Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 146: 146, satisfied

   Chapter 146 146, Satisfaction

good to eat!

   This was made by his girl, and Qi Han decided that he had to eat more bowls of rice tonight.

   Qin Tianru was very happy when he saw that everyone liked food so much, and felt a special sense of accomplishment.

   "I also learned this from my hometown. If you like to eat, I will make more for you in the future."

   During the time in the provincial capital, Qi’s family cooked three meals a day, and usually had two meat, three vegetables and one soup for dinner.

   After all, there are three men in the family, and the appetite is larger. In addition to her, there are six people in total, so the five dishes and one soup are not too much.

   She was worried that the two dishes and one soup would be a little short, so she made an impromptu move and added a cold egg.

   She took these boiled eggs out of the storage space, or when she went out shopping with Brother Han two days ago, she cooked a dozen eggs to prevent hunger.

   But they returned early, and they didn't finish the boiled eggs, and there were still six left.

   Then she forgot to take it out last night, and then she suddenly remembered that in order not to let the eggs continue to spoil, she just took them all to make a dish.

   And the method of this cold egg salad is also extremely simple, that is, cut the boiled egg into four pieces, and then just like other cold dishes, add the right amount of seasoning.

   The method is very simple, but the taste is delicious.

   "Oops, big brother, what are you doing so fast, you've all eaten all of these cold eggs by yourself!"

   Seeing that there were only a few pieces of eggs left on the plate, Qi Jun felt very distressed, and angrily blocked his elder brother's chopsticks with chopsticks.

  "." Qi Han choked, he obviously only ate three pieces, okay?

   Qi Han was too lazy to care about this idiot, so he quickly avoided his chopsticks, picked up another piece of egg and ate it in his mouth.

  "!" Qi Jun's eyes widened suddenly, his face in disbelief.

   He thought he had said that, and as the eldest brother, he would definitely let his younger brother.

   I didn't expect you to be such a big brother?


  Qi Qing glanced at her younger brother, shook her head secretly, and hurriedly took another piece of egg and stuffed it into her mouth while he was not paying attention.

   so delicious~


   Seeing that another piece of egg was suddenly missing from the plate, Qi Jun suddenly wanted to cry without tears, without such a bully.

   He felt that he had no sibling love.

   Seeing this, the others burst into laughter.

   This dinner, everyone in the Qi family was very satisfied and happy. Except for the radish soup, there were some leftovers, and several dishes were eaten cleanly.

   "Huanhuan, just sit and rest, I'll clean up the tableware and chopsticks with Xiaoqing."

   Seeing that Qin Tianru got up and was about to clean up the tableware and chopsticks on the table, Shen Yuerong immediately shot to stop it.

   It's actually a bit tiring to cook a meal. Before, Huanhuan alone managed the meals for the six of them, so how could she keep Huanhuan tired.

  It is true that their mother and daughter are not good at cooking, but they are still able to wash dishes and clean up.

   "Yes, sister-in-law, you have worked hard to cook, leave the rest to me."

  Qi Qing stopped lying on the chair and stood up quickly.

   Qi Han stretched out his hand and pulled Huanhuan to sit down, "Sit down, I'll help you clean up."

   Seeing this, Qin Tianru stopped pushing and turned around and went to his room, preparing to make a few cups of flower tea for everyone to digest and digest.

  This flower tea was made by her own hands before, and the blossoms are all high-quality products. When brewed in a tea cup, not only will there be a refreshing floral fragrance, but also a touch of sweetness in the taste.

   (end of this chapter)

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