Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 147: 147, flower tea

   Chapter 147 147, Flower Tea

   These scented teas were made when she was bored at home last summer, and most of them were given to relatives and friends around her. If she hadn't organized the storage space a few days ago, she would have almost forgotten how many bags she had in stock.

   Of course, this is not the first time she has made scented tea. It is only occasionally that she is interested in making a batch. The relatives and friends around her love to drink her scented tea.

   I don't know if it's because the flower was grown with supernatural powers, but she could feel a very shallow energy in this flower tea.

   Anyway, according to her observations over the years, although this energy cannot cure all diseases, drinking it for a long time is definitely beneficial to the body.

   is similar to health care products, in short, there is no harm.

   So, the family sat in the small courtyard, each holding a cup of flower tea and drinking leisurely.

   There was a sound of frogs croaking in the distance, and the small courtyard was peaceful, and everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility in the years.

   In fact, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it is also good for a family to stay in a small mountain village.

   At this time, the night has shrouded the earth, and small stars gradually flashed in the night sky.

   At half past nine in the evening, Qi Han took Qi Jun out of the door and went to the village committee office to meet with the other team members.

   Qin Tianru was a little worried and didn't feel sleepy for a while, so she lay on the bed and read the villain book of this era.

   Actually, going into the mountains at night is a bit dangerous. Many beasts are active at night, so how can she sleep before her brother Han comes back.

  Although Brother Han also said that they would not enter the deep mountain, they just found a piece of land outside the mountain.

   During the day, Qi Zhongkang took people up the mountain to survey the terrain first, and selected the location for farming. At night, they could go straight to the destination and work.

   There are many of them, half of them reclaim the soil, and the other half transplant the wheat seedlings.

  Qin Tianru was still looking at the villain book very seriously at first, but gradually, his little head began to dwindle little by little, and he looked confused.


  Suddenly, a sound woke up the sleepy Qin Tianru.

   She couldn't help rubbing her sullen eyes, and reacted slowly, "Brother Han is back~"

   So, Qin Tianru hurriedly got out of bed and happily greeted him out.


   After some labor, Qi Jun quickly washed his face and went back to his room to rest.

  Although he didn't do much work, going back and forth up and down the mountain was also physical work. He didn't want to do anything right now, he just wanted to lie in bed comfortably.

   At this time, only Qi Han was left in the courtyard, and he was slowly cleaning the soil on the shoe upper.

   "Brother Han~"

   Qi Han frowned, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

   "I'm waiting for you, you haven't come back, I can't sleep~"

   Qin Tianru had just woken up from a coma, his voice was soft and waxy, and when he heard it in Qi Han's ears, there was an even more tender and naive feeling.

   Qi Han put down the towel in his hand, walked to Huanhuan, reached out and gently pinched her nose.

   "Go to bed earlier when you're sleepy. Look at your confused appearance. I'm a big man and I won't have anything to do, so don't wait for me specially."

   Although what he said just now was very helpful, he didn't want his girl to hold back from sleeping.

   "I'm worried about you~ Are you all okay?"

   Qin Tianru pouted, hugged his waist directly, and threw himself into his arms.

   Qi Han subconsciously hugged the person in his arms, and the beloved girl took the initiative to give him a hug.

  Tsk, this tastes really good!

   Qi Han put his chin on Huanhuan's head, raised the corner of his mouth, and answered her question in a very good mood.

   "Don't worry, everyone is fine, and all the wheat seedlings have been transplanted."

   Hey, what about the kiss I predicted?

   This **** hand speed, after being lazy for a few days, the writing has become turtle speed again.





   (end of this chapter)

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