Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 153: 153, new skills

   Chapter 153 153, New Skills

   Qin Tianru explained with a chuckle, "Yes, you can just change it to another location. It seems to dislike that this location doesn't get sunlight, and it's dark and damp."

When    mentioned this, she thought it was very interesting. Now she can actually perceive the conscious feelings of plants.

   In the past, her powers could only give birth to various plants. If there was anything special about it, it was at most the plants that she cultivated or gave birth to, which would contain a trace of aura.

   Whether she grows vegetables, melons, fruits or flowers and herbs, they all grow very well and are particularly vigorous, and eating them into the body is also very beneficial to the human body.

   In the past ten years, her ability has never changed, it has always been in this state, even her family, including herself, thought that her ability was like this.

  So, they never imagined or explored this ability and other abilities.

   There was just one thing she couldn't understand.

  The brothers and sisters in their family have different special abilities, but the big brother and their abilities are not dependent on anyone?

   If they really want to have something to do with someone, it can only be their mother. After all, their talents are all due to their mother's specialness.

   But now, her plant-type ability is related to Brother Han, and only he can change her ability. Isn't it strange?

"Let me do it."

   Qi Han picked up the **** on the side and moved the camellia in the shadow to a position.

   Up to now, he still thinks it is amazing that this plant is still conscious, and even pays attention to Feng Shui.

   The world is really big, there are no wonders.

   Qin Tianru has acquired a new skill, which is naturally full of curiosity and freshness. She can't wait to reach out and touch the plants in the yard, trying to sense their consciousness.

   After some exploration, she also had a preliminary understanding of her new skills.

   After her fingers touch the plant, there will be a perception in the consciousness in her brain, and the depth of this consciousness is taken from the strength of the plant's consciousness.

   For example, she can feel how well the plant is growing, what it needs, what kind of soil is suitable, and so on.

   And when she injected supernatural powers into the plant, she could strongly feel the incomparably high and joyful emotions fed back by the plant, and seemed to like it very much.

   The most amazing thing is that when the plants fed back their emotions, she could vaguely feel an indescribable feeling of comfort spreading in her body, as if the meridians in her body would be unclogged.

   This feeling is very subtle, and it is something she has never felt in the past ten years. Although it is not strong, it is enough for her to feel it.

   This feeling is like she has formed a complementary relationship with the plants of this world, they are achieving each other.

  No matter what, she doesn't reject it. On the contrary, she thinks that it is very interesting to have a silent communication with plants, and she likes it very much.

   She felt that she now had a better understanding and awareness of her own power, and she looked forward to its next change.

   "We're back~"

  Qi Qing's voice suddenly sounded outside the courtyard door, followed by the half-closed courtyard door being pushed open.

  Qi Qing walked into the small courtyard and couldn't help looking around. Seeing that her eldest brother and sister-in-law were behaving normally, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  God knows how nervous she was when she just approached the courtyard. The whole family went out, and there were only two of them left at home.

   (end of this chapter)

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