Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 144: 144, Huanhuan cooks

   Chapter 144 144, Huanhuan cooks

  Although the Qi family moved into this yard in a hurry, the kitchenware and condiments that should be in the kitchen are very complete.

   Of course, this is all thanks to Qin Tianru's golden finger.

   Yesterday, the truck brought back so much luggage. During the process of sorting, Qin Tianru took the excuse to get everything needed in the kitchen in one step.

   Although it is not as good as her exclusive kitchen in later generations, it is definitely more complete than the kitchens of many others on the team.

   They have no shortage of kitchen utensils, food and seasonings, but fresh vegetables and meat can’t be taken out casually, so they eat noodles for both meals.

  Fortunately, the team members who came to help were all members of the team. At noon, they went directly to their own homes for dinner, and they didn’t have to be responsible for them. Otherwise, there would be no ingredients at home to entertain people.

   Regarding the ingredients, it’s not that Qi Desheng’s family is stingy, and they don’t even want to provide any vegetables, but now they are in a season of green and yellow.

   The vegetable seedlings in the ground have not been planted for a long time, and it will not be harvested. Most of the vegetables eaten in the village now rely on wild vegetables in the mountains or winter vegetables that were stored years ago.

   Therefore, if you help people in the countryside, there is basically no practice of making meals, and you just need to pay the wages directly.

   Actually, Qi Desheng's family didn't say nothing. Knowing that their nephew's family had just moved back to the countryside, they didn't even have a plot of their own. Naturally, there was nothing to eat at home.

  So when Shen Yuerong went to Yang Hongying to discuss the wedding banquet in the morning, she pulled out two Chinese cabbage, four large white radishes, seven or eight potatoes, and a piece of old bacon weighing about five or six ounces from her cellar.

   Although it doesn’t look like it’s a lot, it’s considered a generous gift when you put it in the village, so how dare you take it all out to entertain the helpers.

   Even if you take it out, the amount is not enough for them to eat.

   Qin Tianru's storage space has a fresh-keeping function. When he stocked up, he naturally purchased a batch of meat and vegetables, but he also had to find a suitable time to take it out after a bright road.

   Originally, Qin Tianru and Qi Han were still thinking of finding an opportunity, and pretended to buy some vegetables and meat from outside, but with the dishes sent by their uncle, they didn't rush to pound the ingredients and came back.

   "Auntie, let me cook dinner."

   Qin Tianru glanced at the existing ingredients, and instantly had a clue in his heart.

   "Can you do it?" Shen Yuerong asked tentatively.

   Before that, she hadn't heard that Huanhuan could cook. It wasn't that she wanted to discourage her children, but now that food is precious, it shouldn't be wasted.

   Huanhuan suggested to help just now, but she thought it was just to help herself.

   Qin Tian nodded and smiled, "Well, the cooking skills are not bad, auntie, don't worry, I won't waste food."

   "Okay, I'll leave dinner to you today."

   Seeing that Huanhuan's expression didn't look like a fake, Shen Yuerong readily gave way. To be honest, she herself disliked her cooking skills.

  Although she can cook, it is limited to simple meals, and the taste is also very ordinary, it can only be regarded as a reluctance to eat.

  Although the Shen family is not a wealthy family, it still has some background, so Shen Yuerong does not have any rich experience in cooking.

   Even the cooking skills of today were still made by Qi Yuanhua back then, and he was forced to learn it by his own mother for a period of time.

   (end of this chapter)

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