Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 198: 198, unexpected joy

   Chapter 198 198, unexpected joy

   "What? Are there any seedlings?"

"real or fake?"

   "Captain, are you kidding me?"

   "Yeah, this joke is not funny at all."

   "Which nobleman?"

   "Captain, is that Maimiao?"

   "You guys stop arguing, it's really urgent, let the captain say it!"

   There was an instant uproar at the scene. The villagers really didn't expect such an unexpected joy. Originally, they had given up hope for grain seeds.

   Even in the past two days, everyone has been discussing, using all the money to exchange for other grains and beans. If the famine is really serious, it can still satisfy the hunger.

   But now the brigade captain told them that the brigade had wheat seedlings!

   The most excited people in the crowd were the women. Because of the transplanting of wheat seedlings a few days ago, the brigade all concealed the women in the team, for fear that the news would leak out.

   So, the women in the team didn't know about it.

   During this time, God knows how worried they are. Many people originally planned to see their daughter-in-law this year, but when the famine came, they didn't have to think about anything.

   This news undoubtedly gave them hope.

   The team members who participated in planting seedlings in the mountains before were still very happy and excited. After all, no one thinks that there is too much food.

  Although I accidentally got hundreds of wheat seedlings before, I can still grow some rations.

  Compared to the total population of the brigade, the wheat seedlings are a bit underwhelming, but in this special period, they don't dare to dislike it.

   At this moment, the atmosphere of the whole small courtyard instantly became alive, and it was no longer as dull as the previous moment.

  Qi Zhongkang let everyone get excited for a while, and when everyone gradually quieted down, he revealed the key figures of today.

   "Yes, it's the wheat seedlings! This time I have to thank Qi Han's Yue family for their help to our brigade. Mr. Qin and his wife brought 2,000 wheat seedlings for our brigade, so we have to thank them!"

   After finishing speaking, Qi Zhongkang took the lead in clapping his hands. No matter what the purpose of the Qin family was, he sincerely thanked the couple for both the public and private.

   After all, their brigade is the real beneficiary.

   As for the hundreds of wheat seedlings that had been successfully transplanted before, Qi Zhongkang did not intend to advertise it. He planned to use the hundreds of wheat seedlings transplanted on the mountain as the back-up and security of their brigade.

   The reason why the wheat seedlings sent by the Qin family were revealed in public today was also due to two considerations.

   First, the Qin family wanted to be human, so he naturally had to respect their ideas. Besides, the Qin family also helped the cousins’ family, so he couldn’t write two Qi characters in one stroke.

   is actually beneficial to their room, so naturally he will not refuse.

   Secondly, I also want to appease people's hearts. In the past two days, everyone has been arguing about the issue of food. As the captain, he is even more troubled.

   In order to distract the people of the brigade, and to prevent everyone from doing anything in the future, he decided to follow the Qin family's plan.

   As the saying goes, you can't put your eggs in one basket. In this way, one grain is in the light and the other is in the dark, which is a double guarantee.

   Everyone was slightly startled, as if they were a little surprised, but also as if they were expected.

   But soon everyone responded and applauded enthusiastically to express their gratitude.

  Qi Zhongkang gestured and asked the admiring couple to come to the stage to say a few words, Mu Yiren directly poked the waist of the person beside him, Qin Mingsheng immediately stood up knowingly.

   (end of this chapter)

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