Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 199: 199, the grace of the Qin family

   Chapter 199 199, the grace of the Qin family

   "Thank you all! Our Qin family and Qi family made a marriage contract in the previous generation, and our youngest daughter and Qi Han can walk together, and we are very happy for them.

  Our family travels around all year round because of work, and it is difficult to come back once, but this time we encountered a famine. On the way back, we also received news from our daughter, and then we started to seedlings along the way.

   Fortunately, some places have not been affected by the famine, so we were lucky to buy wheat seedlings on the road. The quantity should have been more, but it was damaged on the road, so there are only so many left at the victory production team.

  Our family loves our daughter very much. Now that we are married so far, we will not be able to take care of their young couple in the future. Knowing that they will return to their hometown to settle down, we want to contribute a little to the villagers.

   Of course, I also hope that everyone can take care of their young couple in the future, and I won’t say much else. In the end, I hope everyone can eat and drink well today. "

  Qin Mingsheng put his hands together and made a bow towards the crowd.

   What they did was just to help their daughter and son-in-law stand up in the village, and it also played a deterrent effect. Their Qin family was the biggest backer of the Qi family.

   Anyone who is not stupid will understand that there is no benefit in being an enemy of the Qi family.

   In fact, their family can come up with a more effective and trouble-free growth potion, but the unknown risk is too great, and it almost affects the whole body.

   If you take out the growth potion, you must explain its source. Their family Huanhuan will not make it. If the husband and wife reveal their identities as researchers, they will not be able to stand the test in this world.

  Once they reveal anything suspicious, they will definitely be targeted by the relevant departments soon, and they will receive more attention and trouble in the future.

   It's not that they don't want to help the people who were hit by the disaster, it's just that they don't want to make a big splash, and they don't want fame and fortune anyway.

   After that, let the son-in-law find a suitable opportunity and work privately.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, we will help you take care of their young couple."

   "Yes, yes, if anyone troubles the Qi family, they will have trouble with our brigade."

   "Thank you so much, thank you~"

   "The Qi family was originally a member of our brigade, and we will definitely not bully our own family."

   Everyone understood these words, and they also heard the deep meaning in the words.

   Not to mention how much the husband and wife put in for the sake of their young daughter, I am afraid that this batch of wheat seedlings cost a lot of money to buy, and maybe a lot of effort was spent on it.

   Although it is for the daughter and son-in-law's family, it is their victory production team who is in love. This cannot be denied.

   They can understand the Qin family's thoughts and intentions. After all, a girl who is married thousands of miles away from her parents is indeed a little helpless, and the Qi family has just moved back to the village.

Compared with these farmers who have been rooted in the village for decades, the Qi family is obviously a 'foreign family', but the Qin family is completely overthinking it. Based on the conditions of the Qi family, they are already considered good in their village. .

   Now that this happy event is over, the entire team knows that the Qi family has a powerful in-laws, so just for these two points, they only have a good relationship, so how dare they offend the Qi family?

   Not to mention bullying the Qi family!

   (end of this chapter)

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