The captain asked the guy who set off the cannon to carry He Yu to the health center.

But He Yu doesn’t want to go

"Stop caring about face!

You're still bleeding!

Now you can only listen to me!

Carry him quickly!"

The captain said as he picked up He Yu and put him on the boy's back.

Many people saw that He Yu was injured and followed him.

Several boys took turns to carry He Yu to the health center. Along the way, everyone was anxious and worried.

When they heard that he was injured by artillery, several old men prayed for him as they walked: I hope Bodhisattva will bless him, and I hope the Lord of Hell will not take him in!

He was bombed because he changed the land for us people.!

He is a good man!

Just let him apply some medicine and get a few injections!

Bless him to go smoothly and safely!

Director Li heard that He Yu was bombed and was carried to the health center by the people of Xipo Village.

He hurriedly came out of the office and headed straight for the health center. As he walked, he thought: 'If He Yu has a shortcoming, how can I explain it to the superiors and Teacher Zhao?

I hope his life is not in danger.'

When Director Li was busy at the health center , Therefore, when he saw He Yu lying on the bed and talking to the doctor, his tense mood relaxed a little.

After various examinations, the doctor said to He Yu:"Fortunately, you did not hurt your internal organs or bones. Otherwise, nine out of ten people I rescued who were bombed would either be killed or become crippled.

I'm surprised you only have a few scrapes on your skin.

The bombed rocks fell on your back from a high place, and if your bones weren't broken, you would only suffer a little skin injury.

It's incredible to me."

He Yu said with a smile:"You don't know, when I was studying in normal school. But she is the gymnastics champion in the Qujing District Middle School Games.

I had just walked about two meters closer to the blast hole when I heard someone calling me in a nervous tone.

Based on my perception, I felt something was wrong.

I must have reached the blast hole, so I threw myself to the ground, rolled several times, and rolled to the foot of a sloping embankment.

Suddenly there was a gunshot.

I only heard some stones rolling past me, and a lot of crackling soil and gravel fell on my back from the sky.

The scraped skin was scratched by rocks or sticks when I rolled.

If I hadn't rolled under the ridge. A big boulder fell on my back, and I was sure to be beaten to a pulp.

I won’t lie here anymore!"

"dare you laugh!

You know when I hear you get bombed. I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat!

I can't stand up when I sit on a stool.

When I come to see you, my feet feel like they are filled with lead and I can't move forward.

As I walked, I thought, if you have a problem, how can I explain it to your lover, Teacher Zhao?

I am wishing you the best as I walk, I hope your life is not in danger"

"Thank you, Director Li, for your concern!

But your worries are unnecessary!

Do I believe in superstition or not?

But since I was young, I have encountered life-threatening things countless times.

Not to mention when I was a child, I have talked about it no less than seven or eight times since I was studying.

I risked my life when I was studying and went into the water twice to save my classmates.

During gymnastics training, I fell off the horizontal bar. Fortunately my head didn't hit the ground first, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get up.

When I was working on emergency road repairs at the Normal School, I also took a risk in order to eliminate squibs.

In order to rescue a student who fell into the water at Zhong'an Primary School, I jumped into the pond and groped left and right under the water before I found the student and fished him out.

You know about the construction of a water reservoir in Damo Village, so I don’t need to talk about it.

Without the protection of Bodhisattvas, how could I have escaped from death many times and still be alive today?"

It's true: you have to believe it even if you don't believe it.

How many times have your life been in danger, but your body has not been damaged at all?

The Lord of Hell refused to save his life. He also showed off that he was a gymnast.

Sacrifice for oneself and others is commendable, but taking risks everywhere makes people worry.

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