After hearing what Xiaoqiong said to her mother, Xiaoqian said:"Bobo is a naive child. Although he is about to graduate from college, he still has a childish temper.

He is joking when he asks Lin Lin for so much money.

What are you doing? Will you give him so much money?

You can't give him a penny.

If he needs money, his father and I will give him five thousand yuan!

It's not a decimal.

You have worked so hard to earn some money.

Let's keep it. Let’s take care of the child for the next two days!

Besides, we have a lot of money now."

Xiaoqiong said,"Mom, you can’t say that.

You have been suffering for half your life, and now your life is just getting better.

We have plenty of money, and now only Bobo is studying.

Bobo predicts I really admire him for his accuracy.

Lin Lin initially promised to give him five thousand yuan and could not go back on it.

I think it is too little. We should give him double as a reward for his prediction."

"Xiaoqiong is right!

Bobo can really predict the birth of a boy, and Bobo said that when his nephew grows up, he will take him to study medicine, which is really rare." Xiaoqiong's mother said.

Xiaoqian originally wanted to say a few more words to stimulate them, but after hearing what her mother said, she felt suspicious.

He said,"You can say that, I have to thank you!

Bobo will graduate soon and start working, so you don’t need to worry about it!"

Lin Lin said:"When Bobo graduates, he must be sent to this province, and he cannot be sent to a place as far away as Yanyan.

When mom and dad are sick, he can take care of them and treat them. We can only provide money if we ask for it, and we can only rely on brother Xiaobo for medical treatment."


With him as a doctor nearby, no matter whether the elderly or children are sick, they can get timely treatment quickly.

Unlike Yang Jie, when her father took Honghong to Qujing Maternity and Children's Hospital when she was seriously ill, the doctor said that the registration was full. , and come back to see it the next day.

If my baby were like this,

I would be so angry that I would faint.

If you have a relative who is a doctor in the hospital, you will not encounter this situation."Xiao Qiong said

"Stop talking!

If, like Yan Yan, he doesn't want to come to Kunming and wants to stay in Guangzhou, he won't be able to please him."

Xiaoqiong's mother said

"Dare she come back?

If he insists on staying in Guangzhou, I will drag him back with a rope.

I have flown to Dalian to raise a daughter. If I raise a son and don’t return to my side, it means I raised him in vain! Xiaoqian said excitedly.

Lin Lin said;"Mom!"

Don't worry!

There is still half a year to go. Let’s talk about it later.

I have my own way to get him to come back to Kunming.

I am his brother, how dare he disobey me!

Even if I drag him onto a plane or a train, I will drag him back.

If my aunt is a leader at Kunyang Medical College and asks him to place him in the department he studies at the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunyang Medical College, he will come."


The mother-in-law must also be mentally prepared. What if she is really left in Guangzhou?"Xiaoqiong's mother said


Half a year later, He Bo graduated and was assigned to intern at Guangzhou Cancer Hospital.

He majored in imaging and worked with CDs and magnetic resonance machines.

Because of He Bo's excellent grades in school, he went to Guangzhou Cancer Hospital for an internship. Just be the internship team leader.

Guangzhou Cancer Hospital is a very well-known hospital in Guangzhou.

All kinds of talents gather together, all kinds of equipment are complete, and they are connected with the Australian Cancer Hospital to communicate with each other.

Most foreigners who come to Guangzhou for business are hospitalized here.

After a period of internship, the director of the imaging department took a fancy to He Bo. He was asked to stay and work in the hospital after his internship.

He Bo was very happy.

After the interview with the vice president, it was decided to keep him working in the imaging department of the hospital.

When he called home with this great news. But it caused different reactions from mom and dad.

It’s true; even before graduation, we were arguing about He Bo’s division of labor.

It’s really rare to be able to stay in Guangzhou after graduation.

But things went counterproductive, and I don’t know how the mother and son ended up.

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