Director Li asked the small coal mine custodian to deliver explosives and detonators to support Xipo Village. The leaders and the masses were very happy.

The custodian of the production team collected the explosives and detonators for safekeeping.

He Yu took the captain and the two technicians who arranged the cannon to inspect the slopes one by one.

Decide on the locations that need to be bombarded one by one.

Because there are more buried stones on the higher slopes.

So the captain arranged for a few young men with strong labor force to drill holes.

In this way, they started working at the location designated by He Yu.

Then all men and women who could work were mobilized and organized into several engineering teams.

Allocate tasks to groups.

In this way, the work of converting sloping land to level land started vigorously.

One afternoon, He Yu returned to Xipo Village from a meeting in the commune.

He went directly to a steeper slope with many rocks.

Want to see if it's flattened!

Just coming from one side of the ground, the person who suddenly fired the cannon was on the other side of the slope. I saw He Yu walking to a blast hole.

I was so frightened that I couldn’t even shout clearly:"

Hey…..,Comrade! quick…..Get down!"

Fortunately, He Yu's hearing was sensitive and he knew he was walking in the blast hole. He hurriedly threw himself to the ground, rolled a few times, and rolled to the bottom of a sloping embankment.

Suddenly there was a gunshot.

Some stones ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping from He Yu's side. It rolled over!

Some gravel and soil fell on He Yu's back!

The young man was frightened and ran over quickly.

With tears in his eyes, he gently peeled away the gravel and soil on He Yu's body.

When he saw it , On He Yu's back, blood appeared, which spread on He Yu's body in shock and pain!

He thought something had happened to He Yu!

He Yu slowly turned around and saw a young man lying on him, and he said,"Don't Afraid!

I'm alive!

Will you pull me up quickly?"

When he heard He Yu's voice, the young man threw away his random thoughts. He quickly got up and helped He Yu up with both hands.

He wanted to carry He Yu to the commune health center on his back.

He Yu said:"No need to carry it!

I'm fine.

Maybe the skin on his back was broken by a small stone!

You can help me go to the place where I live, wipe it with alcohol to kill the bacteria, and then apply Yunnan Baiyao on it, and it will be fine!"


I just want to carry you to the health center, so I can rest assured."

At this time, the captain and the custodian came over!

Seeing that He Yu's back was still bleeding. After asking about the situation, the captain yelled at the young man:"I have told you how many times.

Before firing the cannon, you must blow the whistle and check to see if there is anyone around.

Order when no one is around.

But you turned a deaf ear to what I said.

Fortunately, Comrade He was smart enough to dodge quickly, otherwise Comrade He would have been blasted into the sky with one shot.

At that time, you won’t just cry!"

"Don't blame him!

I came back from a meeting in the commune and was eager to see the bombing situation on these slopes, so I came here in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, he had already lit the fuse and ran away!"

"Don't blame him?

Are you still exonerating him?

Because you are lucky and have good kung fu, you can roll down to the ground after a few rolls.

Otherwise, you would have been dead!

Why don't you hurry up and carry Comrade He on your back to the health center for examination and treatment?

After carrying it for a while, we will take turns carrying it with you.

He Yu quickly said:"It's okay to go, I can leave."

As long as you support me to carry it out!

If you carry me on your back, you will disturb a lot of people.

Especially if Director Li sees it, you won’t be able to explain it to him!

And you cannot walk past the commune office building, you must go around the back of the building.

If you don't listen to my arrangements, I won't go!

Just help me to where I live and apply Yunnan Baiyao to stop the bleeding!"

"Stop caring about face!

You're still bleeding!

Now you can only listen to me!

How could we listen to you!

Carry it quickly!"

The captain said as he hugged He Yu and put it on the young man's back.


Is it the blessing of the Bodhisattva or the fate of He Yu?

Since he was a child, he has escaped from several life-threatening dangers.

This time he was shot He didn't blast him to the sky.

He Yu was really lucky.

It was only his fault that the Lord of Hell didn't accept him.

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