Xiaoqian went to Dongmen Primary School and asked Honghong, the class teacher, to suspend school.

When Xiaoqian asked Honghong to suspend school, Teacher Dong asked in surprise:"He Honghong studies so well!

Do you really want her to suspend school?

If she suspends school, she will have to repeat the grade.

If you do this, what impact will it have on her growth? Very big!

You should consider it carefully.

It is best to ask for leave and let her stay at home for a month or two.

If she takes a break from school, she will have to repeat the grade.

It will have a great impact on her study.

Can you give her more think about it"

"Thank you for your concern, because her father has been away from home for several months.

You know my situation!

I had no choice but to come up with this idea!

I feel very sad to have her suspend school!

But I had no choice but to reluctantly ask her to drop out of school.

After my enlightenment, she was afraid that I would collapse from exhaustion, so she had to reluctantly agree!"

"I know your situation and difficulties.

Chief He is often away from home, so it's really not easy for you to take care of four babies by yourself.

I'm tired enough with just one.

Not to mention you have four of them with you.

If you have two less children.

It won't be such a drag on you"

"But there are two dolls, neither of which are born to He Yu or me."Xiaoqian said


Are there only two biological children of you two?

Carrying two is already cumbersome enough!

Need to bring two more?

So, where were the other two brought from?"

"It’s a long story, and I can’t even explain it to you in a day or two.

Stop talking about it, it makes me heartbroken when I talk about it!"

"Can you tell me a little bit and let me hear it!"

Under Teacher Dong's constant request, Xiaoqian said:"Since you want me to say it, and we get along very well.

Let me first tell you about the origin of Honghong!"

Xiaoqian told Teacher Dong from the time she met Li Yongqiang until she gave birth to Honghong.

The more Teacher Dong listened, the sadder she became. She was heartbroken and grieved for Xiaoqian's misfortune.

She said to Xiaoqian:"It seems that your The body may be weak and sick because of these tortures!

It's not easy for you to survive until today.

I really admire you!

Fortunately, Chief He is kind-hearted and has not forgotten you.

After I got married to you, I searched everywhere for medicine and cured your illness much better.

After giving birth to Yanyan and Bobo, he still treated Honghong as his own daughter.

You two are really a couple in need, taking care of each other, understanding each other, and loving each other."

"You are right!

So no matter what difficulties and obstacles I encounter, no matter how big the difficulties are, I have never given in. I will persevere!

I firmly believe that God will always open his eyes!

As long as I raise these four babies for the rest of my life, He Yu and I will definitely live a good life!"

"I believe!

You and Chief He are so reluctant to leave and have such a close heart, you will definitely live a good life!

However, Honghong takes a month or two off. It’s not a big problem. If I turn back and I take the time to give her some extra lessons, I can keep up.

But as time goes by, I will have to wait until the next grade.

What a pity!"Teacher Dong said

"There is nothing I can do about it, for the sake of my work and health, if I repeat the grade, I have nothing to do!

Just endure the pain and let her stay!"

"Will she blame you when she grows up?"Teacher Dong asked

"Honghong is a very sensible child and must be my biological child.

Her personality is just like mine, very considerate.

She cares and loves her sister and brother very much.

She will understand why I do this"

"Then let her divorce!

I'll take you to the teaching office for suspension surgery."

"good! I'm sorry to bother you!"

Honghong was coaxing Yanyan to play. When she saw Xiaoqian coming back, she took the certificate of suspension from school in her mother's hand and looked at it!

She asked‘:"Mother!

Am I not going to school from today on?"


From today on, you will help your mother play with your sister at home!

Your sister is very smart!

My brain is smarter than yours!

When she grows up, she will know that you took a break from school in order to take care of her at home.

She will definitely never forget you in her life.

If she makes a lot of money, she will definitely help you in every way!"


Are you telling the truth?

I'm afraid she has forgotten me long ago when she earns money!"Honghong said

"What my mother said was medicine.

People look at their childhood, horses look at their hooves and claws!

Look at your sister. Every time she eats something, she has to give it to you first, and then she eats it last!

It means she knows you are good to her!

Children from other families are rarely like this!"

"That’s what mom said!

As long as I take care of her well, she will never forget me!"

It's true: It's the biggest pain for a mother to have her child take a leave of absence from school to take care of his sister. I went to apply for a leave of absence certificate, but I met a kindhearted person.

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