Lin Lin promised Xiaobo to go to Dalian during the holidays and give him 5,000 yuan.

Xiaobo said,"You must keep your word. I will graduate in only half a year, and my second sister will get married by then. I

'm afraid this little money will be less!""

"no! no!

I didn't think of it, but your second sister was going to get married while you were on vacation.

Until then, it's impossible to go alone.

And your sister Honghong is also on vacation.

I took your sister-in-law, her mother and father, mother and your eldest brother-in-law to fly to attend their wedding.

The round-trip air ticket alone costs more than 20,000 yuan, and the gift for your second sister should cost more than 10,000 yuan to be worthy of her.

These people have to spend some money to spend a few days in Dalian.

With so many people going, would it be inappropriate for me to give you five thousand yuan alone?"Lin Lin said

"What you just said will change immediately!

What's inappropriate?

Just this time!

After I divide the work and earn money, I will be embarrassed to ask for yours!

Instead, I want to give it to my nephew,"

"Don't panic!

Wait until your sister-in-law really gives birth to a nephew for you!

I will give it to you then! Lin Lin said,

"If you really give birth to a nephew for me, won't you be a fool?"

"Your elder brother, how often have I played tricks on you?

You were on vacation the year before last and were going to Dalian to see Yanyan, so you told me, didn’t I give you three thousand yuan?

Three thousand yuan is enough for you to take a round trip flight, and there is still some left over!"Lin Lin said

‘Go quickly!

Stop playing tricks with him! Lin Lin followed Xiaoqian to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, Xiaoqiong was about to give birth.

Xiaoqiong's mother saw Xiaoqian carrying a large bag of things needed for the birth of the baby. She said to Xiaoqian:"My mother-in-law is very thoughtful.

I just prepared a few things casually.""

"do not mention it!

I have already given birth to several babies, and I have everything at home."

Since Xiaoqiong loves to be active, the birth went smoothly.

Lin Lin was very happy when he learned that he had given birth to a boy, and he said to Xiaoqiong:"Xiaobo is so beautiful. As expected of a medical student, he told me that he was as good at calculating as his father, and he said that you would definitely give him a nephew boy!

If he really gives birth to a boy, he wants me to give him 5,000 yuan and visit Yanyan during the holidays."

"Did you promise him?"Xiaoqiong asked.

When Xiaoqian heard Xiaoqiong asking Lin Lin this question, Xiaoqian felt: 'Has Xiaoqiong changed? Become a miser?

She is not usually such a person!

How can she become like this after not being together for a long time? So fast?

This Bobo didn’t even think about it. Lin Lin must not be your biological brother.

As soon as you ask Lin Lin to give him five thousand yuan!

Of course Xiaoqiong will feel distressed for such a large amount of money!

Lin Lin replied:" I initially promised him.

But think about it."

When Xiaoqian heard Lin Lin's words, they were different from before;

‘Is Lin Lin also afraid of Xiaoqiong?

Is Xiaoqiong very strict with him about his money?

Exactly the same as he used to be. Do you value money more than your life?

If this is the case, Lin Lin will not be as generous with money as before. Xiaoqiong's mother asked Lin Lin :

"Did Xiaobo predict in advance that if Xiaoqiong gave birth to a boy, you would promise to give him five thousand yuan?" The more Xiaoqian listened, the more she felt something was wrong;"Why are the three of them singing in harmony?" of?

Did Xiaoqiong and his mother discuss something secretly?

Talk in the same tone? '

She couldn't help but said:"Bobo is an ignorant child. Although he is about to graduate from college, he still has a childish temper. He is joking when he asks Lin Lin for so much money. How can you give him so much money?

Regardless of whether his prediction that Xiao Qiong will give birth to a boy is true, you can’t give him a penny.

If he needs money, his father and I will give him five thousand yuan!

It’s not a decimal. Let’s save it for two days to support the child.!"

Really; because Xiaobo wanted 5,000 yuan, his son, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law were just going to play the trick together?

Xiaoqian was really secretly angry.

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