day, and they did not see anything they had done together. When the husband and wife get along, there is no shortage of time to work and communicate.

   It is rare for the couple to go out to do errands together today. Shen Yuerong doesn't want anyone to affect the relationship between the couple.

   "Okay, hurry up and work, I'm busy today~"

   Shen Yuerong didn't want the siblings to disturb the young couple, but the main reason was that there was a lot of work at home today and needed help.

   The four of them will not only marinate more than ten kilograms of meat, but also clean up all the bamboo shoots dug up yesterday, cut them into shreds, and then dry them in a dustpan.

   In addition to bamboo shoots, there are also the endive vegetables and broom vegetables that they picked up the day before yesterday. Today, they are going to clean the wild vegetables, and then wait for Huanhuan to come back, and then make seasonings and marinate them.

  These meat dishes must be prepared within today, because the temperature is a bit high these days, many meat dishes are easy to spoil if they are not processed.

   As for the earth oven that the father and son three built yesterday, today they have to smear a layer of yellow soil on the outermost surface to thicken and consolidate.

   Therefore, the four of them have a lot of things to do at home today. If sister and brother Qi Qing were allowed to go out to play, the couple would be too busy.

   In the small mountain village at this time, the smoke from the cooking wafted up, every household was eating breakfast, and the Hantian couple had already climbed halfway up the mountain.

   Qi Han held Huanhuan's hand and walked slowly into the deep mountains to protect her.

   "What's next?"

   Qi Han looked at the fork in the road ahead and asked the people around him, they had now entered the range of the edge of the deep mountain.

   "Go this way."

   Qin Tianru pointed to the mountain road on the right. Although the big tree told her the direction yesterday, the expressive ability of plants is limited, and they cannot clearly express a precise position.

   (end of this chapter)

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