Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 152: 152, intimacy

   Chapter 152 152, intimacy

   "Well, your analysis makes sense, but for you, I will fully cooperate."

   Qi Han's mouth curled into a charming smile, his tone was frivolous, and the look in Qin Tianru's eyes was also provocative.

   He knew very well in his heart that things were definitely not as simple as they seemed, but his baby had sent welfare to his door of his own accord, so he refused without reason.

   Qin Tianru choked, she originally wanted to tease him, but she didn't expect to be teased by the other party, and she also acted so black.

   "Brother Han, you learned to be bad~"


   Qi Han pursed his lips and asked, neither denying nor admitting, with a casual look.

   "I'm talking about business." Qin Tianru puffed up his face and angrily poked his palm with his small hand.

   Qi Han secretly laughed, who was the first to be rude?

   But he also knows how cute it is. If it is too much, his baby will be fried.

   "Then what do you think?"

Qin Tianru put away his joking thoughts and analyzed, "My ability change must be related to you, there is no need to doubt it, but I can't figure out the key point, I can only take a step by step, and slowly figure it out. "

   "Aren't you going to try it?" Qi Han smiled and raised his eyebrows.

   "Huh?" Qin Tianru didn't react for a while, and his expression was a little cute.

   Qi Han smiled and nodded his lips, which was full of meaning.

   Qin Tian's heart was numb, then he raised the corner of his mouth and leaned up, biting lightly on his lips.

   "How is it? What is the effect? ​​If it doesn't work, you can continue." Qi Han's eyes were gentle and his expression was very happy.

   Qin Tianru smacked his mouth, as if he was thinking about something, "Then give me another kiss."

  Qi Han chuckled and kissed Huanhuan first, before he kissed her. He put his arms around her waist, stabilized her body, and stroked the back of her head with the other, and he kissed her deeply.

  Under the wall of the farmyard, I saw two figures squatting in front of a flowerbed, sharing a sweet kiss intimately.

   Men and women who are in love always want to get close to each other involuntarily. It seems that only such intimacy can soothe the restless heart.

   And kissing is like an addictive drug. Once touched, it can make people unable to extricate themselves and cannot help themselves.

  After the two became intimate for a while, Qi Han gently helped Huanhuan to straighten the broken hair in front of his forehead.

   Qin Tianru felt that the look in her brother Han's eyes at this moment could literally drown people.

   Qi Han said warmly, "You can feel it again and try it out."

   Qin Tianru pursed his slightly swollen lips and nodded obediently.

   She reached out to the camellia again, still feeling the same, and then she reached out and touched several other camellias one after another, with a very peaceful feeling.

   She couldn't help but close her eyes and concentrate on feeling the supernatural power flowing in her hands.

After a long time, Qin Tianru opened his eyes and shook his head at Qi Han who was standing beside him.

   "No other changes."

   Qi Han reassured, "Don't worry, what should come will always come, and it is a pleasant surprise to be able to level up now. If your ability is really related to me, then there will definitely be other reactions in the future."

   "Well, let's go with the flow."

  Actually, Qin Tianru looked quite open. She has never been the kind of person who likes to be entangled and serious. She is quite simple in Buddhism.

   Now that I know that I have a close relationship with Brother Han, I will not worry about finding the answer in the future.

  Qi Han pointed at the stubborn camellia, "Then what to do with this camellia? Didn't you just say it's uncomfortable?"

   (end of this chapter)

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