He Yu and the leaders of the production team were in a meeting worrying about having no money to buy explosives.

Director Li's sudden appearance surprised everyone!

He also promised to help the production team intercede with the small coal mine and let the small coal mine support them with explosives.

The captain said excitedly,"Director Li!

You are really timely!

When we are worried about having no money to buy explosives and being unable to complete the task, you are Appeared suddenly.

And expressed his position, go to the small coal mine to intercede for us and let the small coal mine support our explosives.

We don't know how to thank you?"


The captain said he wants to talk to you to reason!

But you have given us a great gift.

We will definitely complete the tasks assigned by you in accordance with your requirements.

Waiting for the autumn harvest, there will be a bumper harvest!

We will definitely choose the biggest and best corn cobs and send them to you to appreciate and congratulate the fruits of victory achieved by Comrade Comrade who led us to work hard and skillfully."The accountant said with a smile

"All right! I've been looking forward to this day!

But just making the slopes flat does not necessarily mean a bumper harvest!

You have to think of ways to increase the fertility of the transformed flat soil.

Otherwise, it will not be a bumper harvest, but a big production loss!"

Director Li said

"Director Li is right!

I'm thinking about changing the slope to level ground. The thin soil at the bottom of the high slopes will turn up.

In such soil, not only corn cannot grow well, but even the leaves and stems cannot grow well.

If you want the corn to grow well. You have to spread a layer of fertile soil on the ground.

But let’s not say that the amount of work is huge, and where can we find so much fertile soil?"He Yu said

"This question raised by Chief He is indeed a major problem in the current transformation from slope to leveling.

But Chief He is a man with great powers!

I believe he will find a way to solve this problem!"Director Li said

"Director Li is using the aggressive method again!

I still have to rely on the leaders and the masses here and mobilize them to think together.

The masses are the driving force behind creating miracles!

They have worked on this land for countless generations!

I believe they must have a way!

Just didn’t dig it out!

I just go out and explore ideas!"


Chief He has great magical powers because he knows how to tap into the hidden power among the masses!

I believe he will live up to his historical mission and will lead you to create miracles! Director Li said with confidence

"good! Under the leadership of Comrade He, we fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the masses.

Let’s work together to complete the glorious mission entrusted to us by the leaders of the commune!"The captain said confidently


I'm waiting for your good news to arrive! but!

I want to tell you that after the explosives are delivered, you must have experienced people to take care of them, and you can't make any mistakes!

Furthermore, during the process of setting off the cannons, be sure to choose a brave and careful young man.

Safety first, nothing can go wrong.

In particular, Chief He cannot be allowed to go to the blasting site in person.

He can only direct and cannot personally intervene in the matter.

When he was in Damo Village, he went to remove the dumb guns by himself.

The dumb cannon suddenly exploded, and the force of the explosion sent him flying as far as he could.

Since he was lucky, there were no problems.

Otherwise, he wouldn't come here to transform the slope with you!"Director Li repeatedly explained

"Please rest assured, leaders! We have a guy here who is doing blasting in the coal mine!

We will never let Comrade He get involved!

He can only be allowed to direct. Eliminating the Squib would never let him do it again."said the captain

"I trust you!

This puts me at ease!

Anyway, everything is your responsibility, and you must complete the task smoothly and safely.

I'm too busy at work!

Got to go!

I'm just waiting for your good news!"

It's true: one actually uses the method of provoking generals, and the other has the magic weapon to tap the wisdom of the masses.

In order to ensure He Yu's safety, he repeatedly explained.

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