When Bobo came back from vacation, he heard that his father forced Yang Yunpeng to kneel down and beg for mercy.

He said to He Yu:"I would rather not be your son-in-law than say such words of kneeling down to beg for mercy!"

"You are studying in school, don’t you know what Yang Yunpeng’s family has done?

Your niece is seriously ill and cannot be treated in Fuyuan. You asked him to take your sister to Qujing for treatment, but he refused and looked around.

Is there such a father in the world?"Xiaoqian said

"He didn't care. He has already admitted his mistake to you. No matter what, he can't let Yang Jie change his surname. Yang Jie is from my eldest brother-in-law's family.

If I were to change my daughter’s surname, I wouldn’t be able to!

I would never kneel down and beg for mercy like he said!

He has no backbone as a man!"

"Don't say anything high-sounding. If you marry a daughter-in-law and give birth to a baby girl, what will your last name be?"Xiao Qian asked

"I'm very open-minded, and her family can have whatever name they want her to have.

But when a boy is born, he must be named He.

This cannot be tolerated.

If her family insists on following her family name,

I will never say anything about kneeling down and begging for mercy.

There is no ambiguity in this regard.

The surname He is the surname He!"

"What a man of character!

Exactly the same character as your dad!

If you have a good heart, you will be willing to give up anything.

On key issues, we must persist to the end and never let go!"

Xiaoqian said

"I am my father's biological son. If my personality is not like my father, who else can I be like?"

When you say this kind of thing in the future, please don't say it in front of Lin Lin.

What is biological or not? They are both my and your father's biological sons.

Did you hear that??"

"I heard!"Bobo dragged out these three words for a long time.

"You are almost graduating from college!

Still a baby with a temper! Xiaoqian said with a smile.

As soon as Xiaoqian finished speaking, Lin Lin ran upstairs and said,"Mom!"

Xiaoqiong is about to give birth, and I have already taken her to the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital in a car.

Her mother is already there.

Go check it out quickly!"

Bobo said happily;"I have only been an uncle for half a year, and now I am going to be an uncle again.

Can I follow my mother to see my sister-in-law?"

Xiaoqian said:"Don't be impatient!

Wait until your sister-in-law gives birth to a baby. You can go and see it later."

Xiaoqian packed up all the things she had prepared in advance and followed Lin Lin.

Bobo said:"It would be great if my eldest sister met a mother-in-law like you.

Even the clothes that my nephew will wear after he is born are all ready!"

Honghong said:"When I want to give birth to a baby, my mother will take care of you in the same way." My niece wants to wear clothes, so she has them all ready."

"A mother is a mother and a mother-in-law is a mother-in-law. You cannot separate this relationship.

But I'm just talking, don't be angry!"Bobo said

"Don't talk nonsense with your mouth.

Your eldest sister has just calmed down in the past few days.

You said that your sister-in-law wants to give birth to a nephew for you. Why do you say that?"

"My father can observe the sky and tell fortunes.

I am his son and have the right to inherit.

So I have already made plans to give birth to a nephew for me.

When you grow up, you can follow me and become a doctor."Bobo said

"If it goes as you said, your nephew is so lucky!

After you graduate, I will support you with another five thousand yuan and fly to Dalian to visit your second sister."Lin Lin said

"You have to keep your word. I will graduate in only half a year, and my second sister will get married by then.

I’m afraid this little money is too little!"

It's true:

Bobo is not only good at talking, but also scheming against small wealthy people.

When he was studying, he could ask for money at will, but after graduation, he could only make money on his own.

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