Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 160: 160, jade pendant dissipated

   Chapter 160 160, the jade pendant dissipated

   This jade pendant

   She sensed the breath, so familiar!

   Qin Tianru held the small brocade bag with his fingertips, his expression was slightly startled, and countless guesses emerged in his heart.


   Qi Han, who had been focusing on Qin Tianru, immediately noticed the strangeness of his girl and could not help but shouted softly.

   At this time, Shen Yuerong also noticed that Huanhuan was stunned, and immediately asked, "What's the matter? Huanhuan, what's wrong?"

  Qin Tianru reacted quickly, raised a smile, and said casually, "I'm fine, but just now I suddenly thought that my family also seems to have a jade pendant from the family."

  Shen Yuerong smiled and said, "Oh, this is quite normal. Generally, people who are more particular or have some background will have some family keepsakes to some extent."

  Qin Tianru nodded obediently in agreement, with a soft appearance, but the fingers holding the small brocade bag tightened a little bit, and his heartbeat was a little rapid.

   Now she can't wait to take a look at this brocade bag immediately, wondering if the thing inside is the one she had in mind.

   But she didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, so she could only patiently chat with everyone for a while.

   Until Qi Yuanhua and his wife went out, she got up and gave Qi Han a look.

   Qi Han said to a pair of younger siblings, "I have something to discuss with your sister-in-law. You two find something to do by yourself, but don't run around."

   "I know~" Qi Qing rolled her eyes secretly.

   Her eldest brother is really talking nonsense with his eyes open. This is a lie to the child. He said it in such a high-sounding manner. When she didn't know that he thought their sister and brother were too annoying, it affected him and his sister-in-law.

  Humph, I don't know who used to look like a pure-hearted monk before, and he was like a piece of wood when he came into contact with the opposite sex.

   Now her eldest brother is a pug, he wants to cling to her sister-in-law all day, and follows him wherever he goes.

   suddenly felt a little sympathetic to her little sister-in-law, because this dog has a name and can't get rid of it.

   Qi Han didn't know the slander in his sister's heart, so he took his family Huanhuan and went straight back to the room.

   After returning to his room, Qin Tianru immediately closed the door, and immediately began to unravel the rope of the brocade bag.


   Seeing Huanhuan's eager appearance, Qi Han shouted in doubt, and his heart was full of doubts.

  Is there any problem with this jade pendant given by his mother?

   He felt that something was wrong with Huanhuan after taking this jade pendant.

   "Brother Han, wait a moment."

  Qin Tianru was in a hurry to solve the confusion, but at this time, she couldn't care to explain it to her brother Han. After opening the brocade bag, she took out the family jade pendant in the bag.

   At the moment when the jade pendant was used, Qin Tianru's face showed a bright look.

   "It's it! I didn't expect it to be it, I guessed right~"

   Qin Tianru looked at the jade pendant in his hand and was very excited.

   The jade pendant in the hand is green and transparent, and the touch is warm and delicate, just like a green crystal, very beautiful.

The    familiar breath made her feel comfortable from the inside out.

   Qi Han's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was a little confused. What does this mean that Huanhuan has seen his family's jade pendant before?

   However, before the words in his mouth came out, he was stunned by the surprising scene in front of him.

   His family's ancestral jade pendant turned into a burst of white light and gradually dissipated in Huanhuan's hands.

what happened? Why did the good jade pendant suddenly digest?

   (end of this chapter)

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