Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 161: 161, jade pendant and green stone

   Chapter 161 161, jade pendant and green stone

   "Huanhuan, this."

Qin Tian was slightly embarrassed, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, Brother Han, I didn't mean to. As soon as I touched this jade pendant, my body involuntarily sucked it. What should I do? If my aunt asks, how should I explain it? "

   Hearing this, Qi Han was shocked, "What did you say? You mean. You sucked that jade pendant into your body? Then are you alright?"

   He now feels that his three views have been shattered by his family Huanhuan again.

   He originally thought that there was something wrong with the jade pendant, and it suddenly disappeared, but the fact is that his family Huanhuan absorbed the jade pendant?

  This. Can the human body absorb jade pendants?

   Could it be that this jade pendant is a nutritional product?

   Qin Tianru hurriedly took Qi Han's hand and explained, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I sucked a green stone two years ago, but it was a green rough stone without any carvings.

   And my aunt just gave me that jade pendant, on which I sensed the green stone-like energy I had inhaled before. "

  "." Qi Han was a little stunned, and his thoughts were in chaos. He suddenly felt that his comprehension was not very good, otherwise why would he not understand Huanhuan's words?

   His family Huanhuan actually smoked jade before? What is this ability?

   Qi Han reached out and rubbed his temples, slowly sorting out his thoughts, trying to calm himself down as much as possible.

   After relaxing for a while, he grasped the point and asked, "Do you mean that this jade pendant in our family is the same as the rough stone you've seen before?"

   Qin Tianru thought about it seriously, "I think the jade pendant and the green stone are one body, two years ago"

   Then, she talked about the green stone that her eldest sister and brother-in-law brought back two years ago, and a series of subsequent events.

  The green stone contained a very vital energy, and the whole family did not respond when they touched it, but she was the only one who changed when she touched the green stone.

   She can absorb the energy in the green stone!

   And after that energy was absorbed by her, not only did she not feel any discomfort, but it made her whole person feel comfortable from the inside out.

   For some reason, she felt kind and fond of that energy.

Two years ago, her family had some speculation and analysis. The family felt that the green stone could be absorbed by her, which might be related to her own plant-type power, and the energy contained in the green stone brought With a strong sense of vitality.

  The reason why their family can travel freely between different time and space is mainly supported by energy meteorites, because every time the space-time tunnel is opened, it needs to consume a certain amount of energy.

   Later, they found the divided energy stones one after another, and found that the energy stones came from the same object.

   Therefore, her family boldly guessed that the green stone might not be a complete body, and maybe it was divided into countless individuals just like the energy meteorite.

  Because greenstone is the same as energy meteorite, it contains an unknown energy in the body, but the energy material between the two is different.

  Energy meteorite is a special material in the flow of time and space, while greenstone is related to the function of living things.

   But the previous guesses were nothing more than casual remarks by the family, after all, there was no basis.

   Moreover, the green stone didn't look like it was divided, so they didn't mention it after they made some random guesses.

   (end of this chapter)

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