The Bureau of Culture and Education transferred a new deputy director named Jiang Hua.

This person turned out to be the deputy director in charge of education at Shibalianshan Commune, and he had frequent contacts with He Yu and had a good relationship.

He admired He Yu's talent and conduct very much.

That's why He Yu was released, and he said to Sun Huixi:"Since He Yu's wife has given birth to a baby, in order to take care of him, can you let him serve his wife at home for a few days?

Anyway, you have removed his position as unit chief. , and now you have transferred another person to be the section chief.

He Yu doesn’t have much to do."

When Sun Huixi heard Jiang Hua say, 'Anyway, you have removed his position as section chief, and now you have transferred another person. One person will hold the post of section chief. '

And Jiang Hua said 'I was torn apart by you' very seriously!

He felt uncomfortable: 'How could this Jiang Hua say this to me?

I removed He Yu from his position, does he have any objections?

You, a deputy director, have only been in the Culture and Education Bureau for a few days and you want to take charge of me? '

Originally Huixi wanted to reply to him and ask him to stop meddling in his own business.

But then I thought, 'So I want to get He Yu out of the Bureau of Culture and Education immediately and transfer He Yu and his wife to a remote school.

But he was not satisfied even if He Yu's position was removed?

If He Yu was asked to get out of the Bureau of Culture and Education, he would definitely stop him.

He is the deputy director of the commune and graduated from Guizhou University. And he has been favored by his superiors. Maybe he will take my place in the next day.

If I really told He Yu to get out, he would definitely disagree.

It's not good to have a stalemate like this!

It's better to be cautious when talking and doing things with him. Sun

Huixi said to Jiang Hua:"Just follow your instructions and let him rest at home for two days.""

"Comrade Sun, don't say that. How can you say you will follow what I say?

I'm just making a suggestion, I don't agree with you.

You are the right one and I am the second one!

Don't reverse the position!

If this is the case, I can't afford it!

Is it only right that I do what you say? When Sun

Huixi heard what Jiang Hua said, he thought to himself: 'When we met him for the first time, did you think he was just like He Yu, who spoke so eloquently?

And he was so aggressive!

They must both be college students.

I only have one junior high school graduate.

He Yu turned out to be just a guy. The section chiefs all dare to fight me.

But now when I meet my opponents, they are all director-level figures.

It’s really difficult to deal with!

But like he said, anyway, I am the chief and he is the deputy, so you have to listen to me in everything."Yes!"

Jiang Hua thought afterward:"Who is behind this guy named Sun? He has a low level of education and little ability. How could he be the director of the Bureau of Culture and Education?

If He Yu hadn't helped him in these years, the education in the county would have been poor." It would be impossible for the business to develop so well?

If He Yu hadn't been there to help out, wouldn't it be possible for the old Dongshan private school buildings to be built so many and so well?

The student enrollment rate would be so high?

If He Yu hadn't written these things and published them in the newspaper, would it be possible? People from all over the world won’t come to visit!

This is to put money on Sun’s face!

But he found some trumped-up charges to isolate He Yu for examination?

Is it really sinister?

Even He Yu’s wife has a heart disease and wants to give birth to a baby. , but he has no understanding of human nature and doesn't let He Yu accompany such a person. I don't believe that I can't fight him?"

From then on, they were all serious, overt and covert, and no one showed weakness. The one named Sun was in the background, Jiang Hua But he relies on his academic qualifications and real ability to act!

Since Jiang Hua is a college student, the school leaders and teachers all listen to him.

But to Sun Huixi, he only copes and obeys on the surface, but secretly does not buy his account.

Sun Huixi is aware of it. , but Jiang Hua is like a hedgehog. He wants to fiddle with it but is afraid of being pricked. So there is nothing he can do about Jiang Hua!

Really, it is difficult to deal with an opponent when it comes to chess, so you have no choice but to deal with it. Covering the sky with one hand has become history, fighting openly but secretly. No one Show weakness.

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