Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 159: 159, family heirloom jade pendant

   Chapter 159 159, Family Heirloom Jade Pendant

   "This. It depends on my parents' reply after they receive the letter. My parents are both engaged in research and are usually busy, so I can't determine their time.

   But please rest assured, uncle and aunt. My parents are very open-minded and respect our decision to make children. They will never interfere with our choice, so even if they cannot attend, it does not mean that they have an opinion. "

   "Listen to what you said, then I'm not in a hurry."

   Shen Yuerong was slightly reassured, for fear that when they held a banquet by themselves, Huanhuan's parents would have opinions.

  Although Huanhuan had said before that there would be no problem, but after all, he has never seen his in-laws, and has not received any information about the Qin family, so it is inevitable that he will be a little worried.

  It is a good thing for two children to get married, but it would not be beautiful if there was a gap between the two families due to improper handling of some things.

Qi Han said, "Dad and mother, you don't have to worry about these, if the father-in-law and mother-in-law can't come to the wedding banquet, I have discussed with Huanhuan, and then we will take time to go to Huanhuan's hometown, there Another wedding banquet."

  Although the parents knew that Huanhuan's family was a bit special, they probably didn't think that Huanhuan came from another time and space, and her family didn't exist in this world at all.

   So it's not surprising that they would propose a meeting between the two families, hoping that the Qin family would have a wedding banquet.

   "The idea is good, so let's settle it." Qi Yuanhua nodded in agreement with satisfaction.

   Then, the family talked about some things to do for the wedding banquet, and even refined the division of labor.

   "This paint, I guess I can only go to the county to see it, and I don't know if I can buy it."

   When it comes to painting the walls, the whole family agrees, but this material is not so easy to get.

   "Let's ask your uncle and the others first."

   The group talked for a while, which temporarily stopped the topic.

   "Oops, I almost forgot."

  Shen Yuerong suddenly stood up and patted her forehead, looking annoyed.

   Before everyone could react, she saw Shen Yuerong hurried back to their room, leaving a few people looking at each other, confused.

   But soon, Shen Yuerong came out with a small brocade bag with a gentle smile.

   "Here, Huan Huan!"

  Qin Tianru looked at the small brocade bag in front of him, and said dumbly, "For me?"

  Shen Yuerong smiled and said, "Yes, this is the jade pendant passed down from the Qi family to the head-in-law's daughter-in-law. It should have been given to you long ago. I have been busy all this time, and I forgot it for a while."

   "Ah? Give it to me now? Why don't you take it first, auntie."

   Qin Tianru's face was slightly red, she hasn't married Brother Han yet, so it's not suitable to accept the family heirloom jade pendant of Qi family at this moment, isn't it?

   Shen Yuerong's expression was soft, and there seemed to be a memory in her eyes.

   "Yes, keep it. When I got married to your uncle, my mother-in-law gave me the jade pendant. Soon, you and Xiaohan will get married, and this jade pendant should be handed over to you."

   Having said that, Qin Tianru naturally couldn't push back and refuse to be hypocritical, so he responded with a well-behaved face.

   "Thank you auntie, I will take good care of it."

   As she said that, she stretched out her hand to take the small brocade bag, but the moment her fingers touched the brocade bag, Qin Tianru froze and his pupils opened slightly!

   Today's update is complete!

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   (end of this chapter)

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