Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 151: 151, the ability changes again

   Chapter 151 151, the ability changes again

"What's wrong?"

   Seeing Huanhuan's sudden reaction, Qi Han was a little worried.

   Qin Tianru's expression was a little dull. Hearing her brother Han's question, he didn't answer. Instead, he reached out and touched the flower branch again.

   At the moment when she touched the flower branch, Qin Tianru's whole body stiffened, and then she looked at the person beside her in surprise.

   "Brother Han~"

   "I'm here, what's the matter? Is there any problem with this flower?" Qi Han coaxed softly.

  Qin Tianru nodded stunnedly, "I just felt that this camellia is what to say, it seems to be its thoughts, no, it should be its feelings."

  "." Qi Han was stunned, what does this mean?

   Qin Tianru also knew that what she said was a little unclear, but the feeling just now shocked her so much that she hadn't turned her head around yet.

   "That is, when I just came across this camellia, a feeling suddenly emerged in my mind, does this camellia say it is uncomfortable?"

  "." Qi Han continued to be stunned, and his worldview began to be mysterious again?

   His family Huanhuan has some special abilities, and he can still understand it.

   But what did he hear now?

   This camellia in the ground actually said it was uncomfortable? Is this still a plant?

  It’s just a flower, how can you feel?

   Could it be that there are still spirits in this world?

   Qin Tianru suddenly wanted to laugh when he saw her brother Han's out-of-body appearance.

   "I guess my ability has been upgraded again."

   This is the conclusion that Fuzhi came to her mind just after she was frightened.

   Apart from that, she couldn't find any other reason to explain the surprise she felt just now.

   This is like when she suddenly discovered that her supernatural powers can heal wounds before. Even such mysterious things can happen. Now she can suddenly feel the consciousness of plants, it seems that there is nothing strange.

   "Upgraded? What do you say? What is the basis for your ability to upgrade?"

   Qi Han was very curious. It seemed that Huanhuan had mentioned it before when he upgraded the power. He remembered that at that time, Huanhuan said that her power mutation was related to him.

   But he has absolutely no idea what is special about him, let alone what the so-called mutation point is?

   Qin Tianru blinked and suddenly thought of a key.

   "I know what it is."

   Qi Han raised his eyebrows and motioned for her to announce the answer.

   Qin Tian smiled like a smile, leaned into his ear and said softly, "Kiss! Our kiss."

   Qi Han couldn't help swallowing his throat, looking surprised, "Are you sure it's this?"

   Qin Tianru nodded firmly and patiently analyzed him.

   "Our relationship during this time has been the same, but the only change is that we kissed last night, and then this morning my ability has a new change.

  When I transplanted these flowers and plants yesterday, I didn't feel any strangeness, and the last time my ability changed was because of your blood.

  So, I can now be sure that the new changes produced by my abilities, or the key to upgrading abilities, are definitely on you! "

   "Then what do I need to do?"

   Qi Han couldn't perceive powers, but he really hoped that he could help Yu Huanhuan.

   As long as Huanhuan's ability is more powerful, then her safety will be more guaranteed.

   Qin Tianru tilted his head and winked playfully, "How many kisses?"

   Ah, ah, ah, my ah, I haven't written such a tired plot for a long time, and I'm almost bald when I write it.



   (end of this chapter)

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