Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 157: 157, the atmosphere is clear

   Chapter 157 157, the atmosphere is clear

  Qin Tianru picked up the basket and stood up, thinking, "Since there is an unexpected harvest, then let's go to the city tomorrow and take out the other supplies."

   Qi Han: "Okay!"

  Qin Tianru said instantly and excitedly, "I remember we bought some dry goods before. It seems that there are dried mushrooms in it, so we will eat mushroom stewed chicken tonight."

  Anyway, the family didn't know what was in her luggage, so she just shied away from the last batch of supplies.

   It’s just that you can take out some more dry goods by the way to enrich the amount of ingredients in the kitchen at home.

   "The food you cook is delicious, you just look at the arrangement, I'll eat whatever you do anyway."

   Qi Han is now quite confident in his family's cooking skills, and feels that ordinary home-cooked dishes will become more delicious after passing through her hands.

   Qin Tianru was very happy when he received the praise and recognition from his family.

   "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

   On the other side, Qi Qing and Qi Jun worked together to hollow out a small piece of shepherd's purse.

   In this area, there is only a small piece of shepherd's purse in this area. As a result, it was dug up by the sister and brother, and there was not a single excess left.

   "Wow~ Brother, where did this pheasant come from?"

   As soon as Qi Jun looked up, he saw a big pheasant in his eldest brother's hand, and he was immediately excited.

   Hunting, he hasn't tried it yet.

   Qi Han glanced at him, "Speak well!"

  Qi Jun smiled shyly, knowing that his words were uncivilized, so he could only pretend to be stupid.

   "Hey, I'm not too excited, big brother, where did you catch this pheasant? I'll try it too."

   Qi Han didn't talk nonsense, he directly talked about the experience just now, the main point was that his family Huanhuan was lucky, not anyone who wanted to catch a pheasant.

   "Sister-in-law is amazing!" Qi Qing gave a thumbs up and praised.

   Since eating Qin Tianru's food, now Qi Qing has directly become her sister-in-law's fan girl.

   "Go, go home."

   A group of four happily went down the mountain and went home. They were very satisfied with today's trip up the mountain.

   At noon, the family sat together happily and made a lot of egg and wild vegetable dumplings. In the end, everyone had a bulging belly.

   "It's the first time I discovered that dumplings can be so delicious."

   "My stomach is full."

   After lunch, everyone in the Qi family couldn't help but sigh, perhaps because they personally participated in the process of making dumplings, they thought the dumplings were very delicious.

   Obviously the preparation steps and raw materials are the same, but they just think this dumpling is the best dumpling they have ever eaten.

   "Looking forward to the stewed chicken with mushrooms tonight, it will definitely be more delicious!"

   "Sister-in-law did it, that's a must."

   "I decided to eat nothing in the afternoon and wait for dinner on an empty stomach."

   So everyone in the Qi family, who had just eaten lunch, began to look forward to the evening meal.

  Compared with the harmonious atmosphere of Qi's courtyard, the atmosphere in the brigade is not so harmonious, and the whole is in a low-pressure atmosphere.

The    team members were either silent or sighed. It seemed that the whole village was enveloped by a sense of sadness, and there was an indescribable sense of depression.

   "How can I do this~"

   "That's right, I sent so many team members out, and in the end I bought more than 100 catties of food."

   "How can this amount of food be enough?"

   (end of this chapter)

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