When He Yu saw Snake Lotus being cared for so well by Mrs. Xiao, he was so excited that he held her hand tightly.

Mrs. Xiao said,"Why are you here to thank me like this?

My hands were almost covered with tears." You broke your grip!"

He Yu quickly explained:"I'm sorry!

I was too excited!

If you hadn't protected the snake lotus,

Xiaoqian's rheumatism and heart disease would have been so serious that she was waiting for emergency use. To thank you, I I can only hold your hand tightly.

This is a way to express my gratitude to you!

Don’t worry too much!

You are Lao Xiao’s ex-wife, and I dare not be rude to you!"

"It really makes me very excited that you can do this to me.

I have been married to Lao Xiao for more than ten years, but he has never held my hand like you!

It's just that you held it too hard!"Lao Xiao's ex-wife laughed while talking!

He Yu couldn't wait any longer, so he found a wooden stick and carefully dug out the soil at the roots bit by bit.

He thought: 'With such lush branches and leaves, the root plate must be very big!'" I wonder if there is a snake entangled around it?'

He was scratching! He was scratching!

Suddenly he found that the snake's tail had been exposed!

In order not to disturb the hibernating snake, he asked Mrs. Xiao to find a knife.

He first spread the snake's tail, Then he gently cut off a piece of rhizome with a knife.

In order to prevent the cut rhizome from contacting water to avoid bacterial infection and rot, he went to the stove with a handful of plant ash and sprinkled it on it.

Then he held some dry Cover all the roots with soil.

After seeing it, Mrs. Xiao asked him,"Why are you doing this?"

He Yu said:"The cut rhizome is just like when a person undergoes surgery."

The meat was cut into a piece. In order to prevent the meat from being infected by bacteria, it must be disinfected and sterilized with alcohol first. Then apply anti-inflammatory powder.

Then wrap it in cotton cloth.

This way, the meat won't rot.

The rhizome was cut into a piece, just like human flesh.

If sterilizing powder is not available, sprinkle it with plant ash.

In this way, the cut part of the rhizome cannot come into contact with water.

He also held some dry soil around. Be more careful.

You won't be infected by bacteria.

But you really can't water it right away, otherwise the entire rhizome will be infected by bacteria and rot after it comes into contact with water.

After a few days, wait for the cut rhizome to dry out.

Just water it"

"Oh yo yo!

I really can’t believe that you, a great scholar, are so good at planting!

Lao Xiao is not as good as you.

Don't understand these things at all"

"You don’t know, although I grew up studying. But I have done all kinds of farm work since I was a child. When I was the principal of Longhai Agricultural Middle School, I learned a lot about agricultural technology.

Have you seen the TV show when I was fighting drought in Damo Village?

I am also proficient in astronomy and geography."He Yu said

"Oh yo yo! It’s really hard to see the human face under the sticky hat!

You know everything, so can you fly a plane?"

"Don't tell me, if I was selected during the pilot selection when I was studying, I would be able to fly the plane!"

"Why don't you fly a plane?

What kind of medicine are you here to dig for?"Lao Xiao's former wife asked

"It was a pity that when I was selecting pilots, it was because I had a cold!

Otherwise, I would have been flying in the sky!

Maybe, you can get on the plane I fly! He Yu said with a smile.

As soon as she finished speaking, her current man walked in.

He Yu hurriedly held his hand and said,"My snake lotus is so well cared for by you. It's a miracle!

I don't know why." to express thanks"

"It's such a small thing, no words of thanks are needed.

As long as you and Teacher Zhao come to visit us often, that's fine!

We were very concerned when we heard that you were being quarantined for review.

You are a great person!

You have never done anything illegal, and you worked hard to build the private school in Laodongshan. You are famous not only in the county, but also throughout the country.

I wonder who has such a vicious heart?

So cruel?

To do this to you?

Now that we see you, we are relieved!"

"Thank you both for your concern. Teacher Zhao and I will come to visit you often!"

"You are welcome to come, and when the New Year pig is said to be killed, I will definitely invite you to come!"

It's true; in order to dig up the snake lotus and tell the truth, it turned out that I almost became a pilot.

It's just that I have never flown a plane, otherwise everything would be possible.

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