Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 145: 145, cold eggs

   Chapter 145 145, cold eggs

  After marrying into Qi's family, she also has grandma Liu who specializes in cooking. She also cooks on a whim occasionally, so her craftsmanship is really bad.

   And her daughter, don't expect anything, she can wash the dishes and chopsticks even if it is very good.

   As for Qi Yuanhua and his son, it is even more impossible. In this regard, their family is similar to other ordinary families in traditional thinking.

   If Huanhuan is good at cooking, then she is really out of trouble.

  Qin Tianru looked at the earthen stove in front of him with a slightly embarrassed expression, "Auntie, can you help me start the fire?"

  She doesn't know how to use this stuff, it's really embarrassing for her.

"no problem."

   Shen Yuerong was very happy with this, as long as she was not allowed to cook.

   Afterwards, Qin Tianru was washing and cutting vegetables neatly, and Shen Yuerong was stunned for a moment by the agile knife craftsman.

   She thought that Huanhuan only knew how to cook some meals, but looking at this posture, she was not only able to cook.

  Shen Yuerong's eyes were shining, their food was saved!


   "It's time to eat~"

   Shen Yuerong snorted happily and placed the tableware and chopsticks swiftly.

   At this time, the sky was dark, and there were waves of cooking smoke in the air of the village.

   Qi Han and others came to the main room one after another, only to see a stew of radish, fried bacon with potato chips, vinegared cabbage, cold eggs, and crystal clear white rice on the dining table.

  There are some extremely common home-cooked dishes on the table, but each dish is beautifully placed. Not only does it look very attractive, but there is a fragrance in the air, which makes people's appetite greatly increase.

   "Tonight is our Huanhuan's spoon. It tastes delicious. Hurry up and sit down to eat."

  Shen Yuerong couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks. When she was helping to set the fire in the stove, she was hooked by the fragrance of the vegetables in the pot.

   She wants to have a quick bite now.

   So everyone took their seats, picked up the chopsticks and started towards the dish they wanted to eat.

Although there are only a few dishes, the portion is very large. Two Chinese cabbage is cut into one and fried in a small half pot. All seven potatoes are also sliced ​​and put into the pot, and the slender old bacon is directly fried. .

   Therefore, after dinner, there is only one Chinese cabbage and three large white radishes left.

  If Qi Desheng's family were here at this time, they would be very angry when they saw the food at this table!

   The amount they gave was enough to eat several times in the village, but Qin Tianru gave Huo Huo almost the same amount of dinner.

   This way of eating will definitely be scolded as a prostitute in the village.

   But now, everyone in the Qi family is unaware, eating with relish and moving their index fingers.

   "Wow, sister-in-law, I never knew that this egg can be eaten cold. It's so special."

  Qi Qing quickly put the cold egg in the bowl, praising her with surprise.

   "Mmmm, delicious!"

   Qi Jun was eating cold eggs in his mouth. Hearing the elder sister's words, he also nodded in agreement.

  Shen Yuerong said with a smile, "I was surprised when I saw it in the kitchen before, I have never heard of such a way of eating."

   Hearing his family compliment Huanhuan's cooking skills, Qi Han was secretly shy and proud, and at the same time he did not forget to speed up the cooking.

   His family Huanhuan really didn't lie to him, her cooking skills are really not bad, it is obviously a very ordinary home-cooked dish, but he thinks it is extraordinarily delicious, fragrant, especially for dinner!

   (end of this chapter)

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