Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 158: 158, worry

   Chapter 158 158, worry

   "It's not even April yet, how can I make it through this year!"

   "With so much grain in one year, how come there is not enough to eat?"

   "I see, this famine is bad enough, and we estimate that from now on we will have to cut down on food and clothing."

   "Our family started changing to two meals yesterday."

   "If I knew earlier, I wouldn't tell the people from my parents' house. Now everyone is robbing food."

   "Hey, let's find a way to stock up on rations."

   "Easy to say, where can I find it? There are no crops in the field, just some vegetable seedlings."

   "Let's discuss with the brigade."

   "Yeah, it's not the way to spend it like this."

   "Let's go, let's go to the village committee to find the captain."

   No wonder the team members were so worried, it was true that they had high hopes for the purchasing team, but they didn't know that there were so many teams, and in the end they brought back a total of more than 100 catties of food.

   This amount is not enough to distribute by household, how can this make them not anxious.

  If the crops are still growing food, then they don’t have to worry so much. After all, they have no confidence.

   As for the fact that some of the team members went up the mountain to transplant wheat seedlings last night, they didn't disclose it to the family at all.

The Qi family's small courtyard, which is partial to a couple, would have no idea that the people in the village were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. The family sat in the courtyard after dinner, drank the flower tea made by Qin Tianru again, and chatted with each other. on.

   "Huanhuan, have you sent the letter to your family?" Shen Yuerong suddenly remembered and asked casually.

   Qin Tianru paused, "Brother Han sent it to town yesterday."

   "That's good. Your family will come over then, right? It's better for me to clean up the room ahead of time."

   Shen Yuerong asked as she pondered secretly that there are not enough rooms in their house, so they can only let sister Xiaoqing go to her uncle's house for a few days.

  Although the roof of the courtyard has been replaced with blue tiles, the walls in the house have to be repainted, otherwise some dust will be shaken off from time to time, how embarrassing!

   Looking at Huanhuan's usual style, you can also know that her family should be decent people who are well-mannered and more particular.

  The wedding banquet in the village was already enough of grievances. If the living environment is not clean, the parents will come and see it, and it will be very distressing and distressing.

   Heart-to-heart, she is also a parent and will marry a daughter in the future, so, within the scope of her ability, she really wants to hold the wedding banquet of the two children beautifully and decently.

   Hearing this topic, Qin Tianru was a little overwhelmed, not knowing how to answer.

  Although before this, Brother Han intentionally created a feeling of a hidden family for himself, including her family, in front of his uncle and aunt.

   Therefore, the two elders have rarely asked or mentioned things about her family from the beginning to the present. It can be said that they have given them enough personal space and respected her privacy very much.

   But things in her family are not only special, but also a bit complicated, and it is not suitable to tell the people around her frankly. Maybe one day she will tell them, but she will do it after consulting her parents.

   But she knew in her heart that her aunt valued her marriage with Brother Han very much, and wanted them both well, so she didn't want to talk too much right now.

   After all, it’s less than the last minute, who knows if a miracle will happen?

   (end of this chapter)

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