He Yu got on the shuttle bus and drove straight to the back office.

In the car, he thought: 'After all these years, is the snake lotus I planted in Mrs. Xiao's field still there?

I wonder if they helped protect me?

If not!

Then we have to go to Laodongshan to look for it, but whether we can dig it there is still unknown!

Then, Xiaoqian's illness cannot be cured in time!

If you delay for a while, there will be problems.

What if she…….?’

He didn't dare to think about it!

When the shuttle bus arrived at the station and the door opened, he fell down from the bus in a few steps.

He rushed straight to Mrs. Lao Xiao’s house with all his strength!

When I entered the house, I met Lao Xiao's ex-wife feeding chickens and ducks.

When Lao Xiao's former wife saw him coming in, she said,"Oh!

You are such a rare visitor. What brought you here?

For many years, only your wife and Teacher Xiao Song came to visit me.

But I didn't see you collapse through this door!"

He hurriedly replied:"Aren't you here today?

I wonder if you welcome me?"

"Of course you are welcome!

How could Lao Xiao leave all these houses and homes to me if it weren't for you and your wife working secretly?

And let me find a good man that I want!

So now I live a free life!

Unlike before, I was sitting on the bench every day.

I wonder what you are doing today? He

Yucai told her about Xiaoqian's rheumatism and heart disease again, and

Lao Xiao's ex-wife said:"You don't need to tell her, I have already seen Teacher Zhao giving birth to a baby on TV!"

I cried while watching. If Lao Xiao hadn't called Director Hu overnight, you, Chief He, wouldn't have been able to see Teacher Zhao and your junior!

Did you come to my house today to dig up the snake lotus you planted next to the vegetable patch?"


How would you know?"He Yu asked

"Of course I know!

When you planted this herb, you repeatedly told me to help you protect it.

This is a special medicine for treating rheumatism.

Now that Teacher Zhao's rheumatism has recurred again, you must come and treat Teacher Zhao's disease.


He Yu was stunned when he heard what she said was a pity!

He hurriedly asked:"What's the pity? Tell me quickly!""

"What a pity?

Say it quickly!"

"I mean, it's still there after all these years.

I don’t know if it was eaten by a snake or pecked by a chicken or duck!

I don't know!" Mrs. Lao Xiao smiled when she spoke. He Yu was very anxious after hearing what she said.

He hurriedly asked:"Even if the leaves and stems are eaten, the roots should be left behind.

The root is the main medicine"

"What is rootless? Even the roots have been dug up and eaten."

Old Xiao's ex-husband was laughing secretly as he spoke!

He Yu began to break out in cold sweat when he heard what she said!

But looking at her, she seemed to be as if nothing had happened.

Moreover, every word she said was with a smile.

He felt that there was something wrong with this woman. Strange!

He Yu thought to himself:"Is what she said true or false?"

If it is true, it is so rare, and it is the main medicine for treating rheumatism. Where can I find it? She didn't even tell me to her. She must do everything possible to protect me and keep this woman in mind!

She's not practical!

She shouldn't have fallen into her field at that time.

But looking at her expression when she spoke, do you think she was telling lies to herself?'

He took a big step and ran to the vegetable patch behind the house. Take a look!

It turns out that the bamboo cage covering the snake lotus has become bigger!

When he looked from the outside, he saw that the bamboo cage had strong branches and lush leaves.

He Yu almost jumped up with joy!

He couldn't wait to open the bamboo cage.

A tall, thriving snake lotus appeared in front of him!

He was so surprised that he held Mrs. Lao Xiao's hand tightly and said,"You are actually coaxing me!"

It grows so lushly, you lied to me, not even a single fibrous root is left!

When I heard you say that, I broke into a cold sweat!

If it's like you said, I have to look for it like a needle in a haystack!

Whether I can find it or not, I dare not even think about it.

You can protect the snake lotus so well!

I don’t know how to thank you?"

"Why do you come to thank me like this?

My hand is almost broken by your hold!"Mrs. Lao Xiao smiled and took her hand out of He Yu's hand with force.


I was so excited!

If you hadn't taken good care of the snake lotus,

Xiaoqian's rheumatic heart disease would have been difficult to cure!

In order to thank you, I can only hold your hand tightly.

Use this way to express your gratitude!

Don't worry!

You are Lao Xiao’s ex-wife, I dare not be rude to you!"

It's true.

One of them was eager to dig up the snake lotus, but the other said that he couldn't even see the fibrous roots.

Seeing the strong branches and lush leaves of the snake lotus,

He Yu was happy and crazy.

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