Xipo Village, which He Yu is responsible for, is diagonally opposite the commune office and has many steep slopes.

There are many stones buried deep underground.

It is not only difficult to convert it to flat ground, but also the time required by the commune is tight.

The renovation must be completed in time for the spring plowing season, and all corn or potatoes must be planted.

He Yu came from the hospital to accompany Yan Yan.

After calculating the time, it was only more than a month and a half until the required season.

Less than fifty days in total.

Completing difficult tasks on time is easier said than done!

The project is very arduous. If we follow the old method and rely on manual labor to dig and dig, it will take not even fifty days, but even five hundred days to complete the task.

He thought hard: 'Why not use the method of building a pond in Damo Village, find a way to get explosives, and use explosives to blow up the places where there are rocks in the ground.

In this way, people and land are grouped and sliced ​​into lump sums.

Ways to launch a big competition.

You can complete the task on time. '

He planned this idea well and would bring it up to the leadership team of the production team.

The captain said:"Comrade He's idea is good!

But have you ever calculated how much explosives are needed for hundreds of acres of sloping land?

Our production team is so poor, where can we have so much money to buy explosives and detonators?"

The accountant said:" I have also thought about the method Comrade He said.

But I calculated that it would cost at least more than 200 barrels of explosives and more than 200 detonators, which would cost at least more than 1,000 yuan.

Our production team only has 500 yuan in actual funds. More than 100 yuan. Now we still have to buy fertilizers and seeds. It will cost at least more than 200 yuan.

So what Comrade He said can only be a fantasy."

"never mind! We will mobilize the masses, start work early, finish work late, make it harder, and reform as much as we can!

Adjust measures to local conditions. The above requirements cannot be one-size-fits-all.

The transformation cannot be completed. Comrade He will come back next year to take us to continue the transformation."The vice-captain said

"This is not possible!

The superior issued a fatal order!

This year, no matter what, it must be completed. This will ensure a bumper harvest this year!

Let everyone live a good life!"

"If you say this, we will not be able to complete the task of managing the slopes assigned by the public this year."

Who dares to take responsibility?" the captain asked in embarrassment.

"This is what the superiors meant.

It must be completed without compromise, and not a single piece of the bottom of the slope can be left."He Yu said

"Are you afraid that you will be punished if you fail to complete the task?

If so!

If I have the ability, I will gather the masses together and go to the commune leaders to discuss things."said the captain

"How brave are you?

You want to gather the masses and go to the commune to find leaders to reason?

Don’t you know that Chief He is proficient in agriculture, weather prediction, and blasting?…..As long as he wants to do anything, there is nothing he can't do.

Have you not heard that Chief He was in Damo Village during the year of great drought?

I have the ability to plant hundreds of acres of thunder fields on time.

Now you have hundreds of acres of sloping land!

It doesn't matter, as long as you are under his leadership, just like Chief He said, you will definitely complete it without compromise, not even a piece of the bottom of the slope will be left.

He has the ability to complete the transformation on time and complete the corn sowing task according to the season.

If you don’t believe it, I will!"Suddenly a tall man walked in and said.

When everyone saw that he was really talking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and the captain said:"Director Li!

Didn't you hear clearly? There are preconditions for me to come to you for reasoning.

Comrade He has worked hard enough to change the slope for us. If he fails to complete the task and you really want to deal with him, of course we will not agree.

If so!

I gathered the masses together and went to the commune leaders to discuss matters."

"do not talk!

You should be considerate and protective of Chief He, but don’t just lead the masses to cause trouble.

Are you worried that you don't have money to buy explosives?

I will help you go to the small coal mine to plead for mercy and let them support you.

However, you must work hard and skillfully under the leadership of Chief He, and you must complete the slope to level ground on time. The task of sowing corn according to the season.

When the time comes, I will bring all the leaders of the commune and each brigade to visit.

If there is even the slightest mistake, I will not only ask you to pay for the explosives, but I will also use you as the captain to argue."

It's true:

I am worried about a problem again.

How can we change the land without explosives?

Fortunately, the leaders of the commune arrived in time and thank God they solved the problem.

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