Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 197: 197, mention food again

   Chapter 197 197, mentioning food again

   In the last session, the young couple offered thanksgiving tea to the four parents.

   At this point, the wedding ceremony is complete.

   "I announce! Mr. Qi Han and Ms. Qin Tianru are officially married, applause and congratulations!"

  When have the people in the village ever seen such a pompous and formal wedding scene? During the whole process, everyone held their breath and watched the newlyweds intently.

   Hearing the final announcement of the team leader, everyone excitedly clapped their hands, and there was a burst of warm applause at the scene.

   Some of the team members' palms turned red, but they were still clapping their hands, with an inexplicable excitement on their faces.

  Perhaps, everyone feels that they are very happy and proud to be able to personally participate in and witness such a grand and formal wedding in their lifetime.

   Just when everyone thought the wedding ceremony was over, they heard Qi Zhongkang speak again.

   "Fellow folks, on this happy occasion today, there is another great thing to announce to you."

   "What a good thing?"

   "Captain, don't sell anything."

   "That's right, Captain, please speak up."

   Qi Zhongkang's face was full of joy. Seeing everyone asking, he didn't rush to give the answer, but talked about the other side.

   "Everyone knows that there is already a famine in the north of us, and now there is a lot of trouble outside because of the problem of food, even if you have money, you can't buy it.

   It can be seen that everyone should know how precious food is? I can tell you that this famine may be worse than we thought, and this food is about our lives!

   At that time, we can only rely on ourselves, so we must be prepared and reserve food. This is a life-saving medicine at a critical moment. "

  's remarks from the captain seemed to pour a basin of cold water on the heads of the team members in an instant, and my heart was even more chilled.

   The excitement that had been inexplicably excited before was suddenly extinguished.

  Although it is a bit disappointing to mention this topic in this stall, the reason why Qi Zhongkang and others chose this occasion is to create momentum and human feelings for the Qi and Qin families, so that everyone can remember them deeply.

   Qi Zhongkang's behavior today is naturally known to the Qi and Qin families. As today's protagonists, the Hantian couple also agreed.

   They are not afraid to care about it. Anyway, for them, the most sacred and important ritual link has been completed, so today's wedding is a complete success.

   As for the time outside the ceremony, they don't care that much.

  The villagers at the banquet could not sit still and threatened one after another.

   "Captain, everyone understands this, but the problem is that we can't do anything about it."

   "That's right, I've been so worried that I can't sleep these past few nights."

   If it weren't for the happy events of the Daqi family in the past two days, let everyone have a little fun and say, I don't know how worried they will be.

  I finally came today to feel happy, but the captain brought up the food again at this stall, and instantly pulled them from the cloud of joy back to the cruel reality.

   When Qi Zhongkang saw everyone's frowning faces, he knew that the effect of the creation was almost the same.

   So he raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

   "I know that everyone has been worrying about food for the past two days. Why we mention this on this occasion is also because our victorious production team was lucky and met a distinguished person.

   Knowing that our brigade had no seeds and could not grow crops, so I took the trouble to help our brigade send a batch of seedlings. In any case, this is a great kindness. "

   (end of this chapter)

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