Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 156: 156, windfall

   Chapter 156 156, Windfall

   Qin Tianru's hearing has always been sharp, she immediately grabbed Qi Han's hand, and made a mute gesture to him when he looked over.

   Qi Han was puzzled, but he didn't do anything, just gestured with his eyes.

  Qin Tianru leaned into his ear and said softly, "Brother Han, there is movement nearby, listen carefully~"

   Hearing this, Qi Han's eyes sank, and he subconsciously thought of the beasts in the mountains.

  Although they have not entered the deep mountain range, it is not ruled out that some beasts have run out.

   He listened carefully, and indeed there was movement!

   Although it is very subtle, but if you listen carefully, you can still identify the direction. The sound came from the dense grass in front of them to the left.

   He immediately pulled Huanhuan behind him, while he himself raised the sickle in his hand and slowly walked towards the grass.

   No matter what, he has to see what kind of beast it is. It happens that their family is short of ingredients recently. If there are ready-made ones, it would be great.

   As long as it is not a ferocious beast like a tiger, a wolf, a black bear, then he is not too worried.

   When their family was in a difficult situation in the last life, he often ventured into the mountains to get some game home, so he still had some experience in prey.

   Qin Tianru tightened the vegetable basket in his hand and followed her brother Han nervously.

   Qi Han gradually approached the grass that was almost adult height. Seeing that there was no major movement inside, he slowly opened the grass.


   After Qi Han saw the scene in the grass, he raised his lips and smiled, put down the sickle in his hand, turned around and waved at Huanhuan.

   Seeing this, Qin Tianru was relieved, it seemed that there was no danger, and then walked over with a vegetable basket, but seeing her brother Han's cautious appearance, she couldn't help but lighten her pace.

   Qi Han handed the sickle to Huanhuan and took the bamboo basket in her hand.

   The next second, Qin Tianru saw Qi Han slam into the grass.


   "Caught!" Qi Han held the bamboo basket firmly.

   Qin Tianru stepped forward and asked with a smile, "What is it?"

   Qi Han said happily, "A pheasant! We are lucky today, we can even meet pheasants on the periphery."

  I didn't expect that they would have such a windfall when they went up the mountain today. Sure enough, his family Huanhuan is a lucky baby.

  If it were someone else, who would catch a pheasant at this halfway up the mountain.

   "Really? Then we are lucky, we will have a good meal tonight~"

   Qin Tianru looked happy, this pheasant came in time, she didn't have to bother to find a reason to get the supplies.

   Then, Qi Han grabbed the pheasant from the vegetable basket.

   "Huh? There are also wild eggs!" Qin Tianru cheered.

   When Qi Han picked up the pheasant, there were five eggs lying in the place where the pheasant was originally nesting. Obviously, the pheasant used this place as her own nest and was going to hatch chicks here.

   Qin Tianru hurriedly picked up the vegetable basket on the ground, spread a layer of weeds inside, and happily picked up the wild eggs into the vegetable basket.

   "Great, we have another ingredient."

   Qi Han was also quite surprised. Not only was there a pheasant weighing three or four kilograms, but he also harvested five additional eggs, which were one circle larger than ordinary poultry eggs.

   "Well, we can have dinner tonight."

   (end of this chapter)

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